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Video Game Offers



  • I'm getting the Deus Ex pack. It is one on the studio "must play list."
  • Hmmmm. Which Princes of Persia should I purchase?
    Sands of Time.
  • Yeah, the Gamecube disk is probably too damaged by this point.

    Bought SMB and Sands of Time. Good calls, both.
  • If you're into console FPSs, you'll manage but it's very different than games like Half Life 2.
    I have no idea what this means. BC2 on the PC hardly qualifies as a console FPS and it's really a multiplayer driven game, unlike HL2.

    I think BC2 is the best multiplayer shooter on the market right now.

    Vehicular combat
    Wide variety of weaponry
    Rush mode is awesome
    The destructible environments are top notch
    It's essentially GI Joe the game

    Unlock system, although not as bad as CoD unlocks
    Seems like players prefer sniper/recon over other classes at times
    If your team is getting rolled hard, it can get frustrating
  • I will consider it. I have till around 11am tomorrow to decide. Also, that Vietnam expansion looks mighty tempting, and Andrew tends to have powerfully good taste in balanced shooters.
  • I will consider it. I have till around 11am tomorrow to decide. Also, that Vietnam expansion looks mighty tempting, and Andrew tends to have powerfully good taste in balanced shooters military fanboy games.
  • edited December 2010
    Mass Effect 2 I have been waiting for. Too bad it doesn't have any DLC and price is still little bit high for my taste.
    BC2 would be nice, but I know it won't run on my computer.
    Post edited by Apsup on
  • I'm leaning towards super meat boy and Battlefield.. though I'm still thinking about oddworld...and I heard Fear is decent.
  • Hmmm... the page says $6.79 for battlefield, on checkout, it says $10. any ideas?
  • I'd say leave BC2 and wait for Monday Night Combat.

    Ffff.. Want Fear Pack, Oddworld 3 & 4 and others but I'm alarmed that the page index at the bottom states "Today's deals.".
    In short: Good thing I already bought all but one of my Christmas presents!
  • Hmmm... the page says $6.79 for battlefield, on checkout, it says $10. any ideas?
    Costa Rican convenience charge. ^___~
  • edited December 2010
    And now there's a timer.. oh well, having money was nice.

    And then I saw the "Dec 20 - Jan 2" image.. double-tits.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Just a heads up, Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands requires a constant internet connection while playing, including the steam version.
  • Downsized from Fear Complete pack to just Fear 2.

    Thanks for the heads-up, Joe.
  • Alright, for today's loot: Super Meat Boy, P.B. Winterbottom (not a daily deal, but 50 cents), and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. I feel accomplished.
  • I think I'm gonna get Sands of Time as well. I have the discs around somewhere, but fuck it. Everything else that's on my wishlist I'm gonna wait on till the 2nd.
  • My sister JUST got a steam account. I bought Worms for her yesterday and she likes games like Splinter Cell and some FPS's (No zombies, though). Any suggestions? Her account name name is ToshiroTaka, by the by?
  • My sister JUST got a steam account. I bought Worms for her yesterday and she likes games like Splinter Cell and some FPS's (No zombies, though). Any suggestions? Her account name name is ToshiroTaka, by the by?
  • Buy her Portal. It's $3.75. There's really no other options when a good game is that cheap.
  • Buy her Portal. It's $3.75. There's really no other options when a good game is that cheap.
  • It's also worth noting that Guns Of Icarus is in the $5 Indie Flight Pack.

    My loot for the day:
    CS:S ($10)
    Lego Batman ($5)
    Super Meat Boy ($3.75)
    Deus Ex Collection ($3)
    Indie 2D pack ($5) (bought mainly for Geo Wars and VVVVVVVV)
    Indie Flight Pack ($5)
  • Super Meat Mensch and Winterass. Considering Sands and the Deus Ex pack as well.
  • No Civ deals that make it worthwhile. Feh.
  • Super Meat Boy, Lumines, and too many Indie packs to be healthy.
  • The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is actually surprisingly fun. And who can argue with $0.49 (as in FIFTY CENTS)?
  • Hmmm... the page says $6.79 for battlefield, on checkout, it says $10. any ideas?
    Costa Rican convenience charge. ^___~
    Colón-to-banana-to-dollars exchange rate. :D
  • Heads up: FEAR 2 by itself is 12GB. That whole pack is gonna take a while.
  • The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is actually surprisingly fun. And who can argue with $0.49 (as in FIFTY CENTS)?
    The game mechanic is awesome. You are a pie thief. What's not to love?
  • The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom is actually surprisingly fun. And who can argue with $0.49 (as in FIFTY CENTS)?
    The game mechanic is awesome. You are a pie thief. What's not to love?
    I'm not a fan of the multiple time interaction as used in that game. Some games can do it well, but most can't.
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