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Nintendo 3DS



  • Metroid on the NES was tough. I remember playing it and writing down the continue codes.

    I have it on my 3DS and I had forgotten how tough the health system is. If you die you only come back with 30 health. You can have five tanks and it does not matter. Being low on health means grinding low level enemies hoping for health drops.
  • Metroid on the NES was tough. I remember playing it and writing down the continue codes.

    I have it on my 3DS and I had forgotten how tough the health system is. If you die you only come back with 30 health. You can have five tanks and it does not matter. Being low on health means grinding low level enemies hoping for health drops.
    Yeah, I vaguely remember having a similarly hard time getting through that game. I know it's a classic, and I know I should beat it just to say I did, but I just can't force myself.

    I want them to bring out The Goonies II on virtual console. That was another game I kept hitting a wall and couldn't beat, but I think I'd be motivated enough to finish it now that I'm a slightly smarter adult.
  • Pete and I are literally buying 3DSs just to play the new Pokemon when it comes out. Which ones should we get?
  • Pete and I are literally buying 3DSs just to play the new Pokemon when it comes out. Which ones should we get?
    There's only two choices, regular or XL.
  • Pete and I are literally buying 3DSs just to play the new Pokemon when it comes out. Which ones should we get?
    There's only two choices, regular or XL.

    I will get a regular, and he will get an XL. Almost assuredly. Cosmetics is the only factor.

  • Pete and I are literally buying 3DSs just to play the new Pokemon when it comes out. Which ones should we get?
    There's only two choices, regular or XL.
  • Regular 3DS is in Purple, Red, Blue, or Black.

    Not sure about XL.

    Also, lots of special edition XL's getting announced.

    ALSO, lots of cases for 3DS to change design.
  • edited May 2013
    I will get a regular, and he will get an XL. Almost assuredly. Cosmetics is the only factor.
    Isn't it only red, blue, or the Pokemon yellow one? I have the red one and gelaskined that bitch up.

    Edit: My only gripe with the gelaskin in with the skin around the circle pad. It doesn't full stay down and sometimes it gets in the way. I just have to press it down again to be able to not get any interference.

    I thought about getting the Animal Crossing 3DSXL, but the mostly white color bothers me.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Is there still Zelda ones?
  • Those were limited edition. I have one, but I don't think they're sold (aside from random extras somewhere or grabbing 'em online from other sellers).
  • I have the Fire Emblem: Awakening limited edition 3DS. It has a blue gradient and is slightly sparkly.
    I will get a regular, and he will get an XL. Almost assuredly. Cosmetics is the only factor.
    Isn't it only red, blue, or the Pokemon yellow one?
    Haha, no. Feast your eyes. Also the cases for the XL are easily replaceable(almost like the GB micro) so you can get custom plates for them.
  • Man, Nintendo needs to stop being so exclusive on those colors, and either only to Japan or Japan first!
  • You may be able to find a 3DS XL with Mario Kart pre-installed, but they may not be around anymore. They were around for the holidays, and I got one for my wife at Best Buy on the cheap (on sale plus a coupon)
  • edited May 2013
    Not a fan of the digital-only release. They're probably going to release it at full retail price, which so far I've held off on buying digital at retail price (a license is worth less than a physical product). I really don't want to break that streak, but Phoenix Wright is a hard thing to pass up.

    On the other hand, where the hell is Layton vs Ace Attorney? Wasn't Ace Attorney 5 announced after Layton vs Ace Attorney had already been released in Japan, yet there's still no word on localization?
    Post edited by Tesla on
  • On the other hand, where the hell is Layton vs Ace Attorney? Wasn't Ace Attorney 5 announced after Layton vs Ace Attorney had already been released in Japan, yet there's still no word on localization?
    Probably in the same place as the Miles Edgeworth investigations 2, never coming out of Japan.

  • On the other hand, where the hell is Layton vs Ace Attorney? Wasn't Ace Attorney 5 announced after Layton vs Ace Attorney had already been released in Japan, yet there's still no word on localization?
    Probably in the same place as the Miles Edgeworth investigations 2, never coming out of Japan.

    I would resign myself to that, but Level 5 has discussed localization more than once... then it just fell off the table.

  • There's a red and white 3DS coming out with the new Pokemon, but I don't think its an XL.

