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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • Please tell me that Sherlock II does not end on the same sort of cliffhanger the previous season did. Gosh.
    Nope, it's an entirely different kind of cliffhanger, and I think it's worse then Season One.

  • Please tell me that Sherlock II does not end on the same sort of cliffhanger the previous season did. Gosh.
    I don't think we can confirm or deny this without spoiling the third episode for you, but I'll say that everyone I know loved it.
    Also, I hope that it maintains the slight hoyay! which filled the fujoshi in me with glee.
    I have no idea what you're saying here, but it maintained pretty much everything from the first season. I'd say it's even better than the first.
  • Translation: The terrible fangirl in me liked the occasional moments of slight Holmes/Watson gayness that occurred in the first season.
    I know Adler probably shows up to ruin the mental fanfiction, but still.
  • Smash is what I wanted Glee to be: a TV musical with original songs (along with a few covers). It also does not have high school drama bullshit. It's really amazing, at least the first episode is.
  • edited February 2012
    Watched the first two Sherlock season 2 episodes. I liked them quite a bit. However I was annoyed at a couple of parts in the Hounds of Baskerville.
    They had a bio luminescent rabbit in the episode, which I have done much research into following the Alba thing. Genetically modified rabbits do not have glowing fur. Their ears, eyes, and skin will appear slightly fluorescent under certain lighting conditions. This stretched the truth, but the answer the scientist gave was what annoyed me. When asked "Why?" [make a glowing bunny], she replied "because we can." Baloney! The Jellyfish gene is added as a genetic marker to allow easy identification of whether a gene splice was successful. That "Me am play God" thing is an oversimplification. I am pleased, though, because I got good reference of lab environment that I can use for a project I am doing.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Fuck the ending of season 2 of Sherlock. Seriously, fuck it with a roll of quarters.
  • Shut it, it is based on one of the original stories, the Final Problem, and I liked it a lot. I thought the way they did it was fine, although I didn't like some of the stupid tabloid stuff.
    Also, I liked seeing weepy John. It was sad.
  • Shut it, it is based on one of the original stories, the Final Problem, and I liked it a lot. I thought the way they did it was fine, although I didn't like some of the stupid tabloid stuff.
    Also, I liked seeing weepy John. It was sad.
    My only problem with the ending is that there is not already a season 3. I think I figured out how he did it, though.

  • The cliffhanger at the end of the first season and it's not too exciting conclusion was way worse for me than the ending of the second season.
  • edited February 2012
    They apparently filmed the appropriate scenes for the reveal at the beginning of Season 3 at the same time they filmed that scene of the last episode. I think I got an idea, too, but I have been wrong before.
    Obviously, good old Molly the forensic surgeon helped him out of this one. That scene where he was like "I need you" was out of character, and so I really don't think he was talking about making out. He needed her help and let her in on the whole plot. Other than that, there's the bicyclist and the team of paramedics. I should pause the vid and see if I can recognize anyone. Also, Mycroft is also in on it. In the original story Mycroft is the one who helps him while he is pretending to be dead to everyone. Who better to cover someone's tracks than Mr. Secret Service himself?
    The cliffhanger at the end of the first season and it's not too exciting conclusion was way worse for me than the ending of the second season.
    I know, right? Way to blow an incredibly tense buildup. The pool scene was one of my favorites, and I was waiting for months to see the conclusion to that. I was like "What? That's it? Lame!"
    And where were all those hojillion snipers in the roof of the pool building? Does Moriarty just have this hit squad that follows him like an entourage?
    Also, the scene with the crown jewels and the dancing, I so want to over dub that with the Trololo music. He be trollin' for sure.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Watching new season of Survivor. It's boy tribe vs girl tribe. Guys are being complete cocks so far. On their first challenge one of the women broke her wrist. Guys were in the lead and had the option to finish the challenge or finish it with the women being one down. Guys decided to just take the win and not finish the challenge.
  • Watching new season of Survivor. It's boy tribe vs girl tribe. Guys are being complete cocks so far. On their first challenge one of the women broke her wrist. Guys were in the lead and had the option to finish the challenge or finish it with the women being one down. Guys decided to just take the win and not finish the challenge.
    I disagree, its a guarenteed victory point. By showing mercy you could have lost it. You play to win the game!
  • Looks like there's gonna be a Powers TV show on FX come summer.
  • Looks like there's gonna be a Powers TV show on FX come summer.
    Got a source? Last I heard it was on hold.

