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Nintendo 3DS



  • Ok, I've added everyone here ( I think) so if you add...


    ... It should auto accept.
  • I've gotten around to adding everyone in the thread (my code's just above), so friend me if you want to.
  • WHERE IS MY ANIMAL CROSSING: NEW LEAF? June is so far away! But that's probably good because I still need to finish the games I have.

    Also my 3DS is kawaii! :3


    I am usually not one for skins on my hand helds, but the gelaskins made by 3M are high quality.
    Shitload of other 3DS announcements during today's Nintendo Direct as well. Harmoknight coming next month BTW.
  • Mario golf is my jam. I still want to get Mario tennis.
  • Friend code is 1993-7403-9045
    I'll probably add you people later.
  • 3DS is basically the best console there is right now. I'm playing Fire Emblem: Awakening, Etrian Odyssey IV, and Liberation Maiden. HarmoKnight comes out next week and I'll be playing that too.
  • The 3DS has pretty much been my go-to gaming system for the past six months now. Ever since New Super Mario Bros. 2 came out, I've been picking up a healthy stream of releases for it, like Fire Emblem: Awakening, Unchained Blades, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Harvest Moon, Castlevania, etc. And with Monster Hunter 3, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, and Pokémon coming out in the not-too-distant future, I'm pretty sure this system is going to get more playtime than most systems I've owned.

    Pokémon cannot come soon enough, though. Oh my goodness, my excitement for Gen 6.
  • The 3DS has pretty much been my go-to gaming system for the past six months now. Ever since New Super Mario Bros. 2 came out, I've been picking up a healthy stream of releases for it, like Fire Emblem: Awakening, Unchained Blades, Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Harvest Moon, Castlevania, etc. And with Monster Hunter 3, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, and Pokémon coming out in the not-too-distant future, I'm pretty sure this system is going to get more playtime than most systems I've owned.

    Pokémon cannot come soon enough, though. Oh my goodness, my excitement for Gen 6.
    If you like those games you listed, you seem to enjoy the more "hardcore" titles the 3DS has to offer. Let me heartily recommend Virtue's Last Reward, the sequel to 999 on the DS.

    An escape the rooms type game, wrapped up in a quirky Japanese Battle Royale type story.

    You don't need to play 999 first. It's fairly self contained and you can always go back. VLR is also much refined over 999, easier to navigate the story branches.

    Just watch out for the save bug :)

  • I am seriously considering upgrading to the new Pikachu 3D XL if only because of the battery alone.
    Also, it looks pretty awesome.
  • If you like those games you listed, you seem to enjoy the more "hardcore" titles the 3DS has to offer. Let me heartily recommend Virtue's Last Reward, the sequel to 999 on the DS.

    An escape the rooms type game, wrapped up in a quirky Japanese Battle Royale type story.

    You don't need to play 999 first. It's fairly self contained and you can always go back. VLR is also much refined over 999, easier to navigate the story branches.

    Just watch out for the save bug :)

    I have not played 999 yet, but I've been interested in picking it and Virtue's Last Reward up. I'm definitely all about the hardcore games, though, so thanks for the suggestion! If I can get it shipped here for cheap, I'll definitely buy it and let you know what I think.

    I'm considering putting off my purchase of MH3 right now since people say it's slower-paced and very involved, which is a bit difficult for me to focus on right now since I mainly play the 3DS during work commutes. Has anybody here picked it up yet? If so, what're your early impressions?
  • From the demo, that was my impression. I wasn't too into it.

    Gonna throw out another recommendation for Etrian Odyssey IV though.
  • Gonna throw out another recommendation for Etrian Odyssey IV though.
    I've been on the fence about Etrian Odyssey IV. On the one hand, I like dungeons crawlers and all, but I really disliked the demo giving me a team of characters that basically had no individual personality. I don't know if the rest of the game is like that, but having to build the team and name them and change their colors slightly was kind of off-putting for me. Does it get more involved? Or at least, do my characters even have real lines of dialogue? That's one of the reasons why I still haven't finished DQ9. :/
  • edited March 2013
    Your party characters basically have no in-game personality and it's pretty much left up to your imagination. Though you do grow more fond of them as the game goes on, and the NPCs are awesome. I really think looking at it as an RPG does it a disservice. It's more of an exploration-puzzler.

    To paraphrase an official Etrian Odyssey comic, the thin story is meant to revive your dead imagination.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If it's dungeon crawlers you like I've heard that Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers: These Games Have Too Many Subtitles is coming to US sometime soonish. That probably helps if one hungers for dungeon crawlers.
  • Etrian Odyssey is a hard core dungeon crawler where every skill point you allocate could be the difference between life or death.

    I've played 2 and 3, loved them.

    I'll get EO4 on day of PAL release.
  • I have pretty broad tastes and love trying new things, so I always wanted to know what was up with Monster Hunter, and to see just why it is so damn popular in Japan. I downloaded the MH3U demo for Wii U and I'm pretty sure I'm OK to pass on this series.

    So after an hour of play, I was not really impressed at all, and have arrived at the following crude conclusion: I am now convinced that the MH franchise is only popular b/c so many people have developed a massive amount of arcane knowledge on how to succeed in this janky-ass game system, and the multiplayer allows them to participate in a large elite circle-jerk.
  • If anyone wants to add me, my friend code is 4398 9309 8686.
  • Ive heard it's a lot like the dark souls/demon's souls series. People think it's way more intense than it really is. I've never played them but I know a couple friends who have played them and there isn't that much to the games. It's just that the game is kinda shit about telling you stuff. Theres a lot of knowledge on the game but you don't need to know everything. Theres a shitload of stuff in Dark Souls too but you don't need to know that either, just figure out something you want to try and research it.

    It's not for everyone for sure, but you sound like you're just pouting because it's not for you.
  • I upgraded!
    It is pretty awesome! :D
  • I have been playing a shitload of 3ds when I'm not playing PC.
  • edited April 2013
    I'm losing my shit over this new Mario & Luigi and ....


    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Earthbound on VC!
  • Must avoid the temptation.

  • It says right there, "Get Excited!"
  • Link to the Past sequel. That is all.
  • Link to the Past sequel. That is all.
    AKA: The straw that broke the motherfuckin' camel's back.
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