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Random Comments



  • I look crazy laughing this hard at my computer at work.
  • My country's national team is winning. W00t!
  • My country's national team is winning. W00t!
    Which team?

  • My country's national team is winning. W00t!
    Which team?

    Colombia. Against Venezuela. 1-0.
  • edited November 2011
    Another Colombian? Tremendous. I think that makes two of us.

    Edit for improved clarity: My paternal grandmother was born in Bogota.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2011
    Another Colombian? Tremendous. I think that makes two of us.
    ¡¿You're Colombian?! *Jawdrop*

    EDIT: Ah, I see :3. I'm 100% Colombiana and living in Bogotá.
    Post edited by AndouReiya on
  • Yeah, it's a long story. Spanish-Colombian-German-Irish.
  • Empanadas. Yo gusto.
  • Well, I'm not too happy now. Venezuela tied. >_<.
  • Empanadas. Yo gusto.

  • ^ +1

    Also, Colombia tied against Venezuela. I'm really sad about it. Now we have to kick Argentina's butt next Tuesday
  • Hey, I'm Merican and Spamish is a second language.
  • edited November 2011
    If I really wanted to fuck with people, I would make a programming tutorial, and then like the 20th exercise would be a virus.

    EDIT: so apparently you can't superscript anymore.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Went to a really Southern wedding this afternoon. Best country sayings at the afterparty were: "Happier than a dog with two buttholes" and "Boxed in like a turtle's pecker".
  • Fucking Calormenes.
  • I don't know why it is but food animated in cartoons/animes almost always looks very appetizing
  • I don't know why it is but food animated in cartoons/animes almost always looks very appetizing
    It's because the animators are hungry when they draw it.
  • I don't know why it is but food animated in cartoons/animes almost always looks very appetizing
    It's because the animators are hungry when they draw it.
    It's because they haven't been able to afford food for a while when they drew it.
  • I don't know why it is but food animated in cartoons/animes almost always looks very appetizing
    It's because the animators are hungry when they draw it.
    It's because they haven't been able to afford food for a while when they drew it.
  • Da nananananananananananananananana -
  • Jesus, as if Batman wasn't scary enough, now there's Batbear?
  • So did Biz Markie mean to name himself after my favorite 19th Century German dictator, Otto von Bismarck, or was it by accident?
  • I put gandalf's Girth up on you know that thing where in tv tropes. It got deleted in like, ten minutes.
  • Honest self scrutiny is rare. We are all flawed, limited creatures, but only when we acknowledge our specific flaws and limitations can we correct or compensate for our flaws and push past our limitations.
  • My friend had her baby a couple of months ago. Shes told me that she's going to make her daughter start out playing NES and Original Gameboy games, and won't let her play modern games until shes gotten through enough systems. I can't tell if shes going to be a great mom or a terrible one.
  • My friend had her baby a couple of months ago. Shes told me that she's going to make her daughter start out playing NES and Original Gameboy games, and won't let her play modern games until shes gotten through enough systems. I can't tell if shes going to be a great mom or a terrible one.
    I don't think that's gonna work. It's fine to have a plan, but I doubt she's going to be able to stick to it.

  • make her daughter start out playing NES and Original Gameboy
    That doesn't sound like Epic Yarn! (Not Mario Galaxy either)
  • On Wednesday I have to choose between going to the range and shooting, playing Battletech all day, playing BF3 all day, playing Emulators all day, or playing Saints Row the Third all day. #firstworldproblems
  • O: I want that bear!

    I got happy to get a fave on DA within minute of my post. It's dumb, I know, but it good to see someone liked it.

    (You asked for a random comment, you got it :3)
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