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WTF of Your Day



  • edited March 2012
    In that analogy, what is defragmentation? Railway spike?
    Actually, probably not. I'm not a neuroscientist, but I imagine a railway spike to the brain would be about as effective at defragmentation as one to a real hard drive. Sadly, no one has been able to figure out how to write a defragger for HumanOS's file system. Hell, it took them 6 years or so to figure out how to write one for NTFS...
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • Aren't some forms of shock therapy kind of like that?
  • WTF: Arizona senate passes bill allowing doctors to not inform women of prenatal issues to prevent abortions

    I'm raging so hard I can't think right now. WHY do they hate us so much?? Why are fetuses so more important than fully grown women??? >.<
  • Virginia Governor also signed that ultrasound requirement bill into account. They put in a provision that lets a woman opt for a non-invasive ultrasound and called it all good. Sometimes I want to let the stupid people have control and move into an underground bunker until they wipe themselves out.
  • Sometimes I want to let the stupid people have control and move into an underground bunker until they wipe themselves out.
    Sigh, I feel the same way. If this crazy stuff spreads to other states, it may be unsafe for women to have babies anymore. (Good luck preventing them though without contraception! Herp derp). The smart ones will realize this and stop having babies, and Idiocracy will happen for realz. This kind of stuff makes me really not want to bring a kid into this world (esp knowing the doctor might let me die). Which is a shame because I bet my kid would be smart and awesome and contribute to tiny pool of smart people left in this world. ;-;
  • WTF: Arizona senate passes bill allowing doctors to not inform women of prenatal issues to prevent abortions

    I'm raging so hard I can't think right now. WHY do they hate us so much?? Why are fetuses so more important than fully grown women??? >.<</p>
    Yet another reason to hate Arizona. I was gonna avoid it over their anti-immigrant laws, partly out of principle and partly because my legal name can easily be mistaken to be Spanish and I don't want to deal with a cop who got up on the wrong side of bed tossing me into jail because of my name, claiming I'm an "illegal." This just adds one more reason to avoid that shithole of a state.
  • You know, it might be "legal," but I think it's still a violation of the medical ethical code. The principles of do no harm and informed consent are both compromised if the doctor doesn't fully disclose the risks of any course of medical action, let alone a pregnancy.
  • Yo, can the US break up? The North East and SoCal can be one country, the former Confederate states plus a few others that would've seceded if they had been states will be another, the midwest a third, and that patch of north-west that doesn't really have a name will be the last.
  • and that patch of north-west that doesn't really have a name will be the last.
    You mean the Pacific Northwest? And why does SoCal have to be with those uptight Northeasterners? Just let us smoke weed and surf while working as freelance concert promoters in peace, maaaan.
  • It's bigger than the Pacific Northwest. Like, Idaho and Montana and shit.
  • WTF: Arizona senate passes bill allowing doctors to not inform women of prenatal issues to prevent abortions

    I'm raging so hard I can't think right now. WHY do they hate us so much?? Why are fetuses so more important than fully grown women??? >.<</p>

    That's it. Glass parking lot. It's the only way.

  • edited March 2012
    and that patch of north-west that doesn't really have a name will be the last.
    You mean the Pacific Northwest? And why does SoCal have to be with those uptight Northeasterners? Just let us smoke weed and surf while working as freelance concert promoters in peace, maaaan.
    *Looks at old Rhode Island driver's license fondly next to his California driver's license, sighs*
    What we need is Seattle (for PAX), New England (MIT, Harvard, Tufts, PAX East, and Hasbro), New York State (RIT, NYC, NYU, RESPECT...), most of California (Fuck You cities that didn't want the high-speed rail!), and Vegas.
    We can be all like, "Hey Canada, How'd you like some more land and awesome people?" And they'd be all, "That's cool by us, eh. Here's some healthcare and beavers."
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Ok fellas, remember that it's those who can't fight for themselves and have done no wrong who would suffer most as a result of giving such states autonomy. Remember why Iraq was invaded?
  • I still say "Fuck you" to those idiots that resist the High-Speed Rail.
  • I still say "Fuck you" to those idiots that resist the High-Speed Rail.
    Have you looked at California's financial problems lately? Do we really have any way of affording a state-of-the-art high speed rail, as cool as that would be?
  • Aren't some forms of shock therapy kind of like that?
    dTCS is an effective brain defrag. It induces a sustained flow state of perfect serenity in which you internal monologue shuts off and the only thing your brain is concerned with is the arrival of a new problem/subject to solve/learn. Neat, huh? I want to buy a dTCS unit once I'm an MD.

