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Nintendo 3DS



  • edited May 2013
    The three Guild01 games are still on sale through the end of May if you're worried about $5 versus $7
    Hmmmm. Is there a way to demo?
    I don't think so. The only one that's must-have is Crimson Shroud. They're all by Level-5 Studios, though, so they're all good.

    Basically, the only E-Shop must-haves are The "Denpa" Men, Pushmo, and Crimson Shroud.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Denpa Men and Crimson Shroud look like JRPGs. How could anything in that genre be a must-have?
  • edited May 2013
    I wouldn't say Crimson Shroud is a must-have at all. Especially if you're dead set against JRPGs. I think the one that would most suit you is Aero Porter, and it's the cheapest ($3). That game has a wicked difficulty curve, and definitely scratches the fast-paced puzzle game itch.

    Liberation Maiden is cool, and I'm usually up for giving anything from Suda51 a try, but the game is mind-numbingly easy.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Denpa Men and Crimson Shroud look like JRPGs. How could anything in that genre be a must-have?
    *shots fired*
  • Denpa Men and Crimson Shroud look like JRPGs. How could anything in that genre be a must-have?
    Denpa Men is quirky and more Pikmen-esque. Crimson Shroud is more like a DnD game.

    Denpa Men, at the very least, has a demo with save data transfer. Give it like ten minutes. If you hate it, you hate it. If you like it, you don't have to play those ten minutes again.
  • I've got 7 3DS games on cartridges not counting regular DS games I still never finished playing, so I'm in no rush to buy any untrustworthy 3DS digital games unless they are truly must-haves. Is there any Picross up ins?
  • Damn it. Tennis.. Maybe I'll buy a 3Ds before AB.
  • I've got 7 3DS games on cartridges not counting regular DS games I still never finished playing, so I'm in no rush to buy any untrustworthy 3DS digital games unless they are truly must-haves. Is there any Picross up ins?
    There's Mario's Picross for the original GB on the eShop. What seven games did you get?
  • Damn it. Tennis.. Maybe I'll buy a 3Ds before AB.
    If we play all wirelessly, no worries about being "on top".
  • Damn it. Tennis.. Maybe I'll buy a 3Ds before AB.
    If we play all wirelessly, no worries about being "on top".
    Good. I prefer to be on the bottom.
  • I've got 7 3DS games on cartridges not counting regular DS games I still never finished playing, so I'm in no rush to buy any untrustworthy 3DS digital games unless they are truly must-haves. Is there any Picross up ins?
    Damn, 7 games, nothing like going all in.

  • I've got 7 3DS games on cartridges not counting regular DS games I still never finished playing, so I'm in no rush to buy any untrustworthy 3DS digital games unless they are truly must-haves. Is there any Picross up ins?
    There's Mario's Picross for the original GB on the eShop. What seven games did you get?
    Adventure Time
    5 Mario games: Kart, Tennis, 3D Land, Paper, and New Mario Bros.

    I can emulate original Mario Picross. Not paying for it.

    The only ones I will probably keep are Tennis and Kart. The other ones will go once I beat them probably. Plan to get Ace Attorney, Zero Escape, Mario & Luigi Dream Team in the future. Maybe I'll get Fire Emblem, but probably not. If I ever beat Pokemon Black, I'll get Black 2. If I ever beat that, I'll get X/Y. Probably Y, because I have a penis.
  • Yeah, you should be good for a while. I burned through NSMB2 in about a day and a half. It wasn't bad, just painfully easy.
  • I've got 7 3DS games on cartridges not counting regular DS games I still never finished playing, so I'm in no rush to buy any untrustworthy 3DS digital games unless they are truly must-haves. Is there any Picross up ins?
    Damn, 7 games, nothing like going all in.

    If a console doesn't have many games worth playing, why get it at all? If you get a console, you actually have to get and play all those games to get your money's worth.

    Person A: What games does console X have that no other platform has that are worth playing?

    Person B: Games A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

    Person A: But you only bought game C.

    Person B: Yeah...

    Person A: So you just paid hundreds of dollars for Game C?

    Person B: ...

    You actually get more value buying more games. Even though each game costs more money, the cost of the console is divided across the games.
  • edited May 2013
    At the risk of this turning into the most pointless debate of all time, I will respond. The cost of the console is divided across all of the games that you purchase over the life of the console.

    I'm not saying you did something wrong by purchasing 7 games up front. Anyone who owns a 3DS should buy all 7 of those at some point or another, and you clearly have the disposable income to "go all in" as I was saying.

    My personal habits are to buy 2 or 3 at a time. Experience has taught me buying too much at once can cause my excitement for something can whittle away if it gets lost in the shuffle. If I really do want games 3, 4, or 5, I'll get them when I'm ready and can even keep an eye out for deals in the meantime. This is coming from someone with a huge stack of unplayed games :)

    You'll love Mario 3D Land. That game is a beauty. Just don't get discouraged by the joke difficulty. It definitely gets better, and you'll love the end of the game.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • You actually get more value buying more games. Even though each game costs more money, the cost of the console is divided across the games.
    Unless the system is super hackable like PSP and you are a dirty pirate like me. I've gotten plenty of value out of my PSP without buying PSP games.

