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  • lol. A Luke episode is up ins as well. ;^)

    There will be not only normal GeekNights while I'm in Japan with Emily, but extra GeekNights. If I finish editing before we fly out Tuesday morning, there will be an RFE or two, plus some Makoto Shinkai Q&A from NYCC.
  • edited October 2011
    lol. A Luke episode is up ins as well. ;^)

    There will be not only normal GeekNights while I'm in Japan with Emily, but extra GeekNights. If I finish editing before we fly out Tuesday morning, there will be an RFE or two, plus some Makoto Shinkai Q&A; from NYCC.
    Whaaaat? We haven't had extra Geeknights since, well, ever. What did you do with our Rym, shapeshifting scum?
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I started watching Nerima Daikon Brothers over the weekend and today someone was standing behind me at the supermarket register with a gigantic daikon type of radish, about the size of my forearm. Weird coincidence, but I was sure as hell hoping he wouldn't make me touch it. Thankfully, I escaped alive.
  • I find it highly amusing that, despite my distaste for anything coffee related, I make the stuff quite well for others (I only have a french press, so it's not like I'm just loading up a machine to do the work).
  • I always thought that pompadours in anime were highly exaggerated, but maybe not so much.

    Sorry, that was kinda racist.
  • I always thought that pompadours in anime were highly exaggerated, but maybe not so much.
    I saw that guy in the middle and immediately thought, "LOOK AT SWEET JP'S SPLENDID MOVE!!"
  • Ohmigod it's JP.
  • I saw that guy in the middle and immediately thought, "LOOK AT SWEET JP'S SPLENDID MOVE!!"
    Ohmigod it's JP.
    I had a very similar thought.
  • When you are traveling in an aircraft (like a commercial jetliner), and go to the bathroom.. for a split moment your excrement is being flung through the air at 600+ MPH.
  • edited October 2011
    I have discovered that Wegmans has Vegemite. Awwwwww yeaaaaah. Americans, go fetch yourself some Umami in a jar.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have discovered that Wegmans has Vegemite. Awwwwww yeaaaaah. Americans, go fetch yourself some Umami in a jar.
    There's Marmite all over the place here, but no Vegemite.
  • There's Marmite all over the place here, but no Vegemite.
    FUCK marmite, it tastes like licking a hospital. Have Bovril, if you must.
  • Anyone have a Fitocracy invite code they can send my way?
  • There's Marmite all over the place here, but no Vegemite.
    FUCK marmite, it tastes like licking a hospital. Have Bovril, if you must.
  • Fuck all you haters Marmite is the best. Vegemite wishes it could be as baller.
  • Fuck all you haters Marmite is the best. Vegemite wishes it could be as baller.
    Churba is Australian, so I'm going with him on this one.

  • Hey look everyone, it's Tiger and Bunny! /ba-dum-tish
  • There's an app for that.
  • edited October 2011
    I always forget how much seasonal allergies suck until I get them every year. It feels like being sick for a month straight.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Turns out there really are people that say "m'kay", they're from Mississippi.
  • It's eerie how similar Lenin and Michael Ironside look alike.
  • It's eerie how similar Lenin and Michael Ironside look alike.
    They both have receding hairlines?
  • I actually find this more impressive than the Wright brother's first flight.
  • That is really cool.
  • It's eerie how similar Lenin and Michael Ironside look alike.
    Maybe not in a "body double" sort of way, but definitely as brothers or something like that.
  • Make the next Red Alert a prequel. Not hard when you're dealing with time travel.
  • Make the next Red Alert a prequel. Not hard when you're dealing with time travel.
    But then people will wonder how General Granger got there.
  • I think I might be a dick
  • I do not know where all my GBAs went.
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