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Random Comments



  • I'm in love, and it's the best feeling ever. It's double awesome when that person loves you back.
  • I'm in love, and it's the best feeling ever. It's double awesome when that person loves you back.
    I should hope so since you're marrying the guy...
  • Too much Jenkem!
  • The 40" TV I bought seemed so much smaller in the store. @_@
  • I'm in love, and it's the best feeling ever. It's double awesome when that person loves you back.
  • One truly grateful customer makes up for ten assholes.
  • Just bought a bunch of components. I'm gonna be modding the SHIT out of a couple of my old Gameboys.
  • Just bought a bunch of components. I'm gonna be modding the SHIT out of a couple of my old Gameboys.
    I would buy some extra Game Boys just in case.
  • I have a friend who has done it before and is gonna help me, no worries.
  • Just bought a bunch of components. I'm gonna be modding the SHIT out of a couple of my old Gameboys.
    Are we talking about old Gameboys? The gray-white brick with the two-tone screen that was hefty enough to kill a moose?
  • edited October 2011
    Yes. My grey brick was my Dad's from before I was born until I commandeered it at the age of 4 or 5. I've been told my mom would obsessively play Tetris on it while she was pregnant with me. Not modding the hell out of that one though, just fixing the headphone jack on it. My friend's helping me build a keyboard that plugs into a DMG's link port for use with LSDJ. I got a cheap Gameboy Pocket off eBay to try some of the more internal mods on, like backlighting.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • My grey brick was my Dad's from before I was born

    I remember when it was released.

  • edited October 2011
    My brother and I had a see-through brick Game Boy. We probably got it quite a bit after it's initial release, though. My brother was pretty young when it first came out, probably one or two years old.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • My first handheld was a Game Boy Color. #you'reallreallyold
  • We had a Gameboy, but it broke. I was a Game Gear fan myself.

    That thing ate batteries like you wouldn't believe.
  • Yellow Gameboy Pocket was my first. It still works fine.
    One day I'm going to get Miyamoto to sign it.
  • I owned like, 6 Gameboys between me and my brother. 4 Pockets, 2 Colors.
  • I remember buying the original Game Boy with Tetris back in '93. I used the hell out of that system, but didn't really get back into handheld gaming until the DS/PSP. I wish I knew what I did with it, I just know I don't have it anymore.
    HURRAH! HURRAH FOR THE PUMPKIN KING! It is it is a glorious thing to be the pumpkin king!


  • Resize! Resize!
  • Forum software automatically resizes images, huh?
  • Forum software automatically resizes images, huh?
    Hey, that's what they told me.

  • Forum software automatically resizes images, huh?
    I'd say that's the correct size for that beer.


  • edited October 2011
    Now THAT'S a beer.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • There is a thing with the resizer. I reloaded and now it is resized.
  • There is a thing with the resizer. I reloaded and now it is resized.
    Right. I did the same, and it hasn't. Bug report that noise.

  • Proper refresh. Hold shift.
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