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    I wasn't literally just about to post that. *brohoof*
  • No. Knock that shit off.
  • This just gets sadder and sadder.
  • This just gets funnier and funnier.
  • This just gets funnier and funnier.
  • I'm an open-hearted person in a close-minded family. SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA!

    If people discriminate others by the color of their skin, their orientation or their social status, then I'm not wrong in discriminating others by their discrimination standards.
  • I'm an open-hearted person in a close-minded family. SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA!

    If people discriminate others by the color of their skin, their orientation or their social status, then I'm not wrong in discriminating others by their discrimination standards.
    But then are you any better than those who discriminate by skin colors, sexual orientation, or social status?
  • I'm an open-hearted person in a close-minded family. SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA!

    If people discriminate others by the color of their skin, their orientation or their social status, then I'm not wrong in discriminating others by their discrimination standards.
    But then are you any better than those who discriminate by skin colors, sexual orientation, or social status?
    Absolutely. He's discriminating against bigots and the ignorant, which is okay in the same way that I'd discriminate against anyone except for a surgeon who wanted to cut open my chest.

    Discrimination isn't inherently bad, it's the parties you choose to discriminate against that determine whether or not it's acceptable. Discrimination with logical cause is an acceptable thing, and is a pretty normal part of life.
  • That song is the musical equivalent of one of those Mad Magazine inserts that has you fold a picture, creating a new picture in the process.
  • edited November 2011
    That song is the musical equivalent of one of those Mad Magazine inserts that has you fold a picture, creating a new picture in the process.
    That's called a fold-in, because MAD doesn't have enough money to produce a fold-out like Playboy has them.


    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Independence Day is far more entertaining if you think of it as a sequel to E.T.
  • Independence Day is far more entertaining if you think of it as a sequel to E.T.
    Or Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
  • Who knew that happy little tune in Close Encounters actually translated to "We will destroy you."
  • edited November 2011
    Here's what I'm working on today. I took a screen to show Andrew, because he helped come up with the headline (I was having writer's block). I'm pretty happy with the pop-out element on the powderpuff photo, too.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • This may seem like just a multi-post
  • But I assure you, there's a reason
  • Sometimes this joke is just in season.
  • Nicely done.
  • Nicely done.
  • I'm an open-hearted person in a close-minded family. SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA!

    If people discriminate others by the color of their skin, their orientation or their social status, then I'm not wrong in discriminating others by their discrimination standards.
    But then are you any better than those who discriminate by skin colors, sexual orientation, or social status?
    Absolutely. He's discriminating against bigots and the ignorant, which is okay in the same way that I'd discriminate against anyone except for a surgeon who wanted to cut open my chest.

    Discrimination isn't inherently bad, it's the parties you choose to discriminate against that determine whether or not it's acceptable. Discrimination with logical cause is an acceptable thing, and is a pretty normal part of life.
    Thanks for your support. Also, I don't want to be annoying, but I'm not a guy ^^;
  • I'm an open-hearted person in a close-minded family. SAY NO TO HOMOPHOBIA!

    If people discriminate others by the color of their skin, their orientation or their social status, then I'm not wrong in discriminating others by their discrimination standards.
    But then are you any better than those who discriminate by skin colors, sexual orientation, or social status?
    Absolutely. He's discriminating against bigots and the ignorant, which is okay in the same way that I'd discriminate against anyone except for a surgeon who wanted to cut open my chest.

    Discrimination isn't inherently bad, it's the parties you choose to discriminate against that determine whether or not it's acceptable. Discrimination with logical cause is an acceptable thing, and is a pretty normal part of life.
    Popper is smiling in his grave at this very moment. (or to quote Tyler the Creator of Odd Future, "Do what the fuck you want, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I am a motherfucking Unicorn!")
  • @AndouReiya: Sorry about that, your gender is duly noted! ~_^
    @Apsup: Paradox of Tolerance FTW.
  • You know what shits me off? When an American record label blocks off Australian music videos from being viewed in Australia.

    I'm sorry, What? Copyright grounds? I could drive down and and see Spiderbait play the fucking song live in their home city, and you're telling me that only americans should be able to hear that music because of copyright? Pull your fucking head in.
  • You know what shits me off? When an American record label blocks off Australian music videos from being viewed in Australia.

    I'm sorry, What? Copyright grounds? I could drive down and and see Spiderbait play the fucking song live in their home city, and you're telling me that only americans should be able to hear that music because of copyright? Pull your fucking head in.
    It goes both ways. Part of the reason I stopped paying for Spotify was because so much foreign music was not available in the US. Sure, some of it was just not in their catalog. But there was still a ton of stuff in the catalog that wouldn't play in the US. Why even show me that it exists if I can't play it?
  • edited November 2011
    It goes both ways. Part of the reason I stopped paying for Spotify was because so much foreign music was not available in the US. Sure, some of it was just not in their catalog. But there was still a ton of stuff in the catalog that wouldn't play in the US. Why even show me that it exists if I can't play it?
    While I get what you mean, and I very much agree with you, how is not being able to play foreign music because of US copyright the same as not being able to play music from your country while in your country because of foreign copyright the same thing, and thus it being a both ways deal?

    I mean, what you're talking about would be roughly analogus to Me, in australia, not being able to play, say, Johnny Cash - who as we know, is very much as American as Mom and apple pie. I would say baseball, but evidence suggests that started in England. What I'm talking about would be more like you, in the US, not being able to play Johnny Cash, while I could, in another country.

    Not trying to be a bastard or call you out, I'm just curious as to how you see the issue.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011
    Thing is that it's really a licensing issue, not a copyright issue. If a work isn't licensed for your region, it doesn't matter one iota where the band is originally from. If the American label were to give Australia access to the video they would probably get the shit sued out of them because they didn't have the right to distribute it there. Basically, someone in Spiderbait's management fucked up. Not saying the system isn't also fucked up, but in this particular case the label is not to be blamed.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Licenses really are a pain where it hurts. Especially for regions like South America
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