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Video Game Offers



  • TL;DR version: I play to have fun, when it isn't fun anymore I stop.
    This is exactly the problem. If you keep this up, you will never improve/succeed. Yes, it may be frustrating and not fun to die 1000 times for some people, but eventually after a ton of practice, you will get more skill and beat it. That's why I like Super Meat Boy so much. It's way above my skill level, but it's testing the right skills in a fair way. RTSes test the wrong skills. Fighting games have secrets and black hidden magic. Super Meat Boy hides nothing. The controls are perfect. It is extremely fair, precise, and direct. It tests platforming skills at an incredibly high level. It's fun because I die 1000 times, but eventually my skills go up and I beat it.

    Also, Gundabad must be some kind of platforming god because I can hardly get any bandages.
  • I'm stuck on level 5/5 of The End. I've put at least 4 hours into this one level. Dammit.
  • Another meh day. You can get Neverwinter Nights 2 if you want, I guess. Or Serious Sam HD.
  • My wallet remains safe! We can probably expect some awesome deals on Thursday and Friday, and then more repeat deals on the last day.
  • Machinarium is $3. But you should already have it because I know you all bought the Humble Indie Bundle 2... right?
  • How good is Mirrror's Edge?
  • How good is Mirrror's Edge?
  • How good is Mirrror's Edge?
    The time trial bit is what the game should be like. All the cool free running without the GUYS WITH GUNS TRYING TO KILL ME!
  • Loved it. Probably not worth full price, but I assume you can find it for cheap now.
    You should by the way map mouse 1 to jump and mouse 2 to crouch. Put 180 on the mouse somewhere too.
  • edited December 2010
    Indie game is Power of Defence. Getting that, KOTOR and the SrsSam pack.

    Also: If I am using my time to improve my skills at a game, it's going to be poker.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Hmmmm... NWN2 the first one was good and I could play this co-op with a friend...
  • How good is Mirrror's Edge?
    Just don't do that whole don't-shoot-a-single-bullet challenge. I did, but I gave up near the last level because of all the people with heavy machine guns.
  • Shouldn't be that hard given how quickly you can move around to kite guys and then use the amazing slide kick.
  • SMB is pretty much as Scott describes and I play it for much the same reasons. I found myself pushing myself harder and harder on certain levels and when I won it was oh so sweet. Finding that way through and crushing the goal time by more than 10 seconds is super gratifying.

    Just stating my opinion. Not trying to do any more than that. Unlike Scott, I let people have their (as Scott calls them) baby games. Flying Spaghetti Monster knows I have done the whole "Stop playing when it isn't fun anymore" thing a number of times in the past on some games.
  • It may be something to do with how someone's brain is geared, i.e. the given payoff for completing a difficult task may vary a lot from person to person. While I'll will try at a level until I beat it, I don't feel that acomplished in doing so. The game is a distraction, not some great task.
  • Ffff... Listening to Giant Bomb, it turns out Darksiders is a ballin' adventure game.
    Shouldn't be that hard given how quickly you can move around to kite guys and then use the amazing slide kick.
    Yeah, that's pretty much it - they're well armed, but you're much faster and more agile, and your moves are powerful enough to fuck their shit up, take their guns, and hose their mates down.

    Then again, I've also managed to kill plenty of those police runners in both single and group combat, so I might just be good at Mirror's edge shite.
  • Well shit.. lots of good stuff in and around the £2 range. Fuck, no money in the bank.
    Damn you non-digital currency!
  • hmmm..the steam sale for today has some stuff I'm interested in but on the fence about. Mount Blade, King's Bounty, Global Agenda and maybe Lost Horizon.

    I already own Crysis and I highly recommend it. It was a lot of fun with it's cloaking device.
  • Crysis
    Crysis ($7.49), Crysis Warhead ($5), or both ($10)?
  • I believe Warhead is a retelling of the story but you play one of the other main characters. I played through a bit of it but stopped because I got distracted. The first game is worth it, you probably can't lose just getting the package.
  • I haven't played either, but popular opinion seems to be that Warhead is a superior game.
  • I'm going to get the first game, it's probably be on sale again before I have a machine that can play it.
  • I picked up Global Agenda, which will be my last Steam purchase this year. I've been meaning to give it a try, and for $7.50 I figure it's worth picking up.
  • Any opinions on Rush or Sim City 4?
  • I got Rush.
  • I got Rush.
  • I like King's Bounty, and I already own it and one of the expansions. However, the reason I haven't played it much is because the combat is intolerably slow, with no way to speed it up. You spend all this time waiting for guys to walk and animate, it's insufferable.
  • edited December 2010
    Just as a alarification, Neverwinter Nights 2 comes with the editor? That would be my only reason for getting it. It was really fun to play with it in my Software Design (Videogames/Animations) class. Or, before I waste my money, is there a better game that has that feature on Steam?
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • Or, before I waste my money, is there a better game that has that feature on Steam?
    Garry's mod.
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