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  • I just got Go Go Curry. Delicious, but more importantly everyone inside was totally awesome. One group of people was talking about Mass Effect 3 and a separate group mentioned BroNYcon which I did not know existed.
  • I'm in a CS class at SPLASH, and if the stupid kid in the front yells out one more goddamn meme I may have to kill a fucking kitty.
    Heh heh heh. Yeah, I know those kids. When you're in 7th-9th grade, you always go for the ridiculous meme-heavy classes 'cause they're still fun. 10th grade and above, you should pick your classes very carefully, because certain classes will, without fail, attract a certain type of student. For instance, avoid class that may lead to off-topic Internet humor if the grade level taking the class goes below 9th grade, or any class that sounds meme-heavy in general. Those tactics served me damn well for my last couple years as a Splash student.

    Relatedly, x-posting from Boo-Yah, successfully taught two classrooms full of highschoolers how to build their own computer. Damn, I love teaching.

  • edited November 2011
    certain classes will, without fail, attract a certain type of student
    Last year I went to a class on the metagame of competitive Pokemon battling. It was totally awesome except for that I was the only person in the room who wanted to hear about game theory and not ask fanboy questions that pertain only to my team.

    Post edited by jmerm on
  • So, alternate day fasting is a bad idea, right? It sounds like a bad idea that will fuck up your metabolism, lower your immune response, and damage your muscles and digestive system when you start burning your glucose reserves. Why does my friend insist on doing it?
  • So, alternate day fasting is a bad idea, right? It sounds like a bad idea that will fuck up your metabolism, lower your immune response, and damage your muscles and digestive system when you start burning your glucose reserves. Why does my friend insist on doing it?
    What are you basing those claims on? Looking it up on Wikipedia, no human studies show evidence for any of those things.

  • Sometimes I go 2-3 days without eating. I just forget.
  • Capitalism wears me out. I'm gonna play Recettear.
    Eating lots of complex carbs every other day would help one avoid ketosis on alternate-day fasting. In other words, if your friend is doing it correctly, ketosis shouldn't be an issue.

    Coincidentally, ketosis is the reason most docs I know vehemently recommend against the Atkins diet.
  • So, alternate day fasting is a bad idea, right? It sounds like a bad idea that will fuck up your metabolism, lower your immune response, and damage your muscles and digestive system when you start burning your glucose reserves. Why does my friend insist on doing it?
    I think it really depends on what your friend is trying to achieve. There are studies that do say that it helps with removing bad things from the body, but none of those has mentioned fat or weight as one of them. Usually when you go on any kind of "starvation" diet, your body's natural survival mechanisms will kick in and will actually work to store fat instead of burn it off. This is your body saying, "Hey, I haven't gotten any food in a while. Not sure when I'm going to get more, so I'm going to store this away just in case it takes a while." But that by itself shouldn't mess with any of your other processes, you'd have to be depriving yourself of something else necessary to those functions.
  • I read a little more about it, and it looks like the muscle damage from the body burning stored amino acids, while it does start about 12 hours in, is not a major risk in a fast of a single day. Fast for longer and all those things I mentioned can happen, such as gallbladder damage and stuff. It also takes a longer time than a day to adjust metabolism to be lower, but like knox said, starve yourself too much and your body tries to store fat and lowers the energy output. It has been noted that test subjects on the one day fasting did experience irritability. Part of the reason I am against it is that I feel the same thing can be done by merely slimming down your caloric intake at meals a little bit (more veg!) and running around a lot. All of the stated effects, such as lower cholesterol, are totally proven to be effects of exercise too, and that makes you the opposite of cranky.
    I prescribe running fast, eating well, and sex. Hooray Endorphins!
  • The Atkins diet is BS. Been there, done that, almost went crazy.
  • Bowie Deschanel would be a great band name.
  • It has been noted that test subjects on the one day fasting did experience irritability.
    No shit!

  • Capitalism wears me out. I'm gonna play Recettear.
    Capitalism HO!
  • I've decided to start a tumblr blog called Photos of Comedy Jugglers From Above:

    I've already got enough images for weeks of content.
  • Capitalism wears me out. I'm gonna play Recettear.
    Capitalism HO!
    You know that's propably the title of the Recettear porn doujinshi.

  • edited November 2011
    Capitalism wears me out. I'm gonna play Recettear.
    Capitalism HO!
    You know that's propably the title of the Recettear porn doujinshi.
    I hate you so much right now.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Seeing the Facebook profile of someone who recently died is so eerie.
  • Seeing the Facebook profile of someone who recently died is so eerie.
    This article is for you.
  • Capitalism wears me out. I'm gonna play Recettear.
    Capitalism HO!
    You know that's propably the title of the Recettear porn doujinshi.
    I hate you so much right now.
    Hope it's Recette/Alouette or Recette/Louie.
  • yesterday I took off my pants to go outside.

    Today I can't find a damn Toyota Celica even though I saw two on the road.
  • I got out of work at 2:30. Spent two hours arguing politics on the internet and generally goofing off. Now, though, fuck you guys. I'm playing some goddamn Battletech. :D
  • Brilliantly Stupid Idea: Prostitution through Kickstarter. For 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar donations, you'll cover several stripper services and fees.
  • Brilliantly Stupid Idea: Prostitution through Kickstarter. For 10, 20, 50, and 100 dollar donations, you'll cover several stripper services and fees.
  • Perhaps it wasn't the skyrim that got me. Maybe it was troublesome diarrheal ordeals. I'm willing to blame it on hot strip poker nights that lead to spidery deaths or the feet of people who just sneak up on thermometers. But my beef is with 7 AM. That's a fucking beast right there. Sure, soon it'll be 7 PM and our marriage will make the past look so sweet, but for now I'll just pretend to know a bunch of old people.
  • I'd forgotten how frustrating playing mods can be. I've spent most of the afternoon trying to troubleshoot sound issues within Mechwarrior Living Legends. If only there were any other Mechwarrior game out there worth playing, that I haven't logged a bazillion hours in...
  • Selling fake licenses (Ghosthunting licences, Carpool lane exemption licences, Licences that allows you to buy alcohol with food stamps, Freeman-on-the-land deeds of personal incorporation (accepted by IRS)) seems like a great way to make money at other's expense.
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