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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • I saw the first two episodes of Workaholics, and it's seemed pretty average. Does it get better?
  • The first season was alright, if you're watching the first season the third episode is pretty great. The rest of the season was good too. I don't really remember the first two episodes very well but I kinda remember thinking they were not that great.
  • edited July 2012
    Also I don't understand why people thing Daniel Tosh is an asshole. He is clearly being very sarcastic.
    Well, it could be stuff like this. And the fact his most notable work to date is essentially "the front page of reddit, with bad jokes."
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Alright, I'll watch the third episode and see how it goes.
  • edited July 2012
    Those are the only two rape jokes where he actually focuses on rape, and you know what? George Carlin. People call him an asshole but people also consider him one of the greatest comedians of all time. Comedy is often very suggestive. Also this clip is way worse than Tosh IMO.

    Also after reading that I think that lady is being way too critical. Shes basically like yeah I can take a rape joke if its in good taste but no rape joke is in good taste so I'll just outline the entire show and cast it in a negative light. Also her use of idiotic slang and abbreviations makes me not consider anything on her article credible. The worst part of the entire section was the very end when the football player was "raping" him. That was not really funny. Plus like I said the rest of his comedy is awesome and a couple not very good jokes isn't a reason to not like him.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited July 2012
    Those are the only two rape jokes where he actually focuses on rape, and you know what? George Carlin. People call him an asshole but people also consider him one of the greatest comedians of all time. Comedy is often very suggestive. Also this clip is way worse than Tosh IMO.
    You mean more like Five rape jokes in the intro alone - you're confusing Jokes with Bits.

    If you don't know the difference between a joke and a bit, I'm pretty sure you don't get to cite comedians.

    Now, the article is an opinion piece, but it's accurate enough - or at least, it's transcribed accurately. So, if the transcription is accurate - and the transcription being the important bit - then the opinion is just that. Take it or leave it.

    Now, let me fill you in a little bit on why you should have picked a different bit from Carlin, if you were going to borrow him.

    The money quote is between :54 and 1:00 - "I believe you can joke about anything, it all depends on how you construct the joke."

    Let's examine One of Carlin's jokes, from the same set.

    "Every now and then, you run into a story that says some guy broke into a house, stole a lot of things, and while he was in there, he raped an 81 year old woman. And I'm thinkin' to myself...WHY? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF A SOCIAL LIFE DOES THIS GUY HAVE? I WANNA SAY "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Weeeelll, she was comin' on to me..."

    It's the presentation of a unusual situation exaggerated at the end for humor, into a situation that wouldn't happen - and it is, in part, condemning people who try to blame the victim.

    Now, Let's look at the very first joke by Tosh -

    "That’s Antoine Dodson and he hates rape. Instead of crying in the shower for three hours, he fought back. Rape is an awful crime, but the fact is, without rape, we wouldn’t have this great video."

    AHAHAHAHAH oh tosh, you're so right, without people being raped, there would be so many fewer funny videos, and that makes it all okay.

    OR we could just grab a few more here -

    “I look at rape the same way I look at HIV: If you play guard for the Lakers it won’t affect you.”

    "Beat it, slut. Go get raped on your own corner."

    "Now, date rape is the politest rape of them all, but it would happen way less often if doctors would just stop prescribing the date rape drug. "

    Oh, here's a goody, from him talking back to a girl who pointed out his rape jokes were not funny -
    “Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like, 5 guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just raped her…”

    Are you seeing the difference here? Carlin is making a statement, not so much about rape, but about the people who commit the crime, and the people who excuse it, the society around it. The rape is Secondary, a vehicle, a connective tissue for the meat of the joke. The worst part of the bits shown in that video is the Eskimo section, and even that doesn't really focus on the rape but for ONE joke, about getting wet leather leggings off a woman that's kicking, and even then, the whole thing is a grand, ludicrous exaggeration, the kind Carlin is famous for.

    Tosh, However, is also making a statement, and that statement is "Thank god for rape, or else we'd have fewer funny videos." That's about all he's got to say. Well, other than the idea that if you want to fuck 12 year olds, you should go to Mexico. Or maybe that rape is like Pears?

    I'm not saying rape jokes are not okay, or never funny. But I take the stance shared by Carlin on this issue - I believe you can joke about anything, it all depends on how you construct the joke.

