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Video Game Offers



  • edited September 2011
    Oh, speaking of video game deals, how about a Battle Field 3 Open Beta for your 360? the superior platform?
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Oh, speaking of video game deals, how about a Battle Field 3 Open Beta for your 360?
    Fuck that, get it on PC.
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale is half off right now. Is it worth $7.50? in before BURNING WHEEL BURNING WHEEL BURNING WHEEL
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale is half off right now. Is it worth $7.50?
    I haven't played it myself, but I have heard reviews from people that are rather hardcore D&D; fans who were completely unimpressed. Apparently you don't get to create your character, you choose one of 4 pre-built characters and there is very little to no customization as you progress.
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale is half off right now. Is it worth $7.50?
    I haven't played it myself, but I have heard reviews from people that are rather hardcore D&D; fans who were completely unimpressed. Apparently you don't get to create your character, you choose one of 4 pre-built characters and there is very little to no customization as you progress.
    I can agree with that. There's no D&D; quality to the game, and even with that it's just not that fun. It feels like WoW, looks more "realistic," and has very little customization. I wouldn't reccomend it no matter how low the price drops.
  • Dungeons and Dragons: Daggerdale is half off right now. Is it worth $7.50?
    I haven't played it myself, but I have heard reviews from people that are rather hardcore D&D; fans who were completely unimpressed. Apparently you don't get to create your character, you choose one of 4 pre-built characters and there is very little to no customization as you progress.
    I can agree with that. There's no D&D; quality to the game, and even with that it's just not that fun. It feels like WoW, looks more "realistic," and has very little customization. I wouldn't reccomend it no matter how low the price drops.
    I tried the demo.

    It's awful. It's not even worth the time it takes to play it, never mind any amount of money no matter how meagre.
  • It's awful. It's not even worth the time it takes to play it, never mind any amount of money no matter how meagre.
    I had a crack at it while I was over at my mate's place, and I agree - it's pretty shite.
  • DLC news: free new Portal 2 co-op levels that continue the storyline arriving Oct 4th.
  • DLC news: free new Portal 2 co-op levels that continue the storyline arriving Oct 4th.
    FUCK YEAH. Andrew, where you at?
  • FUCK YEAH. Andrew, where you at?
    I'll be ready.
  • FUCK YEAH. Andrew, where you at?
    I'll be ready.
    Good, I can't trust these other people who don't have enough skills.
  • Good, I can't trust these other people who don't have enough skills to carry me.
  • Wow, nobody said anything about Portal 2 at $14.99? I got mine.
  • If only I had moneys
  • There are people who haven't already bought and played Portal 2? :P
  • As creepy as it looks, think I'll be buying Binding of Isaac.
  • There are people who haven't already bought and played Portal 2? :P
  • Played the Portal 2 DLC levels last night (at least a few of them before I had to take a break), and they're completely meh. There's no real storyline, the voice acting is weak, the puzzles are way too easy and there's none of the original humor...

    Portal 2 DLC is free
  • Right. I meant go buy Portal 2 if you haven't already. Or buy Portal 2 for a friend so you can play co-op since it is $14.
  • edited October 2011
    There are people who haven't already bought and played Portal 2? :P
    Me, however looks like I'll be buying soon to add to the pile of other games I have yet to play.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited October 2011
    There are people who haven't already bought and played Portal 2? :P
    I haven't yet either. I was waiting for it to go below $20, which it has, so I'm buying it now :)
    Post edited by theknoxinator on
  • As creepy as it looks, think I'll be buying Binding of Isaac.
    It's so good, dude. I've been playing it nonstop since it came out.
  • Looks like the The Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle is actually turning into a real bundle.

    They just added SpaceChem to the list. Looks like a fun puzzle game.
  • Metro 2033 at 5 dollars, sadly I got it at an earlier sale for a bit more, looks good, pretty immersive, I recommend it if you are OK with single player fps's. Also Duke Nukem Forever for 9.99. I'm considering that, I bet I'll have fun with it even with all the shit talking about it.
  • Duke Nukem Forever's ten bucks, and if you're part of the Borderland's Duke's First Access Club, you get the new DLC for free. $10 was my "Buy it so I can say I own it" point.
  • Duke Nukem Forever's ten bucks, and if you're part of the Borderland's Duke's First Access Club, you get the new DLC for free. $10 was my "Buy it so I can say I own it" point.
    I'm thinking about it. I figure, If I sell two more badges before they raise the price again, and I'll buy it.
  • I'm thinking about it. I figure, If I sell two more badges before they raise the price again, and I'll buy it.
    Sell two more badges? Badges of what?
  • edited October 2011
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Awesome! I wholeheartedly approve of your money making endeavor.
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