  • You'll love Mario 3D Land. That game is a beauty. Just don't get discouraged by the joke difficulty. It definitely gets better, and you'll love the end of the game.
    I expect all Nintendo games to have joke difficulty early on, but actual difficulty late. I was worried because I beat Mario Tennis Mushroom and Fire cups on the subway this morning without giving up a single point. Then I played an exhibition on hardest hard mode and couldn't even score a point.
  • You actually get more value buying more games. Even though each game costs more money, the cost of the console is divided across the games.
    Unless the system is super hackable like PSP and you are a dirty pirate like me. I've gotten plenty of value out of my PSP without buying PSP games.

    Still waiting for 3DS piracy.

  • edited May 2013
    I love how Scott's Scenario is like a poorly written morality play.

    More likely to ever actually occur, anywhere, ever*:

    Person A: What games does console X have that no other platform has that are worth playing?

    Person B: Games A, B, C, D, E, F, and G.

    Person A: But you only bought game C.

    Person B: Yeah, I can't afford to buy seven games at once. I'm going to finish C before I buy many others. I think I'll go for B or G next, but I might go for D, it depends how I feel later on when I can afford it or justify the purchase.

    Person A: Oh yeah, true. Fair enough, aye, not like they're going to vanish forever if you don't have them RIGHT NOW. No worries, dude.

    Person B: Yeah man, that's it. Wanna play something while we're hanging out?

    Person A: Sure, why not!

    Bonus unrealistic-but-honest alternate ending

    Person A: So you just paid hundreds of dollars for Game C?

    Person B: No, of course not. That's fucking stupid, what are you even talking about. I bought it to play games A, B, C, D, E, F and G, even though I might not buy them all at the same time, along with the games in the future which will be up my alley, but I don't know about or don't exist yet, along with features 1, 2, 3, and 4. Seriously, is that what you think? How fucking stupid are you, mate, do you even think for a moment about what you say before you say it?

    *- Well, except for the bit where it still sounds terrible because writing dialog isn't really my greatest strength.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited May 2013
    Scott, Did you get a 3DS XL?

    For those sweet sweet bedtime sessions?

    Also, Virtue's Last Reward! Great game if you have played 999, which you have.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Scott, Did you get a 3DS XL?

    For those sweet sweet bedtime sessions?

    Also, Virtue's Last Reward! Great game if you have played 999, which you have.
    Yeah, I got XL since 99% of the time I use it in bed. I already mentioned Zero Escape.
  • Scott, Did you get a 3DS XL?

    For those sweet sweet bedtime sessions?

    Also, Virtue's Last Reward! Great game if you have played 999, which you have.
    Yeah, I got XL since 99% of the time I use it in bed. I already mentioned Zero Escape.

    So either a geekbite, or depending on Rym, an actual 3DS show at some point!

  • Scott, Did you get a 3DS XL?

    For those sweet sweet bedtime sessions?

    Also, Virtue's Last Reward! Great game if you have played 999, which you have.
    Yeah, I got XL since 99% of the time I use it in bed. I already mentioned Zero Escape.

    So either a geekbite, or depending on Rym, an actual 3DS show at some point!

    I mentioned that I wouldn't buy Zero Escape until later.
  • Scott, Did you get a 3DS XL?

    For those sweet sweet bedtime sessions?

    Also, Virtue's Last Reward! Great game if you have played 999, which you have.
    Yeah, I got XL since 99% of the time I use it in bed. I already mentioned Zero Escape.

    So either a geekbite, or depending on Rym, an actual 3DS show at some point!

    I mentioned that I wouldn't buy Zero Escape until later.
    Iv'e seen it cheap. It will be easy to pick up later.

  • edited May 2013
    Kid Icarus: Uprising is must-have. Pick it up for cheap sometime down the line. Seems like every Masahiro Sakurai innovative masterpiece besides SSB gets super panned by critics and I don't understand it at all. NSMB2 is a waste of time. Pushmo is a great, adorable first-party puzzle game with infinite playability and definitely worth it if it goes on sale again. I love the quirky guild01 games but they're not worth picking up if you're not already interested in them.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • If anything Scott, you best take your 3DS to Anime Boston for all the Mii Plaza Street Passes! Get those puzzles and hats! Just need to make sure you create your own personal Mii avatar.
  • If anything Scott, you best take your 3DS to Anime Boston for all the Mii Plaza Street Passes! Get those puzzles and hats! Just need to make sure you create your own personal Mii avatar.
    Yeah, I don't really care about puzzles or hats.
  • You are no fun. D:
  • The little Mii RPG game is a lot of fun. At least to me. XD
  • Denpa Men and Crimson Shroud look like JRPGs. How could anything in that genre be a must-have?
    Final Fantasy VI?
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