    And I'm sorry to tell you that tosh's method of "RAPE LOL LOL LOL" is frankly a shithouse way to go about it.
    Plus like I said the rest of his comedy is awesome
    Citation Needed. I've never seen him manage passable comedy, let alone anything "awesome". Awesome is Carlin, Hicks, Louie CK, Robin Williams in the 80s, and many more. Tosh is...weak. Nothing. He's nothing more than a frat-douche shock-joke comedian wannabe. A comedian has jokes. Tosh merely is a joke, that gets in front of a camera or on stage, and goes "LOOK HOW SHOCKING I AM, LOOK LOOK LOOK." He makes Carlos Mencia and Dustin Diamond look like comedic geniuses. Or at least, whoever Dustin Diamond is swiping jokes from now looks like a genius.
    and a couple not very good jokes isn't a reason to not like him.
    No, but I would say that suggesting it would be hilarious if a woman in the audience was pack-raped, that is probably a pretty good reason.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Gordon Ramsay Update:

    I found out there is a new BBC Show featuring the man called Gordon Behind Bars where Ramsay wishes for the Brixton Prison to create a catering business centered around prisoners who learn discipline by being around the kitchen, teamwork, and to actually earn a profit for the system due to the high costs and growing prisoner rate.

    Like his over BBC shows, you become so fascinated because not only is Gordon the typical charmer ant you get his smooth, understated narration about creating simple, amazing food but you also learn about the precautions he must go through to work with the various, intriguing prisoners. You really understand a lot about the fear that goes through him, the safety concerns, the food he has to make, dealing with the procedures of the police system, and how he wants to turn this type of labor into a profit and a way for people to earn future jobs outside of jail.

    2 Episodes in, Already Hooked.

    Masterchef right now is the one US show of his I can honestly enjoy and stand. Not so much Ramsay, but you get people to root for, it's a real competition, and you actually get to learn more about what people want to cook and how you can learn simple tasks that I want to try. (Saw an episode where they learned about Sea Urchins...boy, I want to try Uni)

    I really hope Hell's Kitchen gets fucking cancelled. Needs to end already. @_@
  • I really hope Hell's Kitchen gets fucking cancelled. Needs to end already. @_@
    Gordon and Jean-pierre are the only good bits about Hell's Kitchen. Though, Kitchen Nightmares was alright, admittedly, more so the UK one than the US one.

  • I started season 1 of How I Met Your Mother last night. I seem to have acquired a new show. Like I have time for this. :P
  • I really hope Hell's Kitchen gets fucking cancelled. Needs to end already. @_@
    Gordon and Jean-pierre are the only good bits about Hell's Kitchen. Though, Kitchen Nightmares was alright, admittedly, more so the UK one than the US one.

    But they don't focus on either of them for Hell's Kitchen, just the bitchy, juvenile, and downright INSANE contestants and the drama they have hating on one another. Kitchen Nightmares with BBC I legitimately love and back up, while the US version is simply a guilty pleasure.
  • But they don't focus on either of them for Hell's Kitchen, just the bitchy, juvenile, and downright INSANE contestants and the drama they have hating on one another. Kitchen Nightmares with BBC I legitimately love and back up, while the US version is simply a guilty pleasure.
    Oh, I don't know - I got to watch a good 45 minute video of Ramsay yelling at people and telling them to fuck off the other day, which was mildly hilarious. Possibly my (repeated) favorite:
    "OI! You, You, You, fucking Come here! NOW FUCK OFF!"

    Kitchen nightmares is 100% legit, for the UK version - the US one focuses more on spectacle sorta stuff. The UK version, he legitimately seems to help people(except maybe that one Paris-based woman who ended up becoming a prostitute), but the US version, while I'm sure he helps people in rather the same way, it focuses a lot more on him going mental, owners going mental, and everybody being horrible to each other - then he teaches them an important life lesson right on the halfway mark, gives the restaurant a free(to the restaurant, expensive otherwise) renovation and re-does the menu (both without their input). Much more about the people and the drama, rather than the whole thing with the Food, the people, the restaurant itself, etc, etc.
  • It is an extremely formulaic brand of reality TV. It makes me feel like they think Americans are dumber than I think they are. It makes me fear that Americans are dumber than I think they are.
  • edited July 2012
    Those are the only two rape jokes where he actually focuses on rape, and you know what? George Carlin. People call him an asshole but people also consider him one of the greatest comedians of all time. Comedy is often very suggestive. Also this clip is way worse than Tosh IMO.
    You mean more like Five rape jokes in the intro alone - you're confusing Jokes with Bits.

