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  • Can you consider Black Dynamite a romcom?
    Can't say I know. I don't like watching movies that much.
    Black Dynamite isn't so much a movie as a way of life.

  • Can you consider Black Dynamite a romcom?
    No more than Big Trouble in Little China is a romcom. To me, a romcom is where the main plot device is romance and the comedy stems from the romance. In Black Dynamite, romance and comedy are present but romance is not the primary method for hilarity.
  • edited January 2012
    Can't say I know. I don't like watching movies that much.
    This is like when someone tells me that they "don't listen to much music" or that they "don't really like to read books." How can you ignore an entire art form?
    (Granted, I went to film school, so as you can tell, movies are kind of a big deal to me.)

    Post edited by gomidog on
  • If Etsy had a way to filter out pinback buttons, it would be a whole lot easier to find cool stuff.
  • Can't say I know. I don't like watching movies that much.
    This is like when someone tells me that they "don't listen to much music" or that they "don't really like to read books." How can you ignore an entire art form?
    (Granted, I went to film school, so as you can tell, movies are kind of a big deal to me.)

    Or, "I don't like to experience things."
  • Can't say I know. I don't like watching movies that much.
    This is like when someone tells me that they "don't listen to much music" or that they "don't really like to read books." How can you ignore an entire art form?
    (Granted, I went to film school, so as you can tell, movies are kind of a big deal to me.)

    I'm really picky with what I see. Nowadays, most Hollywood flicks bore the hell out of me (clichés, vulgar humor, stereotypes). I prefer to have a short list of personal favorites. I don't ignore an art form. I just don't like most of what's out there.
  • edited January 2012
    Can't say I know. I don't like watching movies that much.
    This is like when someone tells me that they "don't listen to much music" or that they "don't really like to read books." How can you ignore an entire art form?
    (Granted, I went to film school, so as you can tell, movies are kind of a big deal to me.)

    I'd say the same thing as Reiya, actually. I don't like watching movies that much. It's not that I don't like movies, or that I'm completely ignoring the medium, I just have specific taste and don't get the urge to watch 'em that often.

    Post edited by Walker on
  • Well, as in any field, most of the works produced are cruddy. You just need someone to tell you the good stuff.
  • It's such a subjective topic, that what you may consider a jewel, others may dislike it. That's what happens with my favorite movie, so I prefer to keep my film tastes to myself.
  • It's such a subjective topic, that what you may consider a jewel, others may dislike it. That's what happens with my favorite movie, so I prefer to keep my film tastes to myself.
    Well, now it'd be a faux pas to not share your favorite film.
    Can you consider Black Dynamite a romcom?
    No more than Big Trouble in Little China is a romcom. To me, a romcom is where the main plot device is romance and the comedy stems from the romance. In Black Dynamite, romance and comedy are present but romance is not the primary method for hilarity.
    Black Dynamite stole my heart before he walked in the room.
  • It's such a subjective topic, that what you may consider a jewel, others may dislike it. That's what happens with my favorite movie, so I prefer to keep my film tastes to myself.
    "Tommy" is one of my favorite movies. No matter what you say, I cannot mock you.
  • edited January 2012
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Well, as in any field, most of the works produced are cruddy. You just need someone to tell you the good stuff.
    I see it this way, all media get put through a filter that goes: is this genre/media/thing on a whole good enough for me to invest the time and money into. Then, saying I'm not into/I don't like doing X is perfectly valid because all you're saying is that this is something I don't feel is worth my time as a whole. It's not saying all of X is bad or I hate X or I hate your specific example of X. Take movies, if I find myself watching a movie that's OK, if other people want to go see a movie I'm fine with going with them. It's just going to be very rare for me to go and say I need to see X movie.

  • All right... laugh at me as much as you want.

    My favorite movie has always been Bicentennial Man. I can see it over and over again, and not only do I not tire of it, it always makes me cry in the very same moment.
  • All right... laugh at me as much as you want.

    My favorite movie has always been Bicentennial Man. I can see it over and over again, and not only do I not tire of it, it always makes me cry in the very same moment.
    It wouldn't be my pick for a favorite, but I can see why you like it. Also, it's based on a short story by Isaac Asimov, so props for that!

    We're pretty tolerant of stuff like that here. Unless you say your favorite flick is something like the Nic Cage version of The Wicker Man, people aren't going to make fun of you. And even with The Wicker Man, it's one of the most unintentionally funny movies ever, so it's justifiable.
  • Well, can't help it. I think Robin Williams was very endearing, as he wasn't trying to be excessively funny. And I felt pretty identified with Andrew, since not only do we share the name (well, mine's the female form), but due to his wish to be acknowledged.
  • Another Breakfast Club Anecdote -

    Churba: "I like my women like I like my coffee - Without a penis."
    Gunter: "Well, Yeah."
    Grey: "I think we're all on board with that."

    (Discussing who's prettier, because of a previous discussion on which one of us would be ally sheedy)
    Evan: "Churba's more like the Aragorn, and I'm the Legolas"
    Churba: "Oh god I've seen this fanfiction"
  • edited January 2012
    "Tommy" is one of my favorite movies. No matter what you say, I cannot mock you.

    I love the part when they get high on nitrous and are all like, "Roads is a funny word."

    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • edited January 2012
    I love the part when they get high on nitrous and are all like, "Roads is a funny word."

    Powerful stuff.
    EDIT: Shoot, why doesn't the embed work?
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Take off the ampersand and what comes after it.
  • edited January 2012

    Thank you!
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Yeah, I'm just being self-effacing about being the only guy watching a Rom Com with a group of platonic female friends.
    Similar story: I ended up in the theater for Benjamin Button with five platonic female friends.
  • Is it fair to classify 500 Days of Summer as a rom com? It's more a coming-of-age flick for the twentysomething set. The central conflict turns out to be something other than the assumed romance.
  • edited January 2012
    Is it fair to classify 500 Days of Summer as a rom com? It's more a coming-of-age flick for the twentysomething set. The central conflict turns out to be something other than the assumed romance.
    I noticed that the writer (or director, I forget) considers it as such on Wikipedia, and I realized that such an interpretation really does make a lot more sense. It also makes the film a lot more effective, in my opinion, especially if you're part of said twentysomething set (like me).

    Aside: ScoJo, Nuri, and Wyatt just appeared in my Facebook sidebar, all in a row. That algorithm is getting scary good. I friend requested you guys, so if you're wondering who a particular David is, that's me.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'm getting really good about knowing when to disengage from religious arguments. There is a point at which it stops being about whatever it was about and turns into an argument about the actual religion, and I'm starting to get better at identifying that point and ceasing to argue.
  • edited January 2012
    Eating a spinache salad feels like eating a bowl full of leaves. And I'm OK with that. There is just something odd about it though... I constantly have self-concious thoughts that this isn't food, and I must look completely silly...
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited January 2012
    Yahoo7 - Classy as fuck, yo.


    Post edited by Churba on
  • I feel like 500 Days of Summer was just a shoddy remaking of Annie Hall. Thoughts?
  • edited January 2012
    There's a cyclin-Cdk complexing inhibitor named Wee1. My mom used to call my brothers and I that when we were really little; protein names can be adorable.

    Also, there's a Drosophila protein involved in the development of the compound eye named BOSS (for bride of sevenless). I like to think of it as a little protein Black Dynamite, kicking asses so that the cell differentiates. BOSS threw that phosphate group before it walked in the room!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2012
    My office really needs to be sound proof.

    My coworker and I have been practicing at sounding like a Wookie or velociraptor.

    Now, we're singing Linkin Park songs in our very best Cartman voices.

    Yes, work is very boring today.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
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