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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • I illegally watched it on
  • I illegally watched it on
  • I just started season 5 (the finale season ; _; ). HOLY CRAP! My mind/emotions is still trying to wrap around what's going on and how crazy things are.
  • Season finale of Person of Interest was pretty dam good.
  • The season finale of Community was pretty amazing, and also sad :(
  • The season finale of Community was pretty amazing, and also sad :(
    After 30 Rock, me and jtvh were amused enough by the first thirty seconds to watch the latter two episodes of last night. Both heavily stank of "last hoorah" (there's no good way to spell that), even out of context. I actually think its bad that they got more time. Now 30 Rock will have to figure out something to do with Jack for the final season, and Community will have to think of a plot for the movie. Still, good that we're getting more of each.
  • edited May 2012
    I blitzed all of Adventure Time this week. It grabbed me with roughly the same ferocity that Homestuck and Ponies did.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Finished Archer S3. SO funny.

    Now that Awake has ended, I'm going to marathon that. The first 5 episodes were great. I was waiting for the season to end so I can blitz it. I'll watch it over 2 or 3 nights.
  • edited May 2012
    Ghost in the iPad.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • edited May 2012
    Finished up Community season 3; overall the season started out slow, with a couple of awesome episodes here and there, but once they did the "Law & Order" episode it was on a roll all the the way to what could have been the series finale.

    I'm disappointed to hear that Dan Harmon, the series creator and show runner, has been replaced. I wonder how it'll effect the series going on out.

    Also Korra and Young Justice are the Peanut Butter AND the Jam.
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • edited May 2012
    I just watched Generation Kill, a miniseries about the 1st Recon Marines in the beginning of the Iraq War. It's pretty good, and it was made by the same guys who did The Wire.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited May 2012
    Whelp, I totally just re-watched 7 seasons of How I Met Your Mother over the past week, and holy crap that ending to season 7. I kind of hope that season 8 is going to be the last season, but the show definitely does now have an expiration date of 2015 (according to one of the latter episodes of season 7).
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • yea I'm watching How I met your mother and other then the laugh track I'm enjoying it. A good mix of heart warming and comedy with NPH.
  • Whelp, I totally just re-watched 7 seasons of How I Met Your Mother over the past week, and holy crap that ending to season 7. I kind of hope that season 8 is going to be the last season, but the show definitely does now have an expiration date of 2015 (according to one of the latter episodes of season 7).
    Apparently, you find out who the mother/wife is, rather than all the times he's shagged other women, in season eight, according to rumor.
  • Just watched a BBC special about a 2000 year old Greek Computer. Anyone who likes tech needs to watch this. It's freaking amazing.
  • edited May 2012
    Whelp, I totally just re-watched 7 seasons of How I Met Your Mother over the past week, and holy crap that ending to season 7. I kind of hope that season 8 is going to be the last season, but the show definitely does now have an expiration date of 2015 (according to one of the latter episodes of season 7).
    Apparently, you find out who the mother/wife is, rather than all the times he's shagged other women, in season eight, according to rumor.
    Here's what's probably going to happen: he's going to meet his wife next season and they're going to start dating and then there's going to be one more season that ends with the wedding (which will be the end of the series completely).

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Sonic Sat AM is on streaming. I am enjoying it far more than I should.
  • Finally watching How I Met Your Mother. I find it to be the new generation Friends show, but not as funny.

    I find Ted and Robin more annoying than amusing. I find Marshall, Lily, and Barney to be more interesting then Ted and Robin. Friends was in no way a great show and was pretty much people being stupid at relationships and communication, but it's more annoying to me now in HIMYM because I know that the BS Ted and Robin go through could have been squashed if they were just honest and up front.

    I will probably continue to watch it in the background whenever I knit or whatever, but it doesn't have me laughing as much or as hard as I did with Friends.
  • edited May 2012
    I have the reverse opinion, I find HIMYM to be way better then friends but that also could be because Friends was the last generations version and HIMYM is way more intune with the issues and culture of our generation. HOWEVER the laughtrack should die in a fire and I completely agree that Marshall, Lilly and Barney are way more interesting manily because they are crazier. And who doesn't want to be Barney..........

    “God, it's me, Barney. What up? I know we don't talk much, but I know a lot of girls call out your name because of me.”
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • That's understandable, but I was a big Friends fan and didn't know of HIMYM because I never really watched CBS shows. Plus, my friends and I would watch Friends reruns all the time late at night hanging out and drinking and chilling.

    I'm currently in the middle of season 2 and Slap Bet is wonderful.
  • Girls on HBO is getting progressively more interesting.
  • HIMYM is rescued by some inventive uses of story structure and chronology. Also, characters you can care about. That's all that good shows are: Characters you can care about.
  • Girls on HBO is getting progressively more interesting.
    Yes! I highly recommend Girls. It's pretty great.
  • I'm working my way through The Big Bang Theory. The laugh track makes me feel like I'm missing the hilarity of the show. There are maybe two or three events each episode that are chuckle worthy, Leonard telling the spherical chickens in a vacuum joke made me laugh for the next three episodes however.

    I find myself watching the show far too often listening the audience laughing at something Sheldon or Leonard says and thinking to myself "That's not funny, I say that sort of thing all the time."

    Other than that the show is okay. I do find it a bit short, maybe I've become too used to watching hour long shows for a half hour comedy skit to be fulfilling.
  • I don't watch Big Bang Theory, but I once saw 5 minutes of an episode. All I could think was that the actors seem unconvincing, but I don't watch much sitcom television and that's probably the norm.
  • Finally watching How I Met Your Mother. I find it to be the new generation Friends show, but not as funny.

    I find Ted and Robin more annoying than amusing. I find Marshall, Lily, and Barney to be more interesting then Ted and Robin. Friends was in no way a great show and was pretty much people being stupid at relationships and communication, but it's more annoying to me now in HIMYM because I know that the BS Ted and Robin go through could have been squashed if they were just honest and up front.

    I will probably continue to watch it in the background whenever I knit or whatever, but it doesn't have me laughing as much or as hard as I did with Friends.
    Ted and Robin get much more interesting in Season 3.

  • Sonic Sat AM is on streaming. I am enjoying it far more than I should.
    I feel like I'm not enjoying it as much as I should. I loved this show back in the day.
    That being said, while I'm normally the one to rant on how children today have crap for entertainment, it turns out they don't. Going back and rewatching my shows from back in day turned out to be an exercise in experiencing cringe worthy dialogue, and often shoddy animation. The one shining exception to this though is Batman: The Animated Series.

    Kids today have Avatar: The Last Airbender, Legend of Korra, Young Justice, Thundercats, Phineas and Ferb, Avengers, hell even the Green Lantern animated series is well done. These are all shows my younger relatives enjoy watching, and I enjoy myself, as opposed to my favorite shows as a kid, where I can't imagine any adult would watch them on their own without a kid.
  • Everybody come and play! Throw every last care away! Let's go to the mall...
  • C'mon Jessica, c'mon Tori!
  • Sandcastles in the sand...
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