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  • That's cool. When I was 21, I couldn't afford a lot of things compared to being 31. I have no problem with my age.
  • The good thing about growing older is that your income seems to grow too.
  • The good thing about growing older is that your income seems to grow too.
    I can only hope.
  • The good thing about growing older is that your income seems to grow too.
    Not just income, but knowledge, number of friends, opportunities to do awesome things, etc. Lots of good things grow as you get older.
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited December 2011
    Next year, that's it - we all die at the hand of Mayan magic
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • Scott and Rym may be in their thirties
    Nope! Late 20's.

    Look, we're basically all 30. Next year, that's it - we officially become old.

    Might as well get used to it now.

    Not meeee! Still mid-twenties! I'm the young end of the FRC, one of the "freshmen."
  • I thought titles like "freshman" would be given out based on FRC seniority, not age seniority.
  • Scott and Rym may be in their thirties, but Cartoon Network makes me feel old now that the Cartoon Cartoons are on Boomerang. Not to mention Nickelodeon is bringing back All That, the Amanda Show, and Keenan and Kell.

    fuck you nostalgia!
    The Cartoon Cartoons should not be on boomerang. I saw some of those in their original run, and I'm not out of High School. It's not fair to play those next to Yogi Bear and The Flinstones -- actually, regardless of age, it's never fair to play those next to Yogi Bear and The Flinstones.
    Agreed. Powerpuff girls has no business on Boomerang.
  • I ran into a guy with a unicycle on the T tonight coming back from BU. I started talking to him about juggling and unicycling and all that and he turned out to be a former RIT juggling club president.
  • Duct tape is like dakka. You need more. No exceptions.
  • It was fucking expensive, but a macro lens is an amazing thing. All those times I was unable to take pictures of small things up close, and it didn't work. Never again.
  • It was fucking expensive, but a macro lens is an amazing thing. All those times I was unable to take pictures of small things up close, and it didn't work. Never again.
    Link to the lens? Did you get a halo flash, too?
  • image

    Tezuka celebrates a job well done.
  • Speaking of feeling old, I was talking to an intern today who didn't know what the words "VHS," "casette," "VCR," or "bunny ears" meant.
  • Speaking of feeling old, I was talking to an intern today who didn't know what the words "VHS," "casette," "VCR," or "bunny ears" meant.
    I had to think about bunny ears for a second, but only because we always called them "rabbit ears."

    I'm glad I know the significance of all of those things. Also, did you ask about floppies?
  • Also, did you ask about floppies?
    He did. They're hearing the sexual harassment suit next week.
  • edited December 2011
    Also, did you ask about floppies?
    He did. They're hearing the sexual harassment suit next week.
    Good thing he didn't bring up the ill-fated 1987 Iomega Blow Drive.

    Also, I'm listening to a Doug Stanhope album right now, and he's talking about how he "gave marijuana a lot of chances, it never worked for [him]." I just find it amusing that he says pot doesn't do anything for him, but on another track talks about snorting "mocaine" with his friends, which he describes as powdered shrooms mixed with coke.

    He's definitely the craziest stand-up I've ever listened to.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Oh mans, Iomega. Remember when 100Mb zip drives were the HOTTEST TECH ON THE PLANET?
  • Oh mans. Today was the huge department holiday potluck, which I didn't attend. There were gift giveaways and look what I won!


    Such a wonderful gift for someone who works in an office...
  • They are black and white. Make a panda out of them.
  • I think it would be awesome if Newegg had a customer-customer Q&A in addition to its customer reviews.
  • Oh mans, Iomega. Remember when 100Mb zip drives were the HOTTEST TECH ON THE PLANET?
    My first fileserver had two IDE PCI cards (Because I had already used the mobo's IDE connectors). Each one of those had two ZIP 100 drives connected.
    There was also my SCSII Zip drive.
  • edited December 2011
    Look, we're basically all 30. Next year, that's it - we officially become old.

    Might as well get used to it now.

    LOL. You are old. :p

    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Congressmen should have tutors so they know shit about tech and such.
  • edited December 2011
    Congressmen shouldn't be old. Let's try something new. Drop the age limit to 28 for Congress. That gives you time to finish law school so you know your shit. Create an upper bound on age for congress. If you are 50, sorry Charlie, but you're out. That way, you don't have old men who think that the internet is a set of tubes that shoots books onto television and think global warming is a treehugger conspiracy in the same room as people who grew up with Windows 95 and gay pride parades.

    In addition, your term is two years long with an "initial term limit" of four years. That way, even if you get power-hungry and jaded and the populace hates your guts, fuck you. You're gone. But! After four years, the primaries include a referendum to add an "extended term limit" to your time in Congress. You still must be reelected, but you can now serve an extra four years. After that, you're chips are cashed and you're done with congress. Also, Federal law would make recall elections an option in all states so if a lame duck congressman decides to abuse his power, he's fucked.

    Anyway, it'll never happen, but if I don't think happy thoughts for the US right now, I'll sit under a cold shower and open a fuckin' vein.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • If I were king, I would drop all age restrictions on everything and have tests instead.

    Can you pass the driving test? It costs $1000 per attempt. If you pass, and you can drive safely, you can drive. If you can't pass, you can't drive. I don't care if you're 9 or 99.

    Can you understand the rules of congress? Do you understand the constitution? Congratulations, you can run for congress.

    People seem to think that discrimination against sexual orientation, or discrimination against atheists, is the last form of discrimination that we have to beat before we are done. Age discrimination is the real final battle, and it may take centuries.
  • Would that 1000 be refunded if you pass? Because that would be a crippling cost to most people.
  • Would that 1000 be refunded if you pass? Because that would be a crippling cost to most people.
    No. Then the $1000 is the cost of your license. That isn't actually a lot; the cost of a license in Germany is somewhere near $3000. The reason roads, public transport, and drivers are shit in America is because anyone can get a license. It's bullshit. High license cost means less cars, less cars means better public transit and less suburbs and more open roads with more qualified drivers. It's just good policy.

  • edited December 2011
    Would that 1000 be refunded if you pass? Because that would be a crippling cost to most people.
    No. It would cause a temporary period of suffering that would end when public transportation no loner sucked. Many countries already have very expensive costs to take the driving test. They also have extremely difficult driving tests. The result is that only people who are really good at driving actually do so. And that if you are going to take the driving test, you take it much more seriously due to the substantial loss if you fail.

    Just about every solution I would implement if I were a dictator ensures short term pain, suffering, and sacrifice in favor of a long term societal transformation. They are the kind of solutions that can never work in a democracy because even without corruption, nobody will ever vote that they should be the generation to sacrifice and suffer to benefit the world after they are dead. My grandparents and great grandparents were that generation by force. Never will a majority of humans willingly choose to be that generation.

    It's sort of like Aasimov's Foundation. If you do nothing, things will be good in the near future, but society will eventually collapse and suffer a very bad dark age. Perhaps that dark age won't happen until after you are dead. I would rather force the dark age to start instantly, but perhaps it would be shorter and less dark than the inevitable one. Better yet, the structure of the dark age will result in a golden age, or a very good chance of one, on the other side. If we can achieve a golden age, think of how many wonders we can make. One in each city, so fast!
    Post edited by Apreche on
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