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Nintendo 3DS



  • Welcome to the club, Scott.
  • Noooo Why can't Earthbound be on 3DS...VC
  • Way back, what did I say?

    "I'll wait until there are actual games for this thing."

  • Fire Emblem: Awakening was an actual game :-p
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening is my life.
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening is my life.
    I AM Fire Emblem: Awakening.
  • Fire Emblem was my life before it was cool.
  • Rym hates Fire Emblem.
  • Linkigi now hates Rym.
  • Monster Hunter? That's a real game.
  • I don't get why Nintendo doesn't have these games set to release earlier. LETS JUST RELEASE NON INTERESTING CONTENT. Don't worry, the interesting stuff will come like... a couple years later.
  • Really liking Advanced Wars, I can understand why Rym hates Fire Emblem. At some level I hate it too, but for some reason I also love it.
  • Really liking Advanced Wars, I can understand why Rym hates Fire Emblem. At some level I hate it too, but for some reason I also love it.
    The dating sim.
  • edited April 2013
    My problem is with how units move in the game and because units don't have any zone of control, an enemy just walks right by your front line and kills your healer or weak unit. Which is silly in a game where everyone has personalities and one hit can kill a character. I can't tell you how many times a unit appears as a reinforcement within attacking distance and kills one of my vital units before I can do anything, bypassing my defensive line. Also because of leveling you can just level past difficulty.

    I love Fire Emblem, but almost every time I turn the game off and nearly throw the 3DS it's because of BS in that game.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited April 2013
    I don't think units can walk through your characters. You just need to prepare for them to move in much like advanced wars. Plus they show you the front line which eliminates checking all units move radius. I've had reinforcements show up and fuck me up too but that just sort of plays into the possibility that you may become surrounded and should prepare.

    The leveling does make it a bit different but thankfully they allowed you to effectively level as much as you want in this one which helps alleviate some of the difficulty.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited April 2013
    Not if they come in as reinforcements and are able to move the same turn they appear.

    My point is if you have two units with one space between them. The Enemy can walk right through that area and get back to your other units without any negative effect and one shot a weak unit. When you only have 6ish units on a map, your defensive line can not be very complete. I'd argue anyone who zooms through the game is just spending a lot of time leveling their guys and grinding. (also note I play on hard with perma-death)

    but anyway I bet it's those things that piss Rym off. See Advanced war has the fog of war which effectively prevents units from nailing your defensive units since even with gaps in the line you probably can't see much past it as well Terran like forests hiding units which gives more strategy to a defense.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • edited April 2013
    My point is if you have two units with one space between them. The Enemy can walk right through that area and get back to your other units without any negative effect and one shot a weak unit.
    Hmm I've never experienced this. I'm always really careful to make sure my healers aren't anywhere near combat but I've never had enemies "breach my defenses" in that manner.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • That's like, literally every SRPG ever, though. I've never heard of an SRPG with AoO.
  • I've had that problem with EVERY Fire Emblem, like I said. I enjoy Fire Emblem, but it's a deeply flawed turn based Strategy game compared to something like Advanced Wars.
  • The part that confuses me is that I don't remember any of your gripes being solved with Advanced Wars. Granted I haven't played one of those games in like 4 years but I dont remember there being any AoO in that series either.
  • edited April 2013
    Fog of war and terrain effects (like forests hiding units unless another unit is one away or a radar unit is near by) alleviates the AoO problems. Also making it so ranged units can't move and attack at the same time helps. As well as making it so there are attacks that can hit more then 2 spaces away.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yoshi's Island 3DS!

    I just played the original Yoshi's Island to 100% completion last year.

    I know Scott mentioned Wario 2 in the latest GK as the best 2D platformer but to me, Yoshi's Island is THE BEST.

    And Luigi Dream Team is insta-purchase for me too. I own and play all of those "Paper Mario" type games. One of my favourite series.
  • Yoshi Island DS was a trap, it appeared to be a good game but turned into a pile of shit, need to wait to see it in action.
  • Yoshi Island DS was a trap, it appeared to be a good game but turned into a pile of shit, need to wait to see it in action.
    Oh, that is true :(

    However, if they just stick to the beautiful 3D screen, we could be in for a treat.

  • While I don't have a 3DS yet, I do plan on getting a 3DS XL when I get the money/ when the right special edition comes out. I did get a new DSi XL the other day though and I'm in the market for a new piracy cart. What's a good one for DSi/3DS, and where is a good place to buy it? I got my old R4 back when they sold them on dealextreme but now I can only seem to find them on sheisty sites that are either untrusted or just outright broken.
  • I don't think 3DS has a good reliable piracy card that is as good as the ones for the DS.
  • There's no piracy cards that operate in 3DS mode, at least when I checked a few months ago. The Cyclo will work on the 3DS in DSi mode, though. Again, at least last I checked.
  • edited April 2013
    There's no piracy cards that operate in 3DS mode, at least when I checked a few months ago. The Cyclo will work on the 3DS in DSi mode, though. Again, at least last I checked.
    Oh! Apparently my Acekard 2i will work on 3DS as long as I update its firmware and do not update the 3DS firmware too much.

    But will GBA roms work? I'll probably just keep my piracy card in my DS Lite to be safe.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I can't imagine getting an XL. It seems huge.
  • I can't imagine getting an XL. It seems huge.
    I can because I mostly use the DS before going to bed, so the bigger size will be beneficial and not detrimental. I do wish they would release a 3DS lite, though.
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