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Video Game Offers



  • Fuck yeah - Arkham asylum and Guns of Icarus as a christmas gift from omnom - Awesomeness both in games and in Omnom.
  • So, is Psychonauts gonna go on sale (still at its regular price of $10), or what? Also waiting for GTA4 to drop to at most $10.
  • I keep hearing about how great Super Meat Boy is, but nobody's really sold me on it yet. Tell me why I should care.
  • edited December 2010
    I keep hearing about how great Super Meat Boy is, but nobody's really sold me on it yet. Tell me why I should care.
    If you cared about platformers, you'd care about this game. If nothing you've already heard excites or interests you, then I don't know how else to sell it to you.

    [Edit] Oh wait, yes I do. Mr. Minecraft is a playable character ;)
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I keep hearing about how great Super Meat Boy is, but nobody's really sold me on it yet. Tell me why I should care.
    Remember N? You know, that flash platformer from a few years ago where you were the ninja jumping around, trying to get to the exit?

    This is that, but better.
  • I keep hearing about how great Super Meat Boy is, but nobody's really sold me on it yet. Tell me why I should care.
    Remember N? You know, that flash platformer from a few years ago where you were the ninja jumping around, trying to get to the exit?

    This is that, but better.
    No N+ was that, but better. Super meat boy is that much better and with additional depth.
  • edited December 2010
    I keep hearing about how great Super Meat Boy is, but nobody's really sold me on it yet. Tell me why I should care.
    The game fits within the "genre" of balls-hard platformer, but unlike many platformers that try to be both balls-hard and *fun*, Super Meat Boy pulls off the combination flawlessly. The game is unforgiving in difficulty, but it's the kind of difficulty that makes you want to keep trying. Not like an I Wanna Be The Guy where you think you're at the next save point, but that previously docile cherry/apple/thing comes flying right at you.

    On top of the gameplay, the style/atmosphere of the game is clearly a direct homage to previous eras of gaming. Aside from blatant parodies, you may periodically stumble upon a "warp zone" that takes you to a retro, handheld version of the game, which retains all the difficulty of the main game, but only gives you three lives to do it.

    The game also offers nods to some other indie games, allowing you to play as their main characters upon completing various challenges. For instance, by completing the most difficult warp zone in the game, you get to play as The Kid from I Wanna Be The Guy, or by collecting an obscene number of hard-to-get items, you can play as the dude from Minecraft.

    Basically, Super Meat Boy is challenging as fuck, but designed in such a way to keep it continually fun. Here's the gameplay trailer, for some idea of what I'm talking about.

    -EDIT- Even if you're not totally sold on the game, I'd suggest that $3.75 is easily cheap enough to give it a shot.
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Super Meat Boy is undoubtedly one of the single best games I've ever played. It's easily in the same tier as Super Metroid, Link to the Past, and Super Mario World for me; getting it for $3.75 is like getting a ball of solid gold from a 25-cent gumball machine.
  • So is the Steam Store not letting anyone else check out, or is that just me?
  • I went back into SMB. At first I said FUCK CHAD, now FUCK SALT FACTORY.
  • I went back into SMB. At first I said FUCK CHAD, now FUCK SALT FACTORY.
    Salt factory isn't that bad, Rapture is where I started to despise the game.
  • Difficulty curve doesn't seem to be as bad for me, I'm going for all the dark worlds and bandages in one run (Or as many as I feel like.) so the diffuculty isn't increasing as fast.
    Think I might give the PS2 controller a try though.
  • I went back into SMB. At first I said FUCK CHAD, now FUCK SALT FACTORY.
    Salt factory isn't that bad, Rapture is where I started to despise the game.
    I guess you haven't been to Cotten Alley yet...
  • I went back into SMB. At first I said FUCK CHAD, now FUCK SALT FACTORY.
    Salt factory isn't that bad, Rapture is where I started to despise the game.
    I guess you haven't been to Cotten Alley yet...
    I stopped before then, the latter stages of the game ruined the experience for me as for what I was looking for but overall worth a pickup to anyone reading this.
  • I'm halfway through Rapture.
  • I stopped before then, the latter stages of the game ruined the experience for me as for what I was looking for but overall worth a pickup to anyone reading this.
    Translation: I don't play to win the game.

    You are the perfect example of why no-skill games like Farmville, WoW, and Angry Birds are killing it. Most pople have no interest in building their own actual skills. They are sissy baby quitters who throw up their hands in frustration and quit once the going gets rough. Be a man and beat the game. Remember, studies show that the number one thing that determines success is ability to delay gratification. Do you have it?

