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  • Spinning the earth backwards wouldn't accomplish the stated goal of turning back time, but it would cause incredible devastation due to inertia as everything not anchored reall well would topple over.
  • edited November 2011
    I went to bed at 12am and woke up at 8:30am today, after going to sleep at 5am and waking at 12pm for the past five days.

    ...Is this what the real world feels like?
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Gunpla kits aren't as hard and are twice as fun as I had thought.
  • My flatmate drunk dialed me at 3am to call me a "faggot." Now I'm up, and probably won't fall asleep until 5am.
  • Gunpla kits aren't as hard and are twice as fun as I had thought.
    It's the truth! You don't even need words. Just follow the pictures.
  • My flatmate drunk dialed me at 3am to call me a "faggot." Now I'm up, and probably won't fall asleep until 5am.
    I hate losing sleep to bullshit like that, but that's pretty damn funny.
  • edited November 2011
    me: sorry, we had a very serious office discussion that demanded my attention
    Andrew: about...
    me: e.g.: would it be okay to murder hitler's dog?
    Andrew: uh no?
    me: but it's hitler's dog
    Andrew: yes, because the dog strives to secure the superior foothold of the ayran race
    the fuck
    it's a fucking dog
    me: an evil fucking dog
    Andrew: oh really?
    how many jews did it kill?
    me: all those years benefitting directly from hitler's evil, never once complaining or working to lessen the plight of the jews
    the dog just sat there
    all it takes for evil to prevail is for a good dog to remain silent
    Andrew: yes, it deserves it's fate because of it's apathy to the plight of the jewish rac
    me: see, that's what i'm saying
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Hitler didn't have a dog. They universally hated him. As did babies.
  • Actually, Hitler did have a dog named Blondie. Just before Hitler killed himself, he tested a cyanide pill on Blondie to make sure it worked.
  • :O!!! Somebody should have rescued it! (instead of contemplating murdering it). Poor thing... Its documentary belongs on one of those super sad make you cry animal rescue shows.

    ...I want to hug my kitties now :(
  • If someone, human or non, unknowingly benefits from evil, does that make them evil?
    That dog was probably like "nice man with the mustache gives me biscuits! Yay!" and it did not know anything about the terrible politics and war.
    Poor Doggie.
  • Actually, Hitler did have a dog named Blondie. Just before Hitler killed himself, he tested a cyanide pill on Blondie to make sure it worked.
    Hitler killed a dog? What an asshole.

  • If Worf and Hitler kissed, their mustaches wouldn't touch.
  • Quote of the Day: Ay Dios Mio, It's sukiyaki everyday!
  • Project Euler is so much easier in python than in Java.
  • Quote of the Day: "She must be a heavy, because she wants medic."
  • And thus, internet has been hooked up in the apartment. I haven't browsed this place on a computer in almost three months!
  • Actually, Hitler did have a dog named Blondie. Just before Hitler killed himself, he tested a cyanide pill on Blondie to make sure it worked.
    Yup. To top it off, it was a Dachshund. Poor thing.
  • Actually, Blondi was a German shepherd, but there was a dachshund killed in the bunker as well.
  • Actually, Blondi was a German shepherd, but there was a dachshund killed in the bunker as well.
    Why did Hitler's dog handler kill so many dogs?
    (Yes, it is only a drop in the ocean of evil that was the Third Reich, but still, WTF?)

  • I'm guessing it was a fatalistic German version of Ol' Yeller syndrome. Faced with killing the dogs himself or letting the enemy do it, he chose to take it into his own hands.
  • If I was a dictator and I thought the opposition would hurt my dog, I would have given them away. I hate Nazis for their crimes against humanity. Their crimes against puppies are like a final insult.
  • It has always amused me that while most flavors of Special K are vegan safe the Special K Original flavor is not.
  • The only thing I don't like about computer chess is you don't get that visceral feeling of flipping the board when you lose.
  • It has always amused me that while most flavors of Special K are vegan safe the Special K Original flavor is not.
    It stands on principle. You can't blame it for that. Much like how I respect original, full fat yogurt.
  • It stands on principle. You can't blame it for that. Much like how I respect original, full fat yogurt.
    Out of all the foods I regularly eat, yogurt is probably at the top of the list. I like me some yogurt.

  • I can't have yogurt anymore T_T.
  • I'm in a CS class at SPLASH, and if the stupid kid in the front yells out one more goddamn meme I may have to kill a fucking kitty.
  • I may have to kill a fucking kitty.
    Erm.. you may want to do that in private.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm in a CS class at SPLASH, and if the stupid kid in the front yells out one more goddamn meme I may have to kill a fucking kitty.
    Print out this comic for him, I made it for you because I got tired of writing about chemical burns:


    [But don't really give him that comic. That'd be really mean, and I'd feel bad.]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
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