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Video Game Offers



  • Shatter is fun, but I also found it to be somewhat glitched.
    How so? No glitching up in here.
  • How can Europa III Complete, be complete if there is another expansion?
  • How can Europa III Complete, be complete if there is another expansion?
    Well, they thought they were finished at the time.
  • Amnesia is $9.99 on Steam. Not bad for one of the scariest games ever.
  • Did anyone but me get Greed Corp yesterday? I want to play with somebody.
    Yes! It looked interesting. It was $2.50. I still haven't played it, but once I go through the basic level or tutorial or whatever I'll play.
  • I bought the Indie Future pack today
    After seeing the games in the pack I caved and went ahead and bought it as well. I already had Uplink but I figured the rest of the games in the pack were worth the loss of an extra copy of a game I already had. I'll be snagging a few of these onto my personal laptop I'm taking with me for the business trip next week.
  • Thinking about hitman collection. I could use some hitting.
  • The image for Command & Conquer looks like a badass Soviet version of Carmen Sandiego.

    Flight Control ($1.70) is fun for a few hours. It's probably a lot better on an iOS device, if you have one, though.
  • I bought EU3 Complete; we can get some games going after I learn how to play.
  • Am I the only one holding out for Monday and hoping they'll go bargain-basement to end the sale?
  • Am I the only one holding out for Monday and hoping they'll go bargain-basement to end the sale?
    Typically what happens on the final day is they put back up all the most popular items from previous days.
  • Shatter is fun, but I also found it to be somewhat glitched.
    How so? No glitching up in here.
    I encounted this during the Bonus Mode of Steam's Treasure Hunt. I got the game for the same price, but on occasion the ball would break on the paddle on tons of angles. Hit dead center, right on the edge, and at times, the ball would break while still registering the points. Granted, my laptop is somewhat slow, but that problem can be very, very annoying.

    It's an epic game though, no question. I fucking love Brickout games.
  • TF2 for $5? Cmon, even if it's broken, $5? Amirite?
  • TF2 for $5? Cmon, even if it's broken, $5? Amirite?
    The Stalker pack is a much better use of that $5.
  • What's your guys' opinion on Supreme Commander? Also, definitely looking at that Star Wars pack.
  • What's your guys' opinion on Supreme Commander?
    It's pretty good. Giant Robots exploding other giant robots. RTS games aren't exactly my cup of tea, but it was fun for a while.
  • Bonus Mode
    Bonus Mode of Shatter is fucking impossible. That achievement was bullshit.
  • Bonus Mode
    Bonus Mode of Shatter is fucking impossible. That achievement was bullshit.
    I died just as I got the exact score needed for the steam treasure hunt.
  • Anyone play Empire or Napoleon? Is that pack worth it?
  • Getting Farcry 2 and RA3. Anyone know which of the three Hitman games on sale is the best?
  • Which is the better Bionic Commando?
  • Which is the better Bionic Commando?
  • So tommorow is the final day. I wonder if it will be insanity or buisness as usual.
  • Can anybody recommend Mafia II, and whether any of the DLC is worth purchasing?
  • Are Half Life 2: Ep 1 and Ep 2 worth two bucks each?
  • edited January 2011
    Ep 2 definitely, I found Ep 1 to be meh (this was during a play through of HL2,Ep 1 and Ep 2).
    Post edited by beefturkey on
  • Are Half Life 2: Ep 1 and Ep 2 worth two bucks each?
    Definitely both.
  • Last day. Do I want Napoleon&Empire, or five Indie Packs?
  • Five indie packs.
  • I almost bought Settlers 7, but then time ran out and the price went up.
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