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Random Comments



  • I really really want some sushi right now.... I want an extra crunchy spicy tuna roll and some dragon roll. Also some inari spicy tuna. And a big ass bowl of spicy pork ramen.
  • We went to a Japanese place and got shrimp and chicken in garlic sauce, drank some beer, and played some games. Then there was candy and sangria.
  • I'm drunk, I'm shouting. I'm making a scene!
  • I'm drunk, I'm shouting. I'm making a scene!
    Remember the Way of Churba: "Thou shalt drink rum. Thou shalt giveth no fucks."

  • It was foggy as hell tonight. It freaked the hell out of the drunk people I was driving home. They were convinced the lights were out to get them.
  • I'm drunk, I'm shouting. I'm making a scene!
    Remember the Way of Churba: "Thou shalt drink rum. Thou shalt giveth no fucks."

    I though it was "Thou shalt drink rum. Thou shalt giveth thy fucks to no man nor woman unless thy are attempting to 'know' them"
  • Probably more apt.
  • edited January 2012
    It was foggy as hell tonight. It freaked the hell out of the drunk people I was driving home. They were convinced the lights were out to get them.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I took in way too much redbull. Still buzzed and watching my heart rate.
  • I really really want some sushi right now.... I want an extra crunchy spicy tuna roll and some dragon roll. Also some inari spicy tuna. And a big ass bowl of spicy pork ramen.
    I had sushi for New Year's. But I had some common stuff, so no need to envy me. I don't think you'd like Philly and Cali rolls.
  • Men are from Mars
    Women from Venus
    So acid rain for you
    If you don't have a penis
  • Why are my best friends so pretentious?
  • Why are my best friends so pretentious?
    Because confident intelligence and creativity is most often accompanied by a healthy dose of pretension?
  • Why are my best friends so pretentious?
    Because confident intelligence and creativity is most often accompanied by a healthy dose of pretension?
    Fair enough.
  • I don't think you're allowed to complain about pretension on the GeekNights forum.
  • edited January 2012
    I don't think you're allowed to complain about pretension on the GeekNights forum.
    You can do faaar worse than these forums, lemme tell ya...

    [spoiler] Eugh, r/atheism... >_>
    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • Being at work on day 2 of a new year is just a tad better then on the last day of the old. The one good thing is there is nobody here except moi.
  • I took in way too much redbull. Still buzzed and watching my heart rate.
    Has anyone told you to not mix Red Bull and alcohol? If not, don't do that. Your heart can explode.
  • It's kind of hard not to mix it though, it goes so damn well with Vodka.
  • It's kind of hard not to mix it though, it goes so damn well with Vodka.
    I think a part of me just died.

  • Lemme just skip to the conclusion of this conversation...Jagerbombs

    Big Boat
  • edited January 2012
    I'm pretty sure I encountered a wizard in Amsterdam last night. His hands were covered with fine bands of ivory, amber, and silver filigree, and he had a magnificent white beard. He was wearing a sky blue parka, navy blue nylon track pants, pastel pink socks with soccer balls on them to go with his black dress shoes, and a Dutch Fisherman's sweater with an argyle ascot. He had a tweed porkpie hat, and rolling suitcase (which I assume holds his grimoires). He would occasionally make startled or emotive gestures to nothing at all before knocking and relighting his corncob pipe.

    Quoth Babycakes, "He's a wizard. I can feel it."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I don't think I've ever been that high.
  • edited January 2012
    I don't think I've ever been that high.
    I wasn't even that high. The wizard was there when I arrived, and he was annotating what I assume were his wizardly revelations on a piece of cardboard and in a small notebook. There was a huge collection of these scrawls posted in the front of the shop in Dutch.

    He said thank you and goodnight to everyone before he left. Woe be unto those who do not have the Warlock's favor.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2012
    I wasn't even that high. The wizard was there when I arrived, and he was annotating what I assume were his wizardly revelations on a piece of cardboard and in a small notebook. There was a huge collection of these scrawls posted in the front of the shop in Dutch.
    I didn't mean you.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I wasn't even that high. The wizard was there when I arrived, and he was annotating what I assume were his wizardly revelations on a piece of cardboard and in a small notebook. There was a huge collection of these scrawls posted in the front of the shop in Dutch.
    I didn't mean you.
    Oh yeah. He was definitely gazing upon the Onta, if you know what I mean. Luckily he did not reveal the depths of the Abstractions to us fool caste menials.
  • I don't think you're allowed to complain about pretension on the GeekNights forum.
    You can do faaar worse than these forums, lemme tell ya...

    [spoiler] Eugh, r/atheism... >_>
    I wasn't referring to the forums themselves so much as the podcast they're dedicated to.

    On an unrelated note, I need to find a way that my friend and I can make about $100 each so we can go to AB. We're both fairly busy and don't live near each other and I'm probably going to have to be the one to figure most of this out :(
  • edited January 2012
    Sell your blood plasma. It's usually about $50 per donation. Make sure you pee before you go (stopping the machine means you don't get paid) and drink plenty of Gatorade afterward.

    I haven't done this personally, but I know people who have. I think you can go once every two weeks or so.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I am a paper-writing machine
    Fueled by Concerta and caffeine
  • You could also look into selling...other bodily fluids. But plasma's probably a better way to go, and you've got plenty of time to do it.
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