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Video Game Offers



  • Sonic 4: Episode 1 is $3.39 on steam at the moment. I think its worth it at that price.
    Still haven't played though Sonic CD so no more Sonics to me, at least before I finish that one.
    Sonic CD was alright. Not the best of the 2d Sonic era (that title, IMO, belongs to Sonic 3), but a decent game with an interesting mechanic.
    Well I have played both Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 and Knuckles (or however you want to put combining those two), so I don't think that Sonic games have anything left to give to me.

    Oh wait. I just remembered, Sonic pinball, that one I still like.

  • For anyone looking for some great 2D Sonic, the handheld edition of Sonic Generations is where it's at.
    Now this is really interesting. I'm loving is on the PC but I looked up the 3DS version, and it's got some big differences in the level list. I might wind up playing both if these games are significantly different.

  • They are. Even for the few repeat zones, the levels are different. There's no 3D sonic, but modern Sonic is basically Sonic Rush-style instead. But yeah, if you liked PC/console Sonic Generations, there's no reason you won't like the 3DS one. And, like you said, they're different games with different content.
  • Hot damn. I am pretty sure I will like Sonic Generations 3DS even more. I'll take Sonic Rush style over the PC's open-world levels.
  • edited March 2012
    Matt. What's your 3DS Friend Code? I don't think I've added you yet.

    Mine is 3222-5560-5254.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
  • Both penny arcade game episodes for 3 bucks. I played a little bit of the first one on my friends xbox and I kinda got bored with it.
  • Both penny arcade game episodes for 3 bucks. I played a little bit of the first one on my friends xbox and I kinda got bored with it.
    Oooo. I know the games weren't incredible, but I have been meaning to play them. Thanks for the heads up.
  • Both penny arcade game episodes for 3 bucks. I played a little bit of the first one on my friends xbox and I kinda got bored with it.
    Oooo. I know the games weren't incredible, but I have been meaning to play them. Thanks for the heads up.
    The games are pretty funny. I enjoyed them.
  • Yeah the whole appeal of them for the most part is Penny Arcade. The combat was like a bland mario & luigi and there isn't much to explore.

  • April 11th on Good Old Games. $11.

  • April 11th on Good Old Games. $11.
    Tempting. Although, I've reached the age where such games feel like throwing the hours of my life in a giant pile and setting it on fire.
  • Indie Royale has their April Fools bundle.
  • Indie Royale has their April Fools bundle.
    But I thought every Indie Royale was a joke ^_~
  • How right you are.
  • Indie Royale has their April Fools bundle.
    But I thought every Indie Royale was a joke ^_~
    ZING! Defense Grid is pretty good though. They usually have one actually good game and a few others of varying quality that are just tagging along.
  • I was actually interested in Defense Grid. I may consider purchasing this now just for DG since it comes with the DLC and its like buying it for 66% off. The only other game that looks kinda interesting is Explodemon but I don't know anyone who uses Desura. If you just give me the option to download an exe for a game I will probably just delete it after a month and since it will eventually not be downloadable again then it might as well just not just not be available.
  • If you are remotely interested in Defence Grid, get it. I played the crap out of that, though it gets kinda hard at the end as they keep changing around the type of challenge.
  • I was actually interested in Defense Grid. I may consider purchasing this now just for DG since it comes with the DLC and its like buying it for 66% off. The only other game that looks kinda interesting is Explodemon but I don't know anyone who uses Desura. If you just give me the option to download an exe for a game I will probably just delete it after a month and since it will eventually not be downloadable again then it might as well just not just not be available.
    Why are you assuming that it won't be downloadable again? I can download all of my old Indie Royale games.
  • edited April 2012
    I just don't trust it to be always available like Steam. They could prove me wrong but until they do...
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • I just don't trust it to be always available like Steam. They could prove me wrong but until they do...
    Just download the EXE and upload it to Dropbox or something. If you use the desktop client there's no upper limit on the size of individual files, assuming it still fits in the box.
  • (You get Steam codes for the games. Says so on the web page.)
  • (You get Steam codes for the games. Says so on the web page.)
    Not for all the games, some they don't host on Steam.
  • Defence grid is all you have to care about.
  • Fallout 1 is free on until tomorrow. Might as well add it to my account for convenience.
  • I thought the first one was poop. The second was is still pretty decent although doesn't hold up that great.
  • I played One not too long ago. It's definitely rough on the interface but I enjoyed it enough to beat it. Admittedly said fuck it about an hour into fallout 2 afterwards though, so maybe I didn't really enjoy it 'that' much.
  • When I first played it at PAX Prime 2010, I said "Why are the physics so weird?" If you stop holding the arrow while mid-air, Sonic stops dead in the air and falls straight down.
    Holy shit this still happens and its really annoying. The physics are terrible. If you remember to hold the direction you should be going it isn't that bad but it is still a nuisance.
  • Fallout 1 is free on until tomorrow. Might as well add it to my account for convenience.
    It took half a dozen false starts for me to get into the first Fallout when it was new. Then I played it through a half dozen times after that.

  • edited April 2012
    Free Microsoft monies
    They just need an email address and home address, and it worked for my dorm address and home address. 160 points per go and supposedly you can go 2 times per day though I don't know if you will get anything after your first win.
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • edited April 2012
    Even if it has Microsoft logos everywhere, that looks incredibly sketchy.

    Edit: Scratch that. I'm an idiot.
    Post edited by VentureJ on
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