    If you don't know the difference between a joke and a bit, I'm pretty sure you don't get to cite comedians.
    Just because I don't share your terminology doesn't automatically mean I'm unqualified to say anything about comedians, that's just fucking ridiculous. So I say joke, and jokes can have jokes in them. She says segment and you say bit.

    The money quote is between :54 and 1:00 - "I believe you can joke about anything, it all depends on how you construct the joke."

    "Every now and then, you run into a story that says some guy broke into a house, stole a lot of things, and while he was in there, he raped an 81 year old woman. And I'm thinkin' to myself...WHY? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF A SOCIAL LIFE DOES THIS GUY HAVE? I WANNA SAY "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Weeeelll, she was comin' on to me..."

    It's the presentation of a unusual situation exaggerated at the end for humor, into a situation that wouldn't happen - and it is, in part, condemning people who try to blame the victim.
    It all depends who you are showing it too as well. Show that clip to has had an experience with rape and they may not find it as funny. I could say that I didn't find anything comedic about Carlin. I could also say I was offended by it, but I guess I'm just not easily offended.

    Now, Let's look at the very first joke by Tosh -

    "That’s Antoine Dodson and he hates rape. Instead of crying in the shower for three hours, he fought back. Rape is an awful crime, but the fact is, without rape, we wouldn’t have this great video."

    AHAHAHAHAH oh tosh, you're so right, without people being raped, there would be so many fewer funny videos, and that makes it all okay.
    Apparently you didn't read this quote all the way through. He doesn't say anything about it actually being funny. Also this isn't a joke it's a statement and it's true. So I don't really see the problem here. He thinks the video is enjoyable to watch and without rape it wouldn't have been made.

    “I look at rape the same way I look at HIV: If you play guard for the Lakers it won’t affect you.”

    "Beat it, slut. Go get raped on your own corner."

    "Now, date rape is the politest rape of them all, but it would happen way less often if doctors would just stop prescribing the date rape drug. "

    Oh, here's a goody, from him talking back to a girl who pointed out his rape jokes were not funny -
    “Wouldn’t it be funny if that girl got raped by like, 5 guys right now? Like right now? What if a bunch of guys just raped her…”

    The first one is a decent joke, the second piece is one of the parts I wasn't too fond of, the third one is a decent joke, and I don't remember the last thing. If it was from that article it was probably because I stopped reading her shitty writing. But it is a little uncalled for.

    Are you seeing the difference here? Carlin is making a statement, not so much about rape, but about the people who commit the crime, and the people who excuse it, the society around it. The rape is Secondary, a vehicle, a connective tissue for the meat of the joke. The worst part of the bits shown in that video is the Eskimo section, and even that doesn't really focus on the rape but for ONE joke, about getting wet leather leggings off a woman that's kicking, and even then, the whole thing is a grand, ludicrous exaggeration, the kind Carlin is famous for.

    Tosh, However, is also making a statement, and that statement is "Thank god for rape, or else we'd have fewer funny videos." That's about all he's got to say. Well, other than the idea that if you want to fuck 12 year olds, you should go to Mexico. Or maybe that rape is like Pears?
    Again, you're misquoting him. Also he's also being sarcastic and I don't think a lot of people get that at all. He's not condoning rape at all. Basically I interpret it as "Oh, you just can't help yourself? Then go down to Mexico the age of consent is lower!" To me that means what the fuck is your problem? You want to have sex with 12 year olds?

    I guess this discussion has at least pointed out that I can see why people think he is an asshole. Daniel Tosh just has a similar sense of humor that I understand and that my friends and I enjoy. I guess it's not for everyone.
    Plus like I said the rest of his comedy is awesome
    Citation Needed. I've never seen him manage passable comedy, let alone anything "awesome". Awesome is Carlin, Hicks, Louie CK, Robin Williams in the 80s, and many more. Tosh is...weak. Nothing. He's nothing more than a frat-douche shock-joke comedian wannabe. A comedian has jokes. Tosh merely is a joke, that gets in front of a camera or on stage, and goes "LOOK HOW SHOCKING I AM, LOOK LOOK LOOK." He makes Carlos Mencia and Dustin Diamond look like comedic geniuses. Or at least, whoever Dustin Diamond is swiping jokes from now looks like a genius.
    I don't need to prove anything to you, my argument was why do people call him an asshole. You could try all you want to get me to think Robin William's work is amazing and I never will (and yes of course his older stuff).
    and a couple not very good jokes isn't a reason to not like him.
    No, but I would say that suggesting it would be hilarious if a woman in the audience was pack-raped, that is probably a pretty good reason.
    Also before I finished this post I went back and tried to find this information you brought up and I couldn't. But it didn't appear to be at the end or anything.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • RymRym
    edited July 2012
    In all things, a sufficient level of clever comedy outweighs any abhorrent sentiment. Depending on said sentiment, however, said sufficient level may prove difficult or impossible to attain.

