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Video Game Offers



  • Verdict on PvZ?
  • Verdict on PvZ?
    Meh. It's nice if you're gonna listen to podcasts or music while you play, but it couldn't be the only thing I'm doing.
  • Verdict on PvZ?
    It's a perfect game to play while you're doing something else. The same as most NIS games. Get it on something portable and then PvZ while you ____.
  • edited January 2011
    Potential purchases:

    1) Indies: 2D, Beat
    2) Grotesque Tactics
    3) PvZ: GOTY

    I might get Empire&Napoleon on top of that. It depends on how badly I want comics this month.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Bionic Commando Rearmed for £3.24 and the -10% on Monday Night Combat ends on Monday when it comes out.
  • Europa Universalis III complete for £3. If I had any idea what was going on in that game, I might be able to make some kind of judgement.
  • edited January 2011
    It's not on Steam, but Love is going to be one sale for the next few months and it's received a bunch of interesting improvements.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Hmm. Might be worth revisiting.
  • edited January 2011
    £8 for 6 months.. that's gone a long way in the other direction from the £10/month it was before.
    [The AI are] now not all terrible psychos who see your existence as an error that must be rectified by an endless stream of laser fire. Not only can they be your friends, they’ll actually go to war with one another.
    Fukken word.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I am so turned off of MMOs right now, and Love is no exception.
  • That is as ridiculous as someone saying they're going to stop playing single player games.
  • That is as ridiculous as someone saying they're going to stop playing single player games.
    1. There are plenty of people who only play video games for competitive multiplayer.
    2. How is that anywhere near as ridiculous? MMOs are a very specific sort of game, and it's definitely not for everyone. I got my MMO fix with Runescape back in middle school. I'm done with that shit now.
  • If I want to roleplay, I'll do it in a game group for a face-to-face social aspect. I enjoy multiplayer, but really just competitive or minecrafting. I did just give MMOs another chance; I tried DCUO. Tired of it after about a day and seeing that Sony's charging $15.99 a month for access.
  • Have you actually played Love? It's a lot more like multiplayer Dwarf Fortress than Minecraft is.
  • What you talking about Trogdor?

    Today's lesson: MMO =/= MMORPG.
  • @Sail: A while back, maybe I'll give it another go. I hate pay-to-play, though.
    @Omnu: Fucking whatever, dude.
  • I hate pay-to-play, though.
    Name a game costing less than £8 that you will play for six months.
  • edited January 2011
    Spelunky was free. And is never the same twice.
    Desktop Dungeons, see above.
    Nethack, see above.
    Etc. etc.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2011
    So you play only those games? You never pay to play games above that price?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I pay to play games above that price that do not charge me for continued playing of multiplayer. I'm not going to pay $10 per month to play just one game online. That is, in my opinion, a waste of money.
  • You weren't paying attention when I said it was £8 for six months then. Oh well.
  • I misunderstood you.
  • What you talking about Trogdor?

    Today's lesson: MMO =/= MMORPG.
    Irrelevant - Name an MMO that is good and requires skill and is not an RPG. The fact is, there aren't very many.
  • edited January 2011
    What qualifies an "MMO" as opposed to a mere online multiplayer game?
    Post edited by Sail on
  • What qualifies an "MMO" as opposed to a mere online multiplayer game?
    It's massive.
  • What qualifies an "MMO" as opposed to a mere online multiplayer game?
    It's massive.
    Counter-strike is massive.
  • Hundreds of people on the same server at the same time.
  • "Massive" also refers to the size of the world.
  • Anyone try this A.R.E.S. game on Steam? It reminds me of Mega Turrican. Getting the demo.
  • You can get both Penny Arcade games for $3 this weekend. Completely worth it if you don't have them already.
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