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Video Game Offers



  • That's why I play TF2. (Well, that and I never really played competative FPS games before, so a Babby's First FPS game fits me well.)
    Not to mention, it has/had style. Don't know how it is now with all the hats.
  • Not to mention, it has/had style. Don't know how it is now with all the hats.
    They seem to have kept the hats within the TF2 stylinz. Just avoid the Mann Co. Store (where you can buy unlocks and digital hats for real moneys) and it's a decent game.
  • edited June 2011



    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Done.
  • Red Faction Guerilla is $5
  • Space Asshole is $5
  • I know you guys always talk about Space Asshole, but is it actually a good game that is worth playing?
  • edited June 2011
    I know you guys always talk about Space Asshole, but is it actually a good game that is worth playing?
    It's definitely worth $5. I had my fair share of fun with it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • yes but I hear it is "teh bust" on PC (I played it on Xbox)

    THQ console - PC ports don't have a fantastic track record.
  • I played it all the way through on the PC and had a blast, just make sure you have a x-box controller.
  • Free Weekend for Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer.

  • "Worth $5" is completely irrelevant to me at this point. I have sooo many games that I've bought and have not yet played that my time spent on them is more valuable than the price of the game itself.
  • edited June 2011
    "Worth $5" is completely irrelevant to me at this point. I have sooo many games that I've bought and have not yet played that my time spent on them is more valuable than the price of the game itself.
    If you have a stack to play, do not buy Space Asshole. Island Asshole is vastly superior, but not on sale.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Red Faction Guerilla is $5
    This is definitely going to be one of those instances where I don't buy it because I figure I'll never play it, and then will go "why didn't I buy that" once the price goes back up. And yet, knowing this changes nothing.
  • Red Faction Guerrilla was the first open world game I actually liked. I would recommend it to those with the $5 to spare.
  • I bought Space Asshole during the Christmas sale and played straight through right away and loved it. It's pretty fun.
  • edited June 2011
    "Worth $5" is completely irrelevant to me at this point. I have sooo many games that I've bought and have not yet played that my time spent on them is more valuable than the price of the game itself.
    If you have a stack to play, do not buy Space Asshole. Island Asshole is vastly superior, but not on sale.
    That's what I needed to know, thanks. I bought both Mass Effect games over a year ago and have only gotten to playing them recently. After ME2 I've still got Fallout 3, Arkham Asylum, Bioshock 1, DA:O, Precipice of Darkness 1, Recettear, KOTOR, and VVVVVV to finish. And that doesn't even include all the games I have that I haven't even started.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited June 2011
    Chuck it on the pile and play it before Bioshock and Penny Arcade. It's super fun.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Mars Asshole is $5
    FTFY. If it's space asshole, then GTA is also space asshole, because they're on a planet they don't leave, too.

    Though, you are right - Island Asshole is far superior.
  • Which one's Island Asshole, again?
  • Which one's Island Asshole, again?
    Just Cause 2. It's really good for a sandbox game.
  • Neito: thank you so much.
    KOTOR really isn't that good.
  • KOTOR really isn't that good.
    I'm frustrated by this game, I've been enjoying it, but it has some HUGE bugs you would have thought they would have fixed...
  • RymRym
    edited June 2011
    it has some HUGE bugs you would have thought they would have fixed...
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I used to have a Wii. It was fun times, but then I wanted a DS and didn't have any money, so I traded in my Wii which at that point had been standing around for at least a year, untouched. However, the Wii was a fun little machine, even if there aren't many games to play on it. However, there are two games for it I haven't played yet but would like to play, both of course involving Mario in Galaxy 2 and New Super Mario Bros.

    A local shop is having a limited time offer, of a Wii with Wii Sports Resort and Mario Galaxy 2 for 150€. I am kinda tempted, but it is to me somewhat of an impulse purchase. Plus, it's somewhat late in the Wii's lifecycle and I have absolutely no clue if there are any more games of interest on the horizon, or which past games are any good except the ones I've already played.

    On the other hand, I do make enough money so I could go into that without any real problems, and I don't think I'd mind having a Wii around and just play it occasionally.
  • edited June 2011
    I own Red Faction Guerrilla, and only paid around $15 for it on my 360. Single player is a fun blow-stuff-up-and-gtfo style of game, particularly on harder difficulties. Multiplayer is pretty terrible.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • If I remember correctly, RFG got the David Riley Seal of Approval. I'll have to re-download that one.
  • edited June 2011
    KOTOR really isn't that good.
    I've played five hours of it and honestly, aside from the bugs, it's the same game as Dragon Age. The combat in both is comprised of basically the same boring, annoying system. The whole reason I stopped playing Dragon Age was because I hated all the combat, and I'm sure I would have reached that point with KOTOR had my save file not gotten deleted.

    I've realized the only way for me to even tolerate playing a Bioware game is to turn the difficulty to casual and never have to touch my stat trees. It's the only reason I'm finally getting through the Mass Effect games, because I don't like the combat in those either, though it's a lot more fun than the KOTOR/DA system.

    But the characters and story in these games make them worth playing, and I loved what I've seen in KOTOR so far on that front. My perfect Bioware game would be entirely comprised of dialogue trees because their games really aren't very fun for me on any other level.
    Post edited by Sail on
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