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Video Game Offers



  • Watch out, comments like that might get you a copy of To The Moon that you'll be guilted into playing.
  • Didn't you give me stellar Impact at one point? we should play that sometime.
  • Probably, I gave that to like 5 people, and we should. It's been a little bit since I fired it up, and it's fun.
  • New Indie bundle out. I got another copy of To The Moon, and some other random games.

    Someone on my Steam friends list is going to end up sobbing like an Australian without a kangaroo steak dinner (that's accurate, right?).
    Which bundle is that?

  • New Indie bundle out. I got another copy of To The Moon, and some other random games.

    Someone on my Steam friends list is going to end up sobbing like an Australian without a kangaroo steak dinner (that's accurate, right?).
    Which bundle is that?

    Indie Royale bundle.

  • Ain't no bundle like a Humble Bundle cuz a Humble Bundle has 5 - 10 good games and not 0 - 1.
  • The only Indie Royale bundle that I bothered to buy was the first one, but I have to admit it was well worth it for Nimbus.

  • //been using my handle since High School, FREAKING 15 YEARS AGO.
    Really? Since Middle School for over 12 years for my nickname.

  • Still longer :-p
  • edited October 2012
    I came up with this name when I was nine. That explains why it's so dumb.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I came up with this name when I was nine. That explains why it's so dumb.
    Your name is awesome.
  • Someone on my Steam friends list is going to end up sobbing like an Australian without a kangaroo steak dinner (that's accurate, right?).
    It's more of a manly sniffle.


    Get basically all the Interplay games for $35 total. At the very least you can get the 8 crappiest games for "pay what you want."
  • Yeah, those are all pretty terrible. It's too bad they dropped their D&D games.
  • How come doesn't sell the gold box games? I wanted to play some for research purposes.
  • huh, I've always wanted to play Shogo and freespace..
  • edited October 2012
    huh, I've always wanted to play Shogo and freespace..
    You definitely want to play SHOGO. I played it for free back when it was brand new only because it came for free with a Logitech mouse I bought in 1999. It's a pretty great single player fps. It's even more fun since there are levels where you are in a mech and levels where you are not. Also, you will enjoy the anime references all over the place. Just listen to that opening song they made just for the game. IMHO it's better at making you feel like you are in a mecha anime that games that are actually based on mechan anime licenses like Gundam or Macross.

    Also the guys who made SHOGO went on to make FEAR, and put in this easter egg.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Freespace 2 is the finest space fighter combat military game since Wing Commander 2. I've played a ton of more modern ones and have yet to find anything that really gives it a run for its money.
  • edited October 2012
    I came up with this name when I was nine. That explains why it's so dumb.
    Forum, you missed a perfectly good opportunity to joke about me not seeming very much like Nine.

    Considering that I don't have pretty much any of those Interplay games, it might almost be worth it.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Freespace 2 is the finest space fighter combat military game since Wing Commander 2. I've played a ton of more modern ones and have yet to find anything that really gives it a run for its money.
    Try X3. Same sort of gig. It's like freespace turned up to eleven. You don't just get bigger ships to fly about in, or friendly carrier groups - You can build your own fleets and space-stations. Hell, if a star-system is empty - or at least, empty enough that you feel you want to make it home - you can essentially take over the system, fill it with your own ships and stations. You can hire AI pilots and traders, making your own vast corporations, and the ships range from tiny one-man fighters about 16 meters long, to massive cargo ships and huge battle cruisers that can be up to four kilometers long.

    There is even one ship, the Aran Class M1 Battlecruiser, which not only docks an entire squadron of fighters, but can also dock ANOTHER FUCKING CARRIER. Others can dock entire wings of fighters along with their own armaments, plus 30 thousand tons of cargo.

    That game is fucking INSANE.
  • Freespace 2 is the finest space fighter combat military game since Wing Commander 2. I've played a ton of more modern ones and have yet to find anything that really gives it a run for its money.
    Try X3. Same sort of gig. It's like freespace turned up to eleven. You don't just get bigger ships to fly about in, or friendly carrier groups - You can build your own fleets and space-stations. Hell, if a star-system is empty - or at least, empty enough that you feel you want to make it home - you can essentially take over the system, fill it with your own ships and stations. You can hire AI pilots and traders, making your own vast corporations, and the ships range from tiny one-man fighters about 16 meters long, to massive cargo ships and huge battle cruisers that can be up to four kilometers long.

    There is even one ship, the Aran Class M1 Battlecruiser, which not only docks an entire squadron of fighters, but can also dock ANOTHER FUCKING CARRIER. Others can dock entire wings of fighters along with their own armaments, plus 30 thousand tons of cargo.

    That game is fucking INSANE.
    I did try X3 at one point, and holy lord did it lose me fast. It doesn't have a learning curve as much as a learning cliff made of acid and snakes and things that call you bad names.

    I was able to pick up Freespace and Freespace 2 and just jump into the game and play, in the same way that I was able to do with Wing Commander.

    I have no doubt that X3 is absolutely fantastic, but comparing it to Freespace is like comparing F1 racing to a roller coaster.
  • edited October 2012
    Here's an example of what I'm talking about -

    A size comparison of my first two ships, a Light and heavy fighter. I'm EVA in my Space suit, and that long ship in the background is also mine, and sitting about 5 klicks off.

