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Video Game Offers



  • Does this sale end tonight?
  • edited May 2012
    Sweet Sassy of Molassy! Dungeon Defenders for ~$5 on the Indie Royale! It includes other games as well!
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited May 2012
    Sweet Sassy of Molassy! Dungeon Defenders for ~$5 on the Indie Royale!
    There you go.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • $3 is way too much, but the old SEGA Genesis game Dynamite Headdy is on Steam. I highly highly recommend you go and emulate that shit. Amazing platformer I played a whole lot back in the day. Still never beat it! It gets very hard in the late levels.
  • $3 for any of the following golden oldies on GOG right now:

    -Alpha Centauri
    -Populous II
    -Sim City 2000
    -Dungeon Keeper
    -Dungeon Keeper II

    I'm definitely taking advantage of this in order to grab SC2K and Alpha Centauri.
  • I don't think I have any actual desire to play Populous or Sim City 2000 again, but damn I can't even count the number of hours those two games occupied in my childhood...
  • AssC:Bro for £5, worth it? I didn't play all the way through AssC2 but Bro seems to have enough new fun stuff for the price.
  • The newest Humble Bundle is the best combination of games they've ever had. Bastion, Amnesia, Psychonauts, Limbo, and Sword and Sworcery EP.
  • If you only have one or two of the games already, seriously, what are you doing, buy it now.
  • And thus the highest chance you will have what you already want.
    If anyone has a spare Bastion, I can get them back later.
  • Oh damn, I redeemed mine already.
  • amazon has a set of paradox games up for ~13USD, Crusader Kings 2, Vicotria 2, Magika and all of the Swords of the Stars games.

    I was able to get Steam to take CK2 and the SotS2 keys but the Victoria 2 key just wont go.

  • That bundle is obscene.
  • I only wanted Psychonauts so I just bought it on steam for $5 instead. Now I remember that they often add games to these down the road. :(
  • I bought it for bastion and Limbo, but I ended up starting to play psychonauts again (still haven't beaten it)
  • Damn, I'll definitely have to pick that up when I get around to putting more cash in my account. I wish I hadn't already bought Limbo, but it was only like $1 so oh well.
  • I know Super Meat Boy has already been in a bundle, but if they added that to the current list, I think the internet would rupture.
  • edited June 2012
    I used to get every bundle. Now it's the same games over and over again. Even though they are "huge" games, I already have all the ones I want. If I had wanted any of the others, I would have had them already. Obviously I'm pretty rare, because the thing is still selling like crazy.

    Still, if I were in charge of bundles, I would never have even one repeat game. Every bundle would consist 100% of games that have never been bundled before. If that were the case, I would buy ever single bundle.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • What are you talking about, Apreche? Every game in Humble Indie Bundle V has never been in a Humble Indie Bundle before. You may have already bought them from Steam, but you didn't get them from Humble.
  • What are you talking about, Apreche? Every game in Humble Indie Bundle V has never been in a Humble Indie Bundle before. You may have already bought them from Steam, but you didn't get them from Humble.
    I could have sworn they were bundled already. It feels like I keep seeing the same games over and over again.

    Fine, I'll change it. If I were in charge of the bundle, it would only include brand new indie games that haven't already been bought by everybody elsewhere.
  • The repeated games are usually when they add an old pack in as a bonus. And anyway, clearly these games haven't "already been bought by everybody elsewhere," because I didn't have two of them, and those two were definitely worth the $7.20 I paid. And, if you don't want Bastion, you can pay even less. Pay $1, get four killer games. Why the fuck not? Even if you only lack one of two of the games, at that price point, you're paying at most $1 for a game. Don't tell me that's not a good deal.
  • Hell, Bastion is worth it on it's own.
  • Pretty sure Amnesia and LIMBO have been in bundles before, if only as bonus games, but Psychonauts and Bastion are worth the bundle alone. Considering that you get the soundtracks in to boot (the Bastion soundtrack might be my favorite game OST of all time, and up there on my favorite albums in general), excellent bundle overall.
  • Pretty sure Amnesia and LIMBO have been in bundles before, if only as bonus games, but Psychonauts and Bastion are worth the bundle alone. Considering that you get the soundtracks in to boot (the Bastion soundtrack might be my favorite game OST of all time, and up there on my favorite albums in general), excellent bundle overall.
    With Amnesia, you're probably thinking of Penumbra, Frictional's other game. I bought Limbo for $2.50 during the last Thanksgiving sale; maybe you did the same? Do a Ctrl+F on the Wikipedia article; Humble Bundle V is all new.
  • Well damn, okay then. Schooled.
  • Braid, Lone Survivor, and Super Meat Boy added to the Humble Bundle, so basically every indie game that matters ever is now in this bundle.
  • edited June 2012
    Yeah-yuh! Giving my little brother Braid and SMB as graduation presents.

    Also, because both of those games made it into the bundle, I should state that I think The Atlantic should have profiled MacMillan instead of Jon Blow. Both know games, both make games with very definite artistic flair and excellent design, but only Jon Blow is a conceited douchebag who doesn't understand economics or people.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If you're a Linux person, they updated the Super Meat Boy Linux port so it is less stupidly buggy now.
  • Man, I really wish I could gift the extra copies of games I already had. I know I could just give them the files, but I'd rather have legit steam keys.
  • Most of the "added later" games come with separate keys. Check your Key Page for details.
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