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Nintendo 3DS



  • I hear if you register both Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei 4 in Club Nintendo you get 30 eShop dollars.

    Well, it's getting good reviews so I guess I should buy it???
  • What.

    Well, it's getting good reviews so I guess I should buy it???
    Were I American I would be all over that offer. If you just like srpgs and jrpgs at all it seems like a really good offer.

  • This offer does not apply to me. I know I wouldn't play any of those games for that deal. Better of not spending monies. I still have Luigi's Mansion, Paper Mario, Zelda OoT, and Layton on 3DS that needs work on.

    I'm finally kinda learning.
  • Well, I was considering buying SMT4 anyways, so this clinches it. I can spend the eShop money on Mario Kart or something.
  • Bought the mii plaza bundle. I'm so weak! But I'm at a convention right now!
  • edited July 2013
    Whoa. Did not know this is a thing. Will make sure to get before Prime.

    Also lol @Apreche because when he was messing with my 3DS at a PAX, he was saying all the Mii stuff was lame.

    Edit: whoa I just did the update and it finally counts over 99 street tags for players. Jeremy and I have been on "met 99" times for years. It finally said 100.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited July 2013
    Xenoblade and skyward sword puzzles just came over street pass last night.

    Apparently three others dropped in the update too.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • The club Nintendo prizes suck this year.
  • So...just when I almost get all the puzzles...they add four more. Come on Con Bravo, lend me your pieces.
  • I think the four new puzzles dropped too soon before ConnectiCon . as such almost nobody I met had them in their puzzle swap. I think I got ONE of the new puzzle pink pieces.

    Otherwise all of my puzzles are complete except for the four new ones.
  • Shin Megami Tensei IV is currently kicking my ass, holy shit is this game good.
  • What makes it do unique? I'm on the fence about buying it. Is it anything like persona? Is it like a jrpg?
  • Finally caved in and got the new 4 games for Mii Plaza. I figure might as well get 4 at the price of 3. That flower game is so dumb. I can plant and grow flowers in Animal Crossing.

    It's still overall a great idea that Nintendo pushed out. 4 different types of games for people who like different things. Warrior's Way is great because I get 2 tags each day from Jeremy and his plaza population is 900+. :3

    With my commute to Seattle, I get at least 2-3 extra tags to be able to do well in the space and ghost game.

    Also Picross e and Picross e2! YES! Bout time.
  • Picross e2?!?!?! MA MONEH!
  • edited August 2013
    Shin Megami Tensei IV is currently kicking my ass, holy shit is this game good.
    I concur, although it is also a perfect demonstration of the idea that randomness in an RPG is almost always worse for the players. It is super easy to get killed suddenly and unexpectedly, although that is mostly mitigated by the fact that you can save almost constantly and can literally "come back from the dead".

    I've found that leaving my 3DS in my bag at work and carrying it to lunch generates around 5-7 streetpasses per day for me. In particular, there must be at least one person who has one and works near my office, because I tag him literally every day.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • My gf and I went to the Ren Faire in Tuxedo NY this past weekend. She brought hers and I left mine at home. She got 14 street passes and I got none.

    She got good ones too, people had the pink pieces for the four new puzzles and someone had an Animal Crossing House with over 750K points in the HHA!
  • edited August 2013
    It appears the new Mii games are going really well for Nintendo, selling them allowed them to get $4 million within the first month.

    Also I am short about 12 pieces to complete the new puzzles, hopefully Bit Gen this upcoming weekend will correct this...
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I am not going to buy any Mii games. When I run out the puzzles, I'm done.

    They're time wasters at best. Attempting to be addictive. Artificially limited. They're basically Candy Box, except that you have to take an action every time you get ten candies in order to keep getting more candies.
  • I have enough puzzles to last me a good bit. Although Otakon will probably finish several of them if I'm diligent.
  • Mii Force is definitely worth it. It's a straight-up side scrolling shooter, with varying difficulty based on how many people you've collected since last game (people can be plugged into your ship to form new guns or upgrades).

    All of the other new Mii games suck. Flowers is awful. The warlords one sounds neat but it's literally rock paper scissors and they TELL you how to win if you mess around with the slider and get tips. The ghost hunting one is OK I guess but after 3 stages, hasn't engaged me at all.
  • I find the ghost hunting one to be the best of the bunch. The flower one is annoying because the dialog is always there. Why do I need to be told about flower buddies every time someone comes over???
  • Why does nobody like the flower game?

    I think the only problem with the flower game is that it has too much going on. Instead of just letting you get your plant on it tries to teach you bullshit the first 15 times you run it. You've got the garden, the shopping mall, the seed store, the tasks, etc. They tried to do too much with it.

    The warlords one is a braindead game, but it's really fast to play. Great e-peen measurer.

    The ghost hunting one I like a lot. I keep trying to manage people. I'll send people home if they are the wrong color. I think what I might do is dedicate certain floors to certain colors. I'll just make one floor entirely green. Then make the next floor blue. If I get any greens, go down one floor. This will mean throwing away a lot of people early on, but when I eventually have a floor for each color, it will be crazy good.
  • Scott, 15 times? If it stopped at 15 I would be happy. My game tries to teach me the use thing EVERY time I play. I spend more time scrolling through dialog than actually playing the game.
  • I find the ghost hunting one to be the best of the bunch. The flower one is annoying because the dialog is always there. Why do I need to be told about flower buddies every time someone comes over???
    Once you hit 10 he shuts up and is much more streamlined.
    The ghost hunting one is OK I guess but after 3 stages, hasn't engaged me at all.
    This would be best if you brought your 3DS in a major city and play this game while at home before you go to bed, not convention game since it can take over 20 minutes for a group of 10 to optimize your tetris to get orbs and items.
  • They added a new feature to 3DS now where you can get street passes by proxy. Let's say you go to a McDonald's. You'll get street passes from all the other people who were at that McDonald's recently. I'm going to walk past the Nintendo store to see what happens.
  • They added a new feature to 3DS now where you can get street passes by proxy. Let's say you go to a McDonald's. You'll get street passes from all the other people who were at that McDonald's recently. I'm going to walk past the Nintendo store to see what happens.
    I sense a flood coming your way unless they limit it to one.
  • You kids keep playing your candy boxes.
  • The ghost hunting one I like a lot. I keep trying to manage people. I'll send people home if they are the wrong color. I think what I might do is dedicate certain floors to certain colors. I'll just make one floor entirely green. Then make the next floor blue. If I get any greens, go down one floor. This will mean throwing away a lot of people early on, but when I eventually have a floor for each color, it will be crazy good.
    The problem will come in when you do the boss fights with your low level weapons and lack of gems to combine them.

  • The ghost hunting one I like a lot. I keep trying to manage people. I'll send people home if they are the wrong color. I think what I might do is dedicate certain floors to certain colors. I'll just make one floor entirely green. Then make the next floor blue. If I get any greens, go down one floor. This will mean throwing away a lot of people early on, but when I eventually have a floor for each color, it will be crazy good.
    The problem will come in when you do the boss fights with your low level weapons and lack of gems to combine them.

    I have tons of gems and my weapons are very high level.

  • Scott, I play Animal Crossing. I got all the flower/plant growing fix I'll ever need.
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