    As for Tosh... I've never found him funny. He's not much better than Letterman or Leno in terms of generic-ness.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Also, many of the "greats" from the 80s and 90s don't hold up to modern sensibilities. They're still great in their contexts, but on an absolute scale aren't as relatively funny compared to more modern comedy in most cases.

    Stephen Wright was hilarious in an age before that sort of absurdist humor was commonplace, right up there with Jack Handy's Deep Thoughts. If he'd never existed, and the same jokes were made today, they'd go unnoticed.
  • I still find George Carlin incredibly funny. Having not yet seen this video, I can't totally tell what's going on in the conversation, but I know I still enjoy Carlin.
  • edited July 2012
    In all things, a sufficient level of clever comedy outweighs any abhorrent sentiment. Depending on said sentiment, however, said sufficient level may prove difficult or impossible to attain.

    As for Tosh... I've never found him funny. He's not much better than Letterman or Leno in terms of generic-ness.
    True, and it all sort of has to do with your type of humor. Some people enjoy really black humor or really dry humor, but not everyone will. What I sort of overlooked was how quick to judgement people are about certain things. Most of the time I am not offended by anyone telling a joke. Exceptions being very uncalled for jokes. Like your dad is on his deathbed and some guy makes a joke about it.
    As for Tosh... I've never found him funny. He's not much better than Letterman or Leno in terms of generic-ness.
    What do you mean by generic-ness?
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I deeply enjoy black humor and dry humor. I don't find Tosh offensive, I find him bland.
  • edited July 2012
    Ok, there's an important difference between

    Every now and then, you run into a story that says some guy broke into a house, stole a lot of things, and while he was in there, he raped an 81 year old woman. And I'm thinkin' to myself...WHY? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF A SOCIAL LIFE DOES THIS GUY HAVE? I WANNA SAY "WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" Weeeelll, she was comin' on to me...

    That’s Antoine Dodson and he hates rape. Instead of crying in the shower for three hours, he fought back. Rape is an awful crime, but the fact is, without rape, we wouldn’t have this great video.
    Fundamentally, Carlin is calling the rapist fucked up while also commenting on our victim blaming society. Tosh is implying (more like out right saying) that it was worth a rape for a funny video while also dismissing rape victims' feelings and turning a natural and understandable response to a horrific event into a joke and outright calling it a bad thing to do. That's not a 'true statement', it's disgusting.

    I really don't want to talk about the others; they're victim blaming at best and outright calling for rape at worst. The fact you didn't read both links isn't a point in your favour.
    Post edited by Dylan on
  • edited July 2012
    Also before I finished this post I went back and tried to find this information you brought up and I couldn't. But it didn't appear to be at the end or anything.
    I linked two articles, and that's from the first one, by Xeni on BoingBoing. Go back and look. Unless I fucked up the link or something, but I'm pretty sure I didn't.
    Are you dyslexic? He doesn't say anything about it actually being funny. Also this isn't a joke it's a statement and it's true. So I don't really see the problem here. He thinks the video is enjoyable to watch and without rape it wouldn't have been made.
    Have you seen the segment? He plays it as a joke, unequivocally. If you want me to add tone that makes it similar, it would come out more like "Well, okay, I know rape is really bad and all, BUT if there was no rape, then that means we don't get this funny video of this guy talking about an attempted rape! So hey, y'know, silver lining!"
    He's also being sarcastic and I don't think a lot of people get that at all. He's not condoning rape at all. Basically I interpret it as "Oh, you just can't help yourself? Then go down to Mexico the age of consent is lower!" To me that means what the fuck is your problem? You want to have sex with 12 year olds?
    I didn't say he was condoning rape, though my meaning was unclear - my point was that he doesn't make statements like Carlin does, he just goes "SHOCKING THING A, SO EDGY LAUGH AT ME NOW!". Just that he apparently sucks shit at making jokes, and the majority of the time just says something shocking and hopes people laugh. I definitely didn't get that across clearly enough, in retrospect, sorry about that.

