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  • I just bought the 6th volume of Chi's Sweet Home THROUGH MY PHONE! I love not being behind in phone technology anymore.
    I still need to buy that. Thanks for reminding me. Volume 5 ended on a decent cliffhanger.
  • They look to be identical in layout, but with some accented keys thrown in to make them more viable for non-English.
    Tilde, slash, hash, vertical line, and @ are all moved, enter key is bigger. Doesn't seem like much, but when you're used to an American keyboard, it's fucking annoying.
  • American International for me, I need the áéíóúüñ
  • Dvorac for life

    //really big lie
    ///am I doing these slashes right?
  • Just put an SSD in my computer. Because I had Windows installed on a separate drive, it was a piece of cake. Even my iTunes library is still intact!
  • Dvorac for life

    //really big lie
    Very obvious lie, because you probably wouldn't have misspelled Dvorak if you were actually using it.
  • Going to McDonalds for a salad roll is like going to a brothel for a hug.
  • Just put an SSD in my computer. Because I had Windows installed on a separate drive, it was a piece of cake. Even my iTunes library is still intact!
    I always found this to be more of hassle than it was worth. Windows really likes the Windows and Program Files directories to be in the same drive.
  • edited July 2011
    Windows really likes the Windows and Program Files directories to be in the same drive.
    I remember moving Prog Files Documents and Settings to another drive on XP. Registry editing took a good hour. Now my desktop icons transpose each time I boot up, and there's some random ini file that pops up in notepad. The latter thing would make sense if it was in any of the 3+ Windows startup places, but it isn't... Oh well, small price to pay. Still works.

    EDIT: Wait, I moved Prog Files no problem many, many years ago. I'm thinking of when I moved Documents and Settings to another drive more recently.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I always found this to be more of hassle than it was worth. Windows really likes the Windows and Program Files directories to be in the same drive.
    Uh, those are on the same drive. The folders that are on different drives are all the user folders like My Documents, My Music, etc. It's no problem to let Program Files get blown away since there isn't actually any user data in there. Just reinstall apps as you need to use them.
  • Uh, those are on the same drive. The folders that are on different drives are all the user folders like My Documents, My Music, etc. It's no problem to let Program Files get blown away since there isn't actually any user data in there. Just reinstall apps as you need to use them.
    Ohhhh, you must have gotten a bigger SSD than me. Mine could handle windows and nothing else so I had to redirect the Program Files.
  • edited July 2011
    Uh, those are on the same drive. The folders that are on different drives are all the user folders like My Documents, My Music, etc. It's no problem to let Program Files get blown away since there isn't actually any user data in there. Just reinstall apps as you need to use them.
    Ohhhh, you must have gotten a bigger SSD than me. Mine could handle windows and nothing else so I had to redirect the Program Files.
    128GB It's big enough, but I'm going to have to uninstall Steam games that I'm not playing. Just like the DOS days. Also, have to keep virtual machines on the other drives.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited July 2011
    If you got moneys, get two and do software RAID 0 LVM for 256GB if not using Windows.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • If you got moneys, get two and do software RAID 0 LVM for 256GB if not using Windows.
    Same idea.
  • Just adjusting for my lifestyle :) Still a good idea.
  • I do not have the mad bank necessary for such things. I'll stick with a really nice 7200 RPM 3.5" drive.
  • I read "Dvorak for life" as a "Thug life" for classical music.
  • edited July 2011
    I read "Dvorak for life" as a "Thug life" for classical music.
    That makes me think of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, specifically this audio clip.
    Frylock: Here, how'd you like to get down with some real gangsters..from the 15th century?
    Meatwad: Bach? Beethoven? Are they down with the Pee Pants?
    Frylock: Well, they wore pantaloons back then, Meatwad.
    Meatwad: Shoot, boy, you'd get shot wearing that in my hood.
    Frylock: Well, I think these guys are pretty darn dope, if you know what I mean.
    Meatwad: Well then give it to me. But you better be right, though.
    Post edited by Byron on
  • I have mad bank, or at least enough moneys, to get an SSD for my MacBook pro. This was partly for speed, partly for sound, but a big part was for reliability. It is my main machine, and the solid stateness of it means I have far more confidence it won't flake out on me while I'm in Papua new guinea.

    But the speed is awesome too.

    I have both windows and osx on there, plus steam on both (still an experiment) plus all my music and lots of other media files. I have external USB drives for archiving, and I fill them up pretty quickly with all the photos I take. The system works, and I'm very happy.
  • Had a bit of a storm last night. The weather uprooted/broke in half no fewer than three trees and made a general mess of campus. It was quite a sight to see.

  • I just want to say goodbye to Border's that is all. Time to get some cheap comic books/ manga :P
    Peculiar. Sadly, my ping is rarely better than a quarter of a second, rendering most online games unplayable.
    Yay! Grade F!
    (Disregard the Memphis, TN; I live in VA. 3G internet is odd.)
  • Mine got all better after a while. I was scared there for a while.
  • Like I posted in the fail of my day thread:

    It's been a minute and the pictures with your speeds are only half way downloaded. The icons that allows you to insert links and video have all turned to text because the pictures won't load.
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