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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • edited February 2012
    Well, no new Colbert Report for a few days.
    Edit: Never mind, I'm behind in the times.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Based on a large majority of the forums' praise for Arrested Development, I watched the first 5 episodes and laughed my ass off. This really is something special and I'm gonna stick with it all the way through.
    DUDE! This show is pure awesome! I find it hard to believe it got cancelled. It has true sensible humor. It's deeply apart of the show's story (the title was used during a conversation), and not just tacked-on hyperbole "set it and forget it." The conversations between the mother and her children are always golden.

    I like supernatural stuff, so believe it or not, as a guy I watch The Vampire Diaries. I don't have a problem ignoring the "idealistic and dramatic romance aspects," since shit gets real more ofter than not.

    The Walking Dead.
    Fantastic shit, son. Pretty gruesome as well, adding to the whole post apocalyptic "world gone to shit" appeal. After watching the series, I'm wondering why there hasn't been a zombie invasion GN episode. I remember an episode where Rym commented on the "slow moving" zombies and made some witty remarks. I think that would make for a good show, discussing various takes on this idea. Incorporating not just TV but games (such as Left4Dead and Dead Rising) zombie types and what you think an effective strategy to combat them would be. Ignoring the "run like a motherfucker" rule, since, like in Walking Dead, there would really be nowhere to run to.

  • edited February 2012
    I'm wondering why there hasn't been a zombie invasion GN episode. I remember an episode where Rym commented on the "slow moving" zombies and made some witty remarks. I think that would make for a good show, discussing various takes on this idea.
    There is an episode exactly like that.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I've been watching The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret. It's a show for people that think Tobias Funke didn't have it hard enough in Arrested Development.
  • edited February 2012
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • As usual, enjoying Justified. Between the lawyer-friendly team-up of Givens and Sisco and Mykelti Williamson (who played Chicago Wind in Black Dynamite) and Neal McDonough as this season's villains, it is turning out to be one of the better adaptations of an Elmore Leonard story.
  • The Brit Show, Shameless is pretty dang good.
  • edited February 2012
    It would be rude not to eat her pie. Which I assume is not only hot, but almost moist. Although, hopefully not flaky.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2012
    It would be rude not to eat her pie. Which I assume is not only hot, but almost moist. Although, hopefully not flaky.

    Also, phrasing.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Seriously. What is cancer?
  • edited February 2012
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Genesis 38:8
  • I have been watching the first season of The Colony. I am surprised how much I like this show. It is a reality show but instead of focusing on a group of douchebags or a contest it is set up more like an experiment and it works well. The only downside I have to say is that based on how it works I seriously doubt the second season works as well as the first. Also it has John Cohn in it and that man is a boss.
  • The Leap Year episode of 30 Rock was the best Jim Carrey movie I've seen in a decade or so. Also, one of the writers might be a Penny Arcade fan, because Kenneth just made a dickwolf joke in reference to Law & Order:SVU (produced by Dick Wolf).
  • edited March 2012
    "Because instead of doing my job I was, here, half drunk and having amazing sex."

    "Well, I wouldn't say amazing. (Pause) What?! C'mon, you were pushing rope!"
    Seriously, Pam Poovey is my favorite character.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The voicemail gag gets me every time.
  • edited March 2012
    The voicemail gag gets me every time.
    He just keeps getting better and better with them.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The Aquabats Super Show is television in its finest form.

  • Smash continues to be amazing. If you like musical theatre, definitely watch this show.
  • The Aquabats Super Show is television in its finest form.
    Aquabats? Where have I heard that name before?
  • The Aquabats Super Show is television in its finest form.
    Aquabats? Where have I heard that name before?
    They're a band.

  • Man VS Food has always been kind of a guilty pleasure for me, and now it's on Netflix, so yeah.
  • Watching Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead. It is a good thing.
  • NeoNeo
    edited March 2012
    Wow, just watched the new Frozen Planet in HD, it lives up to the hype! I decided to watch it more out of a desire to be able to say it was a fine nature show but not anything amazing. Within the first minute or two I was already commenting about the camera shots and clarity. By the first commercial break I was fully hooked. By the end I was sounding like a broken record continually exclaiming about the cinematography and being impressed by what the animals were doing.

    Dude, killer whale hunting tactics - dang, those creatures are serious and smart and awesome. If a pod where to start hunting me I'd just commit sepuku and get it over with. Even if I was in the middle of Kansas, I bet they'd find a way to get to me and kill me.

    It totally doesn't hurt to be watching it in HD on a 60" plasma, I think it'd be impressive even on a laptop screen but the big screen helped convey the grandeur.
    Post edited by Neo on
  • I keep watching the Walking Dead hoping it will stop being terrible, but no dice
  • Haha my girlfriend loves The Walking Dead, it has some interesting parts but seems like it will be straying into WTF territory. HOODED SAMURAI ZOMBIE WRANGLER
  • Community is back and it feels so right.
  • Haha my girlfriend loves The Walking Dead, it has some interesting parts but seems like it will be straying into WTF territory. HOODED SAMURAI ZOMBIE WRANGLER
    She's from the comics and is one of the most badass characters.
  • Haha my girlfriend loves The Walking Dead, it has some interesting parts but seems like it will be straying into WTF territory. HOODED SAMURAI ZOMBIE WRANGLER
    She's from the comics and is one of the most badass characters.
    Yea I haven't been watching but when he said that I was thinking to myself, there is a character like that in the comic :-p

  • Haha my girlfriend loves The Walking Dead, it has some interesting parts but seems like it will be straying into WTF territory. HOODED SAMURAI ZOMBIE WRANGLER
    There are many good qualities to the show but not enough to out weight the mistakes it makes. The way the handle character tension and trauma is terrible. The show can be saved but I think most of it problems stem from what AMC thinks it can air on TV without disturbing the average person.
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