  • I decided I'd wait until I got myself a controller before finishing SMB, although I'm confident I could finish it with the keyboard.
  • I decided I'd wait until I got myself a controller before finishing SMB, although I'm confident I could finish it with the keyboard.
    Are you crazy? There is no way I could even beat more than the first couple states with a keyboard.
  • There is no way I could even beat more than the first couple states with a keyboard.
    Maybe you should try building your skills.

    Unless you lack...

  • edited December 2010
    Are you crazy? There is no way I could even beat more than the first couple states with a keyboard.

    //damn you Pete you beat me.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • You are the perfect example of why no-skill games like Farmville, WoW, and Angry Birds are killing it. Most pople have no interest in building their own actual skills. They are sissy baby quitters who throw up their hands in frustration and quit once the going gets rough. Be a man and beat the game.
    Because that's the only type of game to play and the only reason to play it. Anyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a real Scotsman.
  • Anyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a real Scotsman.
    It's really the no true Scott Rubin.
  • Because that's the only type of game to play and the only reason to play it. Anyone who doesn't agree with me isn't a real Scotsman.
    I'm not denying anyone their right to play and enjoy baby games. I'm just making sure that those who do are fully aware of their status as quitting sissy baby losers with no skills.

    Really, I'm just trying to instill in people a competitive spirit and a drive to win. The Neptune's Pride game we just finished has me thinking about it more and more. The vast majority of people do not care about winning at almost anything. They put in a comfortable token amount of effort, and quit once the going gets tough. Gamers need to get serious about winning. It's boring without any competition.
  • Difficulty curve doesn't seem to be as bad for me, I'm going for all the dark worlds and bandages in one run (Or as many as I feel like.) so the diffuculty isn't increasing as fast.
    Think I might give the PS2 controller a try though.
    I was attempting to get all bandages and beat dark world at the same time, but that first goal had to be delayed once I hit dark world Rapture. That shit is hard. Just going to focus on beating these stages, but I'll be back for you bandages!
  • I'm planning on beating the game first, then the dark world/bandages.

    Also, who's excited for the update next month?
  • I'm not denying anyone their right to play and enjoy baby games. I'm just making sure that those who do are fully aware of their status as quitting sissy baby losers with no skills.
  • Guts...
    Guts would be completely one of those steam achievements of beating an entire world in Super Meatboy without dieing once.

    Blood Clot Boy Complete the Hospital Dark World without dying
    Demon Boy Complete the Hell Dark World without dying
    Dr.Fetus Boy Complete the End Dark World without dying
    Impossible Boy Complete the Cotton Alley Dark World without dying
    Missile Boy Complete the Salt Factory Dark World without dying
    Squirrel Boy Complete the Forest Dark World without dying
    Zombie Boy Complete the Rapture Dark World without dying
  • edited December 2010

    Blood Clot Boy Complete the Hospital Dark World without dying
    Demon Boy Complete the Hell Dark World without dying
    Dr.Fetus Boy Complete the End Dark World without dying
    Impossible Boy Complete the Cotton Alley Dark World without dying
    Missile Boy Complete the Salt Factory Dark World without dying
    Squirrel Boy Complete the Forest Dark World without dying
    Zombie Boy Complete the Rapture Dark World without dying
    Curmudgeon Boy - Complete an argument with Scott Rubin.

    He can't Run far or terribly fast, nor jump higher than any other character, But He's totally better than Meat Boy.

    NOTE - In some levels, due to length, height of jumps, and the necessity of a non-sedentary lifestyle, Curmudgeon boy may be unplayable. If you have any other achievements, Or have played anything Other than Counterstrike, Quake 3, Tribes 2, Street Fighter 4, Starcraft 2 or civilisation, Curmudgeon boy will be playable, but absolutely unbearable. Don't tell me I need to insult your intelligence by putting this in greentext or adding a ;^), fucksake.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I stopped before then, the latter stages of the game ruined the experience for me as for what I was looking for but overall worth a pickup to anyone reading this.
    Translation: I don't play to win the game.
    I do play to win, except when the game stops being fun and gets annoying, the reason I say Rapture ruined it for me is not due to the hard levels but by the sheer length of them. The levels prior to that where tight and concise where I can go through small segments at a time until I tackled each one in succession. Rapture pieced together 2 to 3 level segments in one where I would go and get past one area, hit a lull, and die on the next area. 6-5 is the perfect example of this, I do enjoy the game but when the levels get a tad too long it ruins the difficulty curve for me to react to every link in the chain and remember how to pass them only to forget a early link to get frustrated all over again.

    TL;DR version: I play to have fun, when it isn't fun anymore I stop.
  • I went back into SMB. At first I said FUCK CHAD, now FUCK SALT FACTORY.
    Chad was much easier than the chainsaw mecha, IMO.
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