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Video Game Offers



  • I bought the Counter Strike complete pack since it's on sale. I've never played any of these games before, so I hope I like them.
  • Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar is free on GoG at the moment.
    That game is always free. It was released for free a long time ago.
  • Ricochet is also on sale for 1.25 as part of thar. I remember rym and Scott saying it was awesome. If there's enough interest it shoud be trivial to set up a server.
    I'll run a server on an ad-hoc basis. As in, we'll pick a time and I'll turn the server on. There's no reason to have a server up if no one's playing.

    Next week, we will play. It's a good game.
  • Ricochet is also on sale for 1.25 as part of thar. I remember rym and Scott saying it was awesome. If there's enough interest it shoud be trivial to set up a server.
    I'll run a server on an ad-hoc basis. As in, we'll pick a time and I'll turn the server on. There's no reason to have a server up if no one's playing.

    Next week, we will play. It's a good game.
    I already have the server software on my VPS, though I'm honestly not sure who would have better throughput, you or me.
  • I'll run a server on an ad-hoc basis. As in, we'll pick a time and I'll turn the server on. There's no reason to have a server up if no one's playing.

    Next week, we will play. It's a good game.
    Ricochet? As in that old HL1 mod reminiscent of Tron disc wars?
  • Hmm, I might have to grab that. It was quite fun, as I recall.
  • Hamilton's great adventure at 50%, looks pretty cool and skill based to me, anyone ever tried?
  • It would appear that portal is free for the moment. Word on reddit is that it will stay that way until the 20th.
  • Darksiders for five bucks.
  • Magicka and all DLC are on sale today. Pick up the game for $2.50 or the complete pack for $6.24. I may be getting more dlc.
  • I"m also interested in picking up some DLC. Which of them are worth buying?
  • I"m also interested in picking up some DLC. Which of them are worth buying?
    Most of the DLC is 'different weapons' and such. These are not worth getting. Anything the only one I know off that's more actual content is Vietnam.
  • edited September 2011
    Most of the DLC is 'different weapons' and such. These are not worth getting. Anything the only one I know off that's more actual content is Vietnam.

    Nippon, Survival kit, Party Robes and gamer bundle are all just robes and such. Frozen lake, Watchtower, Vietnam and Marshlands all have extra content, in the form of modes, levels, arenas, and so on. And considering that all of them are 49 cents each, except the Latest DLC, gamer bundle, which is $1.99, they're generally worth getting.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • No.
    I apologize for being uninformed and giving bad advice. I should've at least looked at the list before answering. I really did mess up and gave horrible advice there.
  • I apologize for being uninformed and giving bad advice. I should've at least looked at the list before answering. I really did mess up and gave horrible advice there.
    Would you prefer a "Not quite" Next time?
  • Would you prefer a "Not quite" Next time?
    I was sincere in my apology. I gave advice which wasn't just unhelpful, but counterproductive. At the time of writing, I told myself "You should reasearch this before posting" but I felt too lazy. I may also be overly self-critical too the point of seeming ridicule, but I assure you, I do honestly think I made a mistake here.
  • I was sincere in my apology. I gave advice which wasn't just unhelpful, but counterproductive. At the time of writing, I told myself "You should reasearch this before posting" but I felt too lazy. I may also be overly self-critical too the point of seeming ridicule, but I assure you, I do honestly think I made a mistake here.
    Oh, I thought you were just being self-depreciating as a sort of semi-humorous "No worries, My bad" kinda thing, so I just ran with it. Sorry man - but either way, it's okay, if you hadn't checked up in a long time, then it's only natural that this would be the case - and after all, if what you know as the current track record is one thing, why would you think to check? It's no big.
  • Damnit, I suck at detecting sarcasm. Truly this makes me the most horrible person. For failure to identify sarcasm, I suggest you take away my license to drive the Internet.
  • edited September 2011
    Damnit, I suck at detecting sarcasm. Truly this makes me the most horrible person. For failure to identify sarcasm, I suggest you take away my license to drive the Internet.
    Aw, you're adorable. Keep doing what you do. Just remember to try it with someone else, next time, I don't have the patience to wait for you to finish fuckin' amateur hour.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • KISS!!! KISS!! KISS!!
  • Make out with a nailgun OCaptainMyCaptainTim. Or better yet, fuck it.
  • Not everyone has a penis the size of a nail, Air Co.
  • Nine Y U be dick?
  • Nines gonna Nine.
  • Nine Y U be dick?
    I could ask you such questions as well.
    Not everyone has a penis the size of a nail, Air Co.
    I'm well aware of that. I'm my own evidence after all.
  • I'm well aware of that. I'm my own evidence after all.
  • Steam has been quiet lately. Holiday sales are brewing up some trouble.
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