  • I still say "Fuck you" to those idiots that resist the High-Speed Rail.
    Have you looked at California's financial problems lately? Do we really have any way of affording a state-of-the-art high speed rail, as cool as that would be?
    I'm aware of the REAL issues with the project, but most of the "reasons" from those people were "It'll ruin the scenery! It'll make too much noise! WAH WAH WAH". I say "Fuck You" to them for THAT.

  • Those people don't know shit about high speed rail. Bullet trains move so fast and with such little friction that their passing is a low-pitched "vooooooooooooooooooooooom" at a distance. Also, they really don't mess with the scenery at all.
  • I sometimes fantasize about a Toronto/NYC/Boston/DC high speed rail. Man, trains are fucking cool.
  • I sometimes fantasize about a Toronto/NYC/Boston/DC high speed rail. Man, trains are fucking cool.
    The railways should be defined by the emerging megalopolises:


    The two links that take precedence are probably Great Lakes - Northeast (due to proximity and the massive amount of industrial and business activity therein) and So/NoCal - Cascadia (due to the distances that need to be covered and the benefits of easy transit between these points.
  • I sometimes fantasize about a Toronto/NYC/Boston/DC high speed rail. Man, trains are fucking cool.
    The railways should be defined by the emerging megalopolises:
    My fantasy is based on places I want to be able to go easily, not what makes most sense for the nation as a whole. It's a fantasy, not an actual political position :P
  • WTF: Arizona senate passes bill allowing doctors to not inform women of prenatal issues to prevent abortions

    I'm raging so hard I can't think right now. WHY do they hate us so much?? Why are fetuses so more important than fully grown women??? >.<</p>
    I live in Arizona, and my wife and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that she is pregnant. We are barely prepared to be parents of a perfectly health child, if we find out that there are major health concerns, we've already discussed what we will do.

    The moment I find a job out of this horrible state, we are leaving. Speaking of which, does anybody have any video production or audiovisual job openings that they can point me to?
  • edited March 2012
    East Coast and West Coast can join Canada, and then it will look like Canada is sitting on an ottoman of stupid.
    edit: I'm sorry, that was mean. I was just talking at dinner about my nice times in Canada, and so I am being cranky because we can't have nice things.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • The moment I find a job out of this horrible state, we are leaving. Speaking of which, does anybody have any video production or audiovisual job openings that they can point me to?
    Are you an editor? What kind of job? Film and TV? I have some friends, I can ask around.
  • East Coast and West Coast can join Canada, and then it will look like Canada is sitting on an ottoman of stupid.
    edit: I'm sorry, that was mean. I was just talking at dinner about my nice times in Canada, and so I am being cranky because we can't have nice things.

    National anthem:

  • edited March 2012
    I sometimes fantasize about a Toronto/NYC/Boston/DC high speed rail. Man, trains are fucking cool.
    The railways should be defined by the emerging megalopolises:
    My fantasy is based on places I want to be able to go easily, not what makes most sense for the nation as a whole. It's a fantasy, not an actual political position :P
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • The moment I find a job out of this horrible state, we are leaving. Speaking of which, does anybody have any video production or audiovisual job openings that they can point me to?
    Are you an editor? What kind of job? Film and TV? I have some friends, I can ask around.
    I'm looking mostly for film/tv, I do edit(exercising my skills since I've had a couple of years away from having a proper edit system available), but I'm currently managing the audiovisual department for the Mesa AZ convention center and the hotel next door.
  • WTF: Arizona senate passes bill allowing doctors to not inform women of prenatal issues to prevent abortions

    I'm raging so hard I can't think right now. WHY do they hate us so much?? Why are fetuses so more important than fully grown women??? >.<</p>
    I live in Arizona, and my wife and I just found out a couple of weeks ago that she is pregnant. We are barely prepared to be parents of a perfectly health child, if we find out that there are major health concerns, we've already discussed what we will do.

    The moment I find a job out of this horrible state, we are leaving. Speaking of which, does anybody have any video production or audiovisual job openings that they can point me to?
    Oh mans, thats scary. However now that I've had time to think rationally about this, I'm sure this bill was created specifically for medical institutions that are against abortion (like the religious ones). I'm sure there are many that still care about their patients and would tell if you there are complications, you'd have to screen them out first I guess. (I don't know though, I've never had a baby so I don't know anything about finding a good baby hospital.)

    If stuff like this keeps up, we might all have to move. ;-;
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