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Video Game Offers



  • edited October 2012
    Aggggah the search function on Origin is paralyzed, Every time I put in Dragon Age II I get Fifa Soccer.
    I had it recommend Fifa but if you hit enter it does the full search and brings up DAII
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited October 2012
    Only if the site (is working really slowly) and app (isn't working at all) wasn't Fubarred.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Doesn't work at all for me, since I'm based in Australia, and my Origin account knows that - so it doesn't matter if I use a proxy. F'fuck's sake.
  • Just create another account.
  • edited October 2012
    disregard this I am dumb
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • This seems like a deal... for someone?

    Doesn't help me personally...
  • This seems like a deal... for someone?

    Doesn't help me personally...
    I have none of those, but I also want none of those.

  • Quantum Conundrum might be good. I don't really see myself actually taking the time to play through any of the others with my backlog of games.
  • Quantum Conundrum might be good. I don't really see myself actually taking the time to play through any of the others with my backlog of games.
    It's meh. I expected better.
  • I have zero of those games but wouldn't mind playing Deus Ex HR one day. One day very far away, that is not going to get $10 out of my hands right now. Wouldn't mind trying Quantum Conundrum either, but this is not the first time I've heard it is meh.
  • Hey lets all talk about how we don't want the game bundle.
  • edited October 2012
    Definitely picking that one up. I don't own Dues Ex yet, I can toss my roommate Just Cause 2 for some multiplayer shenanigans*, and the masochist in me is digging the idea of playing a modern JRPG on the computer.

    *Although if it's just one Steam code with no regifting, there's a small chance I'd skip it...

    Hopefully it comes back up again...

    PS: You're all fools for dismissing Just Cause 2. It's a tight GTA-clone with a hookshot. WITH A HOOKSHOT.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Looks like they're out of keys. Bummer.
  • Looks like they're out of keys. Bummer.
    But... but... more are coming... right? I mean, they can't leave it up if they aren't gonna sell it... can they???

  • They're working on it... so they say.
  • edited October 2012
    PS: You're all fools for dismissing Just Cause 2. It's a tight GTA-clone with a hookshot. WITH A HOOKSHOT.
    Man, Just cause 2 is so goooood. Just chaotic nonsense, it's amazing. How many games can you attach a humvee to a helicopter, and use it as a wrecking ball?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just Cause 2 is perfect for a la carte gaming.
  • Just Cause 2 is perfect for a la carte gaming.
    True that. You can just jump in and wreck shit for a while.
  • Just Cause 2 is perfect for a la carte gaming.
    True that. You can just jump in and wreck shit for a while.
    Too bad my computer sucks and can't play it :(
  • Just Cause 2 is perfect for a la carte gaming.
    True that. You can just jump in and wreck shit for a while.
    Too bad my computer sucks and can't play it :(
    I run it on XBOX. It's perfect.
  • Just Cause 2 is perfect for a la carte gaming.
    True that. You can just jump in and wreck shit for a while.
    Too bad my computer sucks and can't play it :(
    I run it on XBOX. It's perfect.
    I first played through it on Xbox, and then on PC - I prefer it on PC, but I play with a controller.

  • New Indie bundle out. I got another copy of To The Moon, and some other random games.

    Someone on my Steam friends list is going to end up sobbing like an Australian without a kangaroo steak dinner (that's accurate, right?).
  • Your steam handle is biscuitofrage, right?

    I really need to make a list of all the Steam Handles w/ Forum names.
  • Yes. I'll probably be changing it up in a bit. To be more confusing.

    You're Rosaka or something like that, right?

    Also, you might be out of the running for this one because of your uterus making it at least a little more socially acceptable for you to cry.
  • Oh no, I wasn't trying to get anything from you. It was because Omar asked me who you were, and at first I thought you were another friend who has goes by Bizket and thought it was him instead of you.

    Uterus? I'm sorry. There are none here. I am all (WO)MAN! Well if anything, I have more quasi-testicular fortitude than the average dood.
  • Just saying quasi-testicular made me curl up into the fetal position.
  • I don't know what an Omar is. Also, you do have more testicular fortitude than most dudes. But irregardless, it's more socially acceptable for you to be reduced to a quivering mass in need of numerous tissues (take that as you will).
  • edited October 2012
    Omar = Mr. Roboto.

    Edit: Yes. I'm Rosaka.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited October 2012
    God, people and their changing handles on Steam is part of the reason I never know who to invite to play games with me, YOU ALL SUCK :-p

    //been using my handle since High School, FREAKING 15 YEARS AGO.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
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