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  • The two things I really like are that 1) It auto-completes URLs and I don't have to press down to choose the most visited site. Typing 'gm' gives me gmail and all I have to do is press enter. Doing that in Firefox got me GM's website. 2) You can press tab to search a website. Typing 'y' and then 'Tab' lets me search Youtube.
  • The two things I really like are that 1) It auto-completes URLs and I don't have to press down to choose the most visited site. Typing 'gm' gives me gmail and all I have to do is press enter. Doing that in Firefox got me GM's website. 2) You can press tab to search a website. Typing 'y' and then 'Tab' lets me search Youtube.
    Firefox does all those things, just not exactly the same. Firefox actually does more than Chrome in this regard with its keyword feature.
  • It's a close call between Firefox and Chrome for me, but I'm on Chrome's boat for now (though I'll go back and forth as I see fit) due to each tab running in an isolated process and it seeming feeling "faster" than Firefox.
  • Firefox does all those things, just not exactly the same. Firefox actually does more than Chrome in this regard with its keyword feature.
    You can search a site in the address bar in Firefox? The main reason is (as far as I know) it takes fewer keypresses to do the same or similar things.
  • Firefox does all those things, just not exactly the same. Firefox actually does more than Chrome in this regard with its keyword feature.
    You can search a site in the address bar in Firefox? The main reason is (as far as I know) it takes fewer keypresses to do the same or similar things.
    Yes. Typing in a non-url to the address bar does a google search. It also suggests pages that you've already been to if you type some of the words from the page title, which makes finding things that you don't know the URL for very easy.
  • Firefox does all those things, just not exactly the same. Firefox actually does more than Chrome in this regard with its keyword feature.
    You can search a site in the address bar in Firefox? The main reason is (as far as I know) it takes fewer keypresses to do the same or similar things.
    Do you mean a thing like where I write "g porn" and it does a google search of porn and if I write "wiki porn" same thing with wikipedia? Because if so, then it's totally possible in firefox and I use it all the time.

  • edited December 2011
    Firefox does all those things, just not exactly the same. Firefox actually does more than Chrome in this regard with its keyword feature.
    You can search a site in the address bar in Firefox? The main reason is (as far as I know) it takes fewer keypresses to do the same or similar things.
    Do you mean a thing like where I write "g porn" and it does a google search of porn and if I write "wiki porn" same thing with wikipedia? Because if so, then it's totally possible in firefox and I use it all the time.
    Sort of. With those specific examples, the former would work roughly as well as just typing "Porn", and the latter would still be a Google search, but with a strong preference for wiki results, so you'd likely get the Wikipedia article you're looking for as the top result.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2011
    Not quite what I mean. You can directly search a website without the middle google step. Typing 'wiki' Tab 'porn' would get me the wikipedia page for porn.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • In firefox I type wiki space something and end up at the wikipedia page for something.
  • Not quite what I mean. You can directly search a website without the middle google step. Typing 'wiki' Tab 'porn' would get me the wikipedia page for porn.
    That's almost how it works in firefox, but instead of wiki 'Tab' porn, it's wiki 'space' porn.

  • Yeah, you can use specific keywords to do a search on a specific website rather than doing a google search. It's something firefox was able to do for a long time, not just chrome.
  • Is that a keyword thing you have to set up or just something it does?
  • Is that a keyword thing you have to set up or just something it does?
    Right click a searchbar, select "Add keyword to this search". Somethings like wikipedia is there automatically if I remember correctly, but it can be done to any search bar anywhere.

  • edited December 2011
    Chalk this up as the weirdest TMBG cover I've ever heard
    I liked it, and then the vocals started. NO THANKS

    On the topic of web browsers, I'll switch to Chrome when they have a decent Vimperator clone (which, as I understand it, isn't happening anytime soon because Chrome's extension API isn't as flexible as Firefox's).
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Not being a Vimperator user myself, what in your opinion makes a Vimperator clone decent? A quick Google search does indicate that several do exist for Chrome.
  • Chalk this up as the weirdest TMBG cover I've ever heard
    I liked it, and then the vocals started. NO THANKS
  • I use Chrome because my online life is very tightly integrated into google.
  • Not being a Vimperator user myself, what in your opinion makes a Vimperator clone decent? A quick Google search does indicate that several do exist for Chrome.
    The Vimperator clones for Chrome need to:
    • Hide the navigation bar - if you're using Vimperator right, you don't need it.
    • Have a command line. There are a lot of keyboard shortcuts, which Vrome, Vimlike Smooziee, and Vimium all have, but things like adding bookmarks, opening webpages, and lots of other stuff is done with the command line at the bottom.
    Also, the Chrome clones that I've used are missing a few shortcuts that I really use a lot, like gU, which brings you to the root of the site you're on. For example, gU right now would bring me to
  • When you're kind of fucked, nothing can cheer you up more than someone else being way more fucked than you are.
  • I really like Octopus. When I have the space and money to get a decent sized tank, I think I might get one as a pet.
  • Octopi?
    Wrong correction. I should have used Octopuses, not Octopus. Octopi is a contentious one, but to save debate on the linguistics of it, I go with the OED personally, in that Octopuses is the correct term, and Octopi is not.
  • I would not trust one. What happens if it got out of its tank/cage?
  • edited December 2011
    I would not trust one. What happens if it got out of its tank/cage?
    Fuck the cat and grab a snack from the fridge? I don't know, dude, they don't live that long out of water, and generally they're smart enough to get back in, if they get out.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • AmpAmp
    edited December 2011
    I don't trust them, all those tenticals and that. Then again I have spent the last year trying to convince my girlfriend to let me get a pet bear.

    Also my beard is tender today.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • I don't trust them, all those tenticals and that. Then again I have spent the last year trying to convince my girlfriend to let me get a pet bear.

    Also my beard is tender today.
    Sun bears are pretty adorable. Seriously, look at this bastard - image

    As for beard commentary, it's kinda annoying that I can only comb my beard when it's wet. It's a bit curly otherwise, and it's a real bastard to comb it dry.
  • Yeah I've had one for ages. But for some reason its really tender today, I washed it as normal but its still being a bugger.

    I would take him home and call him Brigadier Bear and love him and care for him and feed him honey. Then if I was goo dhe would let me ride him like a horse to the shops.
  • Yeah I've had one for ages. But for some reason its really tender today, I washed it as normal but its still being a bugger.
    If you can, try going for shampoo that's made for dry hair, seems to work pretty well.
    I would take him home and call him Brigadier Bear and love him and care for him and feed him honey. Then if I was goo dhe would let me ride him like a horse to the shops.
    That would be totally sweet.
  • AmpAmp
    edited December 2011
    It would be so sweet. It would also go to prove my point that bears make the best cavalry in the world. The only problem is training them.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • Octopi?
    Wrong correction. I should have used Octopuses, not Octopus. Octopi is a contentious one, but to save debate on the linguistics of it, I go with the OED personally, in that Octopuses is the correct term, and Octopi is not.
    We say octopuses because there is a climax of an Orson Scott Card book that entirely revolves around octopi being incorrect.

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