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What TV Shows Are You Watching?



  • edited July 2012
    I've been really enjoying Wilfred too. The American one, not sure how similar it is to the Australian one.
    I've seen the Australian one, and it's really eerie sometimes. I didn't know there was an American one.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I've been really enjoying Wilfred too. The American one, not sure how similar it is to the Australian one.
    I've seen the Australian one, and it's really eerie sometimes. I didn't know there was an American one.
    Oh yeah. Funny as hell, though.

  • So, new Breaking Bad was cool.
  • Gravity Falls is pretty good.
    Yeah Sail, you right. It's basically Disney's answer to Adventure Time.
  • Gravity Falls is pretty good.
    Yeah Sail, you right. It's basically Disney's answer to Adventure Time.
    Yeah, it definitely was made to be Disney's answer to Adventure Time-type shows, but it still is really well done.
  • edited August 2012
    I'm on 24 Season 2. I honestly thought Jack Bauer had that kid shot.

    My reaction.

    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • George Mason is a great American hero and I am not ashamed to admit a single manly tear was shed.
  • edited August 2012
    Gravity Falls is pretty good.
    Yeah Sail, you right. It's basically Disney's answer to Adventure Time.
    Yeah, it definitely was made to be Disney's answer to Adventure Time-type shows, but it still is really well done.
    The writing is just so good, and I connect to Dipper on so many levels (especially after watching "Dipper VS Manliness" and "Double Dipper"). I also love their use of the bait-and-switch (and in some cases, the fake bait-and-switch).

    Also, Mabel is absolutely hilarious but I can't tell if she's really stupid or just super oblivious to everything.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • DuckTales (whoo-oooh)
  • Finally started watching more of The Newsroom. Just watched episode 5, "Amen". I burst into tears during the last scene when it went all "Rudy".

    Seriously great show.
  • Finally started watching more of The Newsroom. Just watched episode 5, "Amen". I burst into tears during the last scene when it went all "Rudy".

    Seriously great show.
    I absolutely fucking love it. It's Sorkin at his best.
  • Finally came around and watched Seasons 1-3 of Archer. The commercials always made the show look corny, but everyone here kept mentioning it, so I checked it out.
  • HBO plans for 6 seasons of American Gods.

    Neil comfirms:

    I still haven't finished the book. I'm more interested in finishing it now as long as HBO shows the black hole vagina.
  • HBO plans for 6 seasons of American Gods.

    Neil comfirms:

    I still haven't finished the book. I'm more interested in finishing it now as long as HBO shows the black hole vagina.
    They finally make a TV show I might watch, but I might end up not needing to. If it matches the book so closely, why would I watch it at all? If it diverges too much, and is just set in the same/similar universe, will it still be good?
  • HBO plans for 6 seasons of American Gods.

    Neil comfirms:

    I still haven't finished the book. I'm more interested in finishing it now as long as HBO shows the black hole vagina.
    They finally make a TV show I might watch, but I might end up not needing to. If it matches the book so closely, why would I watch it at all? If it diverges too much, and is just set in the same/similar universe, will it still be good?
    I can see them taking it in a route of The Walking Dead, where they take several aspects and plot-points from the source material, but taking it new alternative plot direction and creating different scenarios/characters for what happens. A lot of fans of the comic of The Walking Dead love the AMC show because it imagines a new world for the same characters that gives you twice as much content. You get to see the same characters you enjoy, but in a different scenario. Plus many people can attach themselves to the TV-specific characters like Merle Dixon.

    And seeing those really well designed gory effects play out on camera offers quite a stunning new perspective. Or like Game of Thrones, casting the characters so perfectly, they give original fans of the novels a whole new level of immersion.
  • The Walking Dead really upped the ante this season. I'm absolutely loving it.
  • I support Dave's assertion that the Walking Dead has just become a sort of fossilized model of patriarchy.
  • The West Wing is so good, how have I not watched this show already.
  • The West Wing is so good, how have I not watched this show already.
    I was actually just thinking about the finale to season 2, I think it is, the Two Cathedrals episode, and how it might be one of the best episodes of TV ever.
  • I'm watching Big Love, it's actually a pretty fun drama and makes me feel glad I did not grow up in some weird religious cult....
  • So, Im lazy, so i read like, page on and 29-30 of the thread.

    But honestly guys, No one has mentioned how insanely good the Wire is. Definitely one of, if not — the! best tv show ever to come out of america.

    Otherwise, watching homelands - wich has gonne silly lately.
    And Im ashamed to admit how much I am looking forward to GoT's return this spring.

    winter IS coming guys. winter is coming.
  • The Wire is the perfect television show. It makes Breaking Bad look like Will & Grace.
  • Knight Rider.
  • The Walking Dead really upped the ante this season. I'm absolutely loving it.
    That fucking mid-season finale, that's how you do action television. Open on a cliffhanger that is guns blazing, and just keep blazing those guns for 60 min.

  • New episode of Girls was like holy shit. Not even in a "something really dramatic happened" kind of way, the writing just carries everything so well it's crazy. Goddamn. Couldn't be more satisfied.
  • Been watching American Dad, I remember watching the first few episodes when it came out and it was shit but it's pretty decent now. Some of the episodes are hilarious.
  • Everyone keeps talking about how good Girls is, but I'm still skeptical. I'm worried I'll hate all the characters, since I have to deal with trust-fund hipsters on a daily basis.
  • Just watch it. They're half-hour episodes and not hour-long, so even if you get through a few and don't like it, you haven't had too much of your time wasted.
  • Girls is awesome. I haven't seen the Season 2 episode yet, but I loved season 1.
  • Saw the first episode of Banshee on Cinemax. Not bad, and has an interesting premiss. Kind of reminds me of the "Salvation" storyline from Preacher.
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