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Nintendo 3DS



  • You don't have to. It's good to do during downtime or waiting in lines at conventions. Plus it's fun to see where people are from as well as what they have to say in their greeting.
  • I might be confused about a higher limit. Might have just been checking it often and did not notice it was a daily cumulative counter.
  • Did Nintendo ever say why they nerfed streetpass down to ten contacts at a time?
    It's limited to ten?

    Well, I think I'll just turn it off.
    It's only limited to ten for StreetPass Plaza (Puzzle Swap and Find Mii). Any other game that uses streetpass can (and does) have it's own limit and way of retreving streetpassed information. For example, Monster Hunter lets you get 50 guild cards before you have to empty the bin.
  • When I went to the Wii U launch at Nintendo World Store, they gave prizes out if you had highest number of streetpass tags, highest number of miis in your plaza, etc. Some dudes won with a few thousand of each.
  • Street Pass Tags: 1615
    Mii Plaza Population: 822
  • Street Pass Tags: 1615
    Mii Plaza Population: 822
    Good god.
  • I lost all tolerance for busy activities long ago.

    If Miis were passive, and once a month I could run my thousand through that dungeon, awesome. But if I have to clear the queue every time I hit ten, it's too annoying to bother with. It makes me poke my tamogotchi on a regular basis. Fuck that. ;^)
  • yea if I am in line I can get one of my characters killed in Fire Emblem and Throw the 3DS across the room and move up in line after everyone runs to get it.
  • Street Pass Tags: 1615
    Mii Plaza Population: 822
    Good god.
    Jeremy has more. There were times at various PAXes that I just got lazy and stopped checking.
  • edited May 2013
    3DS H4X?
    Running pirated 3DS games is one thing. Call me when it can run emulators like my Acekard 2i. Full GB, NES, SNES, and Genesis, library on the go with some GBA and NDS thrown in for good measure.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited May 2013
    I just want to break the region lock.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • I'm more interested in loading things to the internal SD card.
  • edited May 2013
    EDIT: Never mind.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I have friended all.

  • I've meet 287 at Anime Boston alone, it is just 10 at a time. Which makes Find Mii that much more annoying since it won't let me customize the order.

    you can send them to the back of the line
  • However, it doesn't work when you run into any of the following rooms: dark room, fire room, ice room. Your first person will end up walking away.

    This happens to me a lot since I will always get tags from Jeremy and he's level 7. It's pretty much a waste when he goes away. Then I have to hire the appropriate color Miis to clear the initial block in the room.
  • How do you send someone to the back of the line?
  • How do you send someone to the back of the line?
    Select return.
  • Hey, Neito (4811-7270-9978); Suchrihilos (2062-9492-7183); Steve (4167-4488-1619); Matt (1864-8422-9912); & Rubin (4270-1042-8280) you bishes need to confirm friending me!


    I didn't realize I had to add back to confirm, which seems like a weird practice. But it's all set now. Crossing Animals ATM.
  • Because of all of the special E3 Nintendo miis showing up I am going to leave my 3DS home in street pass mode while at work. It is weird because we have two 3DS in the house but we don't always get the same street pass special miis.
  • If you guys don't remember, my friend code is: 3222-5560-5254

    Add me, if you haven't!
  • I think I'm going to play one bullshit game. Since that game can't be Animal Crossing, it will be Rune Factory. I played the first DS one for quite a bit on a piracy card.
  • I think I'm going to play one bullshit game. Since that game can't be Animal Crossing
    (/ _ ; )
  • Your lack of the Crossing makes us very sad.
  • Your lack of the Crossing makes us very sad.
    I did not cross the animals in the GameCube day. I'm not about to start now.
  • Crossing the animals is a bad idea. You want them to like you, especially now that you're the mayor.
  • Which Rune factory? They get massively complicated in later games if you want to do well.
  • Which Rune factory? They get massively complicated in later games if you want to do well.
    Which one did I play in the past, or which one will I play in the future?
  • In the past.
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