    Not a fan of the digital-only release. They're probably going to release it at full retail price, which so far I've held off on buying digital at retail price (a license is worth less than a physical product). I really don't want to break that streak, but Phoenix Wright is a hard thing to pass up.
    Honestly, that's the silliest objection I've heard in a long time. A game is a game is a game.
    Not a fan of the digital-only release. They're probably going to release it at full retail price, which so far I've held off on buying digital at retail price (a license is worth less than a physical product). I really don't want to break that streak, but Phoenix Wright is a hard thing to pass up.
    Honestly, that's the silliest objection I've heard in a long time. A game is a game is a game.
    Eh i'm not a big fan of the digital only releases either. Its not so much of an issue now, but in a few years I could see their being issues when the servers are no longer up and you want it on another device or there is a game you want that was download only. I'm not above hacking, but I'd rather just be able to buy a physical game. The reason I don't have an issue with steam is because a pc is a pc is a pc and steam is so big that if shit went down you can be sure someone would come up with a fix.
  • edited May 2013
    Honestly, that's the silliest objection I've heard in a long time. A game is a game is a game.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to digital releases. I just don't think it merits the same price as a retail game, at least in the current climate. A retail game you own, physically. No DRM, no issues with transferability, you can loan it out, etc. Plus, there's no middleman on a digital release. No packaging, store, or shipping to pay. All that together, to me, doesn't merit the same price. If they'd drop it some percent (like how some console games on PC launch at $50, instead of $60), I'd consider it an even tradeoff and buy more games that way.

    Post edited by Tesla on
  • Maybe it's just years of steam that have softened me up, but honestly? Couldn't be arsed to care. I'm paying with my money for the game, not for some theoretical idea of how things should be. If anything, I want to support digital downloads, as that means that companies will go there, rather than supporting rip-off pawnshops like GameStop.
  • Is there some way for people to get the digital release to a 3DS onto a computer and decrypt/emulate that shit? That bullshit if some game were to disappear from the world when they stop supporting it.

    It's even more bullshit with the 3D. Nintendo has always tried to use wacky peripherals as an anti-piracy device. Yeah, you copied that Wii game to your PC, but how are you gonna play it without a Wiimote? How are you gonna play that Wii U game without the Wii U pad? How are you gonna emulate that DS game without two screens one of which is a touch screen?
  • That's fair. I would definitely like a complete adoption of digital downloads (my Steam library is proof enough), I'm just voting with my wallet, if you will. If it's cheaper than retail, I'll buy it that way (which does occasionally happen).
  • It's even more bullshit with the 3D. Nintendo has always tried to use wacky peripherals as an anti-piracy device. Yeah, you copied that Wii game to your PC, but how are you gonna play it without a Wiimote? How are you gonna play that Wii U game without the Wii U pad? How are you gonna emulate that DS game without two screens one of which is a touch screen?
    Actually that only works with some games. I've had a lot of sucsess emulating Wii and using mouse as a pointer, instead of wiimote. Not to mention there are ways to connect a wiimote to your computer.
    Same with DS and two screens, many times touching bottom screen is not needed and when it is, mouse does fine.
  • edited May 2013
    Is there some way for people to get the digital release to a 3DS onto a computer and decrypt/emulate that shit? That bullshit if some game were to disappear from the world when they stop supporting it.

    It's even more bullshit with the 3D. Nintendo has always tried to use wacky peripherals as an anti-piracy device. Yeah, you copied that Wii game to your PC, but how are you gonna play it without a Wiimote? How are you gonna play that Wii U game without the Wii U pad? How are you gonna emulate that DS game without two screens one of which is a touch screen?
    There's DS emulators that use the mouse on the bottom screen, and they've already hooked Wiimotes and Wii U pads up to computers. It's just Bluetooth.

    EDIT: Also, you calmed down with such complaints with Steam, which has the same issues. I suppose I trust Valve to do the right thing more than Nintendo, but I still have several thousand dollars worth of video games that would go away if Valve went out of business.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Is there some way for people to get the digital release to a 3DS onto a computer and decrypt/emulate that shit? That bullshit if some game were to disappear from the world when they stop supporting it.
    I sure hope so. At least we know that the physical ones can get ripped, but I doubt the 3DS emulators are very great. I remember trying a DS emulator back when it first came out and man was it shitty. Hopefully the piracy carts will catch up soon. Really that's my ideal digital download. I can buy the games I want phyiscally and if I want them all on my DS I can always just download the ROM. I'm considering doing that with many of the games I already own just for convenience, especially since you can transfer over save files now.
  • edited May 2013
    Newsflash, Nintendo carts are fucking expensive to purchase for production. The game probably just wouldn't come to America if it wasn't for digital downloads.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Newsflash, Nintendo carts are fucking expensive to purchase for production. The game probably just wouldn't come to America if it wasn't for digital downloads.
    This. All "voting with your dollar" is going to get you is no more Phoenix Wright games released in English.
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