    And my Smallest ship(an Argon Buster) sitting amidships over my largest ship(but not the largest ship in the game), a Mammoth Cruiser. It's in the little green and white nested boxes - I actually had to target it just to find the fucking thing. It's sitting right between the admidships cannons.

    And that's just fucking silly.

    Yeah, X3 is hard as FUCK. But super rewarding. There are some excellent guides out there, I used them, and hardly had a problem - and Terran Conflict does explain things a lot better than any of the others. It's still fucking absurdly complex, but it's better, at least.

    Edit - should note, those screenshots are from Reunion. I'm not that far into Terran conflict, yet.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited October 2012
    I remember Shogo being terrible. Maybe it was just too old by the time I played it, which was like 2001. It was a cool idea, just didn't seem that good. Fallout, MDK2, and Giant: Citizen Kabuto are the only ones I would consider getting. Giant: Citizen Kabuto is an amazing game that no one seemed to ever play.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Shogo was an incredible game that seriously deserved a sequel, which would have improved on the gameplay and control in the same way that most sequels around that same time did. Standardized control schemes and conventions and standard "mannerisms" of various game genres were still being worked out back then.
  • Here's an example of what I'm talking about -

    A size comparison of my first two ships, a Light and heavy fighter. I'm EVA in my Space suit, and that long ship in the background is also mine, and sitting about 5 klicks off.

    And my Smallest ship(an Argon Buster) sitting amidships over my largest ship(but not the largest ship in the game), a Mammoth Cruiser. It's in the little green and white nested boxes - I actually had to target it just to find the fucking thing. It's sitting right between the admidships cannons.

    And that's just fucking silly.

    Yeah, X3 is hard as FUCK. But super rewarding. There are some excellent guides out there, I used them, and hardly had a problem - and Terran Conflict does explain things a lot better than any of the others. It's still fucking absurdly complex, but it's better, at least.

    Edit - should note, those screenshots are from Reunion. I'm not that far into Terran conflict, yet.
    Son of a... I don't have any vacation time left this year, and now want to sink DAYS into this game.
  • I've been meaning to play X3, I own it after all...and I have a joystick
  • I've been meaning to play X3, I own it after all...and I have a joystick
    I don't own it, but I do have a joystick. I think it's playable with mouse/keyboard, too.

  • edited October 2012
    Son of a... I don't have any vacation time left this year, and now want to sink DAYS into this game.
    It's insane. I actually have a transporter installed in the Mammoth, so that I can transport to my own ships that are within range, which is handy, since I dock my fighters into the Mammoth, and when I get where I want to go (often using my jump-drive, since the mammoth is predictably slower than a jellyfish that's been stapled to the floor) I can remote launch my fighter(s) on Autopilot and then just teleport into one, do my business, then set the autopilot to dock with the Mammoth again when I'm done.

    I also have a cargo ship that I found and claimed, which is about the length of that right-hand spire off the back of the mammoth, but I didn't recall it, since it was in another system doing it's thing, with my AI pilot doing some trading.

    It's a game you can really lose yourself in, once you get the hang of it - which, using a combo of newbie guides and the tutorials, doesn't take too long.

    I'm still yet to construct a base, though - I spent most of my time and credits(and a lot of save scumming and sheer blinding luck) on getting the mammoth, and then another few hundred thousand credits(gained by setting up my auto-trade runs and turning my time accelerator to 1000% for a few hours) repairing it and getting it shipshape again. It's still only lightly armed, despite being suprisingly well armored - it's not combat ready, because despite being tough, it's practically impossible to miss.

    And in X3: Terran Conflict, there are many, many more ships, and a few of them are even larger than the frankly ludicrously sized mammoth.

    I haven't even managed to scratch the surface of either Reunion or Terran conflict yet, either. But I did laugh when I picked up this cargo off pirates.
    I've been meaning to play X3, I own it after all...and I have a joystick
    I don't own it, but I do have a joystick. I think it's playable with mouse/keyboard, too.
    I play with a keyboard and mouse, because I only have a 360 controller in the way of joysticks, and while it's usable, it's a pain in the arse to make it work in a way that makes any sense at all.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Space weeeeeeed!

    But yeah, looks like I have a new target for the next Steam sale or whatever comes up next. It looks incredible, and oh so pretty.

    Is there any real story to it? Is it like Privateer in the sense that there's ignorable storylines, like Freelancer where you have to play storylines to advance, or EVE where you just go do whatever the fuck you want?
  • edited October 2012
    Space weeeeeeed!

    But yeah, looks like I have a new target for the next Steam sale or whatever comes up next. It looks incredible, and oh so pretty.

    Is there any real story to it? Is it like Privateer in the sense that there's ignorable storylines, like Freelancer where you have to play storylines to advance, or EVE where you just go do whatever the fuck you want?
    It's a combination between Freelancer and EVE - You can do whatever the fuck you want right from the start(well, I think - I suspect the tutorial missions are almost essential, though avoidable), but doing missions will introduce new tech(for example, my ever-handy jump-drive), change the universe around you, grant you money to cut short some of the trade grinding, and enable to you to purchase better shite from each faction(by increasing their trust in you), as well as giving you ships over time, etc, etc.

    BUT, you don't have to undertake them right away, you can get to them when you like, there are plenty of random generated non-story missions for cash, too, plus you can get some sweet stuff without playing through the story.

    Post edited by Churba on
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