  • This stretched the truth, but the answer the scientist gave was what annoyed me. When asked "Why?" [make a glowing bunny], she replied "because we can." Baloney! The Jellyfish gene is added as a genetic marker to allow easy identification of whether a gene splice was successful. That "Me am play God" thing is an oversimplification.
    I don't understand this gripe. Yeah, we use GFP as a marker all the time, but a good deal of initial GFP slices are done "because we can," without any other accompanying splices. That's not so much a write-off as showing that we're proving that a transgenic version of something is possible. Calling it "Me am play God" is the oversimplification here.
  • Got a source? Last I heard it was on hold.
    It was in the latest issue of Powers (Jan 2012, comic time) and Wikipedia agrees.
  • Ahh. I only get the trades of Powers, and I don't really pay attention to those release dates.

    I'm still leary with the actress playing Pilgrim. We shall see.
  • Interesting: There's some speculation over why Steven Colbert suddenly canceled the rest of the week's tapings. Comedy Central is only fueling the conspiracy pool by throwing out an "unforeseen circumstances" blanket.
  • I was wondering why I didn't see a new episode this morning on my Hulu feed. :(
  • Watching new season of Survivor. It's boy tribe vs girl tribe. Guys are being complete cocks so far. On their first challenge one of the women broke her wrist. Guys were in the lead and had the option to finish the challenge or finish it with the women being one down. Guys decided to just take the win and not finish the challenge.
    I disagree, its a guarenteed victory point. By showing mercy you could have lost it. You play to win the game!
    The guys would have won the match as it was they were already in the lead. By agreeing to finish the match. They could have played it up as an act of good will. Which would have given them leverage in their negotiation with the all girl tribe. I'm not saying what they did was wrong. It just that game has barely started and the guys being ruthless in the game so soon. Could come back and bite them in the ass.

  • edited February 2012
    Did anyone talk about the film noir episode of Castle yet? BECAUSE I AM ALL UP IN THAT BUSINESS.

    I don't know who originally told me to watch that show (it was either Viga or Ro, I'm sure. Possibly George), but thank you. It continues to be pretty dang awesome.

    EDIT: Also, we've got about a year's wait for both Sherlock and Doctor Who, and there aren't that many good shows running now. 30 Rock is alright, but the pacing of Walking Dead is way off. :-/
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • EDIT: Also, we've got about a year's wait for both Sherlock and Doctor Who, and there aren't that many good shows running now. 30 Rock is alright, but the pacing of Walking Dead is way off. :-/
    Uhm, why aren't you watching Archer?
  • edited February 2012
    Did anyone talk about the film noir episode of Castle yet? BECAUSE I AM ALL UP IN THAT BUSINESS.

    I don't know who originally told me to watch that show (it was either Viga or Ro, I'm sure. Possibly George), but thank you. It continues to be pretty dang awesome.

    It was one of my favorites. George and I talked about it.

    I think it was George who started watching it. Then I got into it, then I started raving about it, then got more people into it. M'wahahaha.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2012
    Uhm, why aren't you watching Archer?
    My coworker noticed this book on my desk yesterday and told me there was a new season, but I forgot. Thanks for reminding me!

    Also, Ro, it's so polished! The incidental music was a nice touch that I hadn't noticed before.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • That book is fucking wonderful. Have you read the Amazon reviews? (Look at the 1 star review.)
  • Oh yes. Coincidentally, someone linking to the 1-star review was how I found the book in the first place.
  • Just finally Finished Next Gen, working on Deep Space Nine.
  • Lanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

    He remembers me.
  • I am addicted to Running Man, and not the Arnold one.
  • Just finally Finished Next Gen, working on Deep Space Nine.
    Best Star Trek.
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