    Though, as condoning rape goes, I'd say that "Wouldn't it be funny if she got raped right now?" comes pretty fucking close.
    You could try all you want to get me to think Robin William's work is amazing and I never will (and yes of course his older stuff).
    That's why I gave you a list, I figure you can't hate all of them.
    my argument was why do people call him an asshole.
    And when I gave you links to two good reasons, and your argument boiled down to "Oh yeah? Well, Carlin made rape jokes, and they were worse! And tosh didn't even make that many rape jokes!"

    So, you say your argument was about asking why people call him an asshole, but you never actually argued that point. What you argued is why his rape jokes are not that bad, really, that carlin said something worse, and had a go at the woman calling him out for making some pretty fucking shithouse rape jokes, on points that had nothing to do with her actual critique.
    I deeply enjoy black humor and dry humor. I don't find Tosh offensive, I find him bland.
    Pretty much. My reaction is more of a "What the fuck are you doing?" than any sort of genuine offense - Unlike Mat implied, I'm not easy to offend, nor quick to judge, if I were, I'd have hung myself before puberty, most likely.

    It's always the same pattern. Shocking statement, wait for laugh, related shocking statement, wait for laugh, repeat till laughs start to diminish, switch to different shocking statement. Bland is really the best description I've heard so far.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2012
    Yes I agreed with you, my argument was why do people call him an asshole and you convinced me why although not in the way you intended.
    Are you dyslexic? He doesn't say anything about it actually being funny. Also this isn't a joke it's a statement and it's true. So I don't really see the problem here. He thinks the video is enjoyable to watch and without rape it wouldn't have been made.
    Have you seen the segment? He plays it as a joke, unequivocally. If you want me to add tone that makes it similar, it would come out more like "Well, okay, I know rape is really bad and all, BUT if there was no rape, then that means we don't get this funny video of this guy talking about an attempted rape!"
    I'm not sure you've seen it. He doesn't set that line up as a joke at all.

    Also for the record Louis C.K.'s sitcom is awesome as well.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • edited July 2012
    I'm not sure you've seen it. He doesn't set that line up as a joke at all.
    I may be mixing it up with another bit or joke, I'll grant you - while I feel I remember it clearly, memory is quite a malleable thing.
    Yes I agreed with you, my argument was why do people call him an asshole and you convinced me why although not in the way you intended.
    Well, my original point was "Because he pretty clearly acts like an asshole", so I'm not quite sure how I convinced you if that wasn't quite how you were convinced. But I'll take what I can get, really.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • You mostly just made me realize something I hadn't considered. I still don't think he is an asshole but I can see why people think he is an asshole.
  • edited July 2012
    You mostly just made me realize something I hadn't considered. I still don't think he is an asshole but I can see why people think he is an asshole.
    Oh, that makes sense, now I get what you mean. To be fair, I don't think he's genuinely an arsehole, since I've not hung out with the dude. I think he's a shithouse comic, that his show is terrible, and that he has a tenancy to handle a lot of situations very poorly when he's in that space, but I can't say if he's an arsehole or not as a person. But I can really see why people might think so, after seeing these sorts of things.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited July 2012
    He went to uni at my school (University of Central Florida) and I saw him a bit after the show because my friends wanted things signed. He seemed pretty much exactly the same as usual, just more casual. He could have just still been 'in character' though.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited July 2012
    Well the other thing is that I feel like a lot of his comedy is very sarcastic, which, from experience, I know a lot of people don't even catch on that you are joking unless they share that sense of humor. Or they realize you are trying to make a joke but don't really get what you are saying. Part of that is understanding who is telling the joke.

    One example being my friend Colin. Most everyone who meets him loves him and he says some pretty ridiculous things, some of which could be taken offensively. The people who get offended by his humor are the people who don't know him or have barely met him just because it takes an understanding of his character to appreciate his humor.

    So I won't ever say "why the hell do you NOT like this guy?!" because everyone has different tastes in comedy but what I hadn't considered is the fact that some people may not recognize his humor or find it that funny. I mean he isn't the greatest or anything but when you consider the number of comics that get the right mixture of cultural commentary and comedy the number is very small.

    Although, I agree with you that it seems like he doesn't handle certain situations very well.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I've been really enjoying Wilfred too. The American one, not sure how similar it is to the Australian one.
  • Gravity Falls is pretty good.
  • Gravity Falls is pretty good.
    That's what I've heard, been meaning to check it out.

    Have you watched any of Motorcity? It's basically a TV version of REDLINE.
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