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  • You could also look into selling...other bodily fluids. But plasma's probably a better way to go, and you've got plenty of time to do it.
    Hey, do both. Bonus money.

  • Apparently donating sperm is a GIGANTIC pain in the ass (sorry for the Cracked link, I usually hate them, but they seem to have thoroughly researched the issue). You're better off doing almost anything else.
  • Sell your blood plasma. It's usually about $50 per donation. Make sure you pee before you go (stopping the machine means you don't get paid) and drink plenty of Gatorade afterward.

    I haven't done this personally, but I know people who have. I think you can go once every two weeks or so.
    Generally you can donate twice a week but have to wait two days between donations.
  • Sell your blood plasma. It's usually about $50 per donation. Make sure you pee before you go (stopping the machine means you don't get paid) and drink plenty of Gatorade afterward.

    I haven't done this personally, but I know people who have. I think you can go once every two weeks or so.
    Generally you can donate twice a week but have to wait two days between donations.
    I would absolutely do this but for the fact that A) we don't get paid for donating blood or blood products here, and B)Fucking needles, man, nope nope nope, fuck that for a game of soldiers, no fucking way.
  • Going through the editing process...boy, I should have studied way more before dipping my toes into the project. @_@;
  • I'm sick and tired of football being the only thing my friends talk about on Facebook. I can follow a game, but I don't follow the meta gaming that occurs around football... For instance, I don't know what a Tim Tebow is and I don't really care. I assume he's some sort of running back or something, who thanks a deity every time he scores.

    I miss my friends' list being filled with interesting things.
    Sell your blood plasma. It's usually about $50 per donation. Make sure you pee before you go (stopping the machine means you don't get paid) and drink plenty of Gatorade afterward.

    I haven't done this personally, but I know people who have. I think you can go once every two weeks or so.
    Generally you can donate twice a week but have to wait two days between donations.
    I would absolutely do this but for the fact that A) we don't get paid for donating blood or blood products here, and B)Fucking needles, man, nope nope nope, fuck that for a game of soldiers, no fucking way.
    I sold blood plasma in college, we only got about $25 per time we got stuck, and it hurt a bit worse than giving blood. There's better ways to make some scratch though, like making amateur porn or fixing people's computers.
  • edited January 2012
    Tim Tebow (quarterback, not running back) was becoming a fairly major college deity while he was at UF, but since he's gone on to the NFL he's lost a bit of his luster. I'm from Gainesville (where UF is), so I heard/have been hearing a LOT about him. I was really happy when Denver lost last night as I've never really liked him. Something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.
    He's a religious nutcase. That's what bothers me about him.

  • He's a religious nutcase. That's what bothers me about him.
    I'll not begrudge him his religion, it's him I don't like. I met him a few times and something about him was just off (which could well be religion's fault).
  • I'll not begrudge him his religion, it's him I don't like. I met him a few times and something about him was just off (which could well be religion's fault).
    Well, he can have whatever religion he wants. What's annoying is his smug attitude about how his religion makes him a better person than everybody else, and how he puts it on display at every. single. opportunity.
  • Tim Tebow (quarterback, not running back) was becoming a fairly major college deity while he was at UF, but since he's gone on to the NFL he's lost a bit of his luster. I'm from Gainesville (where UF is), so I heard/have been hearing a LOT about him. I was really happy when Denver lost last night as I've never really liked him. Something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.
    Thanks for the correction. Like most things in life, I care more about the abstract rather than the personal. Football is interesting until you start bringing personalities into it. That's why I hate college football. It's all about personalities (ie. My College Is Better Than Your College Because We Throw A Ball To The Black Man Better).
  • I was in a bit of a slump. My English teacher tried to motivate me. She asked me if I follow football. I said no. She told me to look up a man named Tim Tebow. She immediately followed this up by asking me to ignore all the religious stuff. Funny how quickly motivation can turn into demotivation.
  • Football is all about the personalities. Sports are fundamentally the same as any other TV drama. There are characters, conflicts, resolutions, storylines, and everything else. The difference is that there are no writers. Everything that plays out is actually real human drama. You can almost think of it as a role playing game where every time instead of rolling the dice you have an athletic contest.

    To actually enjoy a sport you have to follow it closely and invest yourself in it. You have to know what the stories are and know the rules of the game. Understanding the sport reveals the drama to you, and emotional investment makes you care about the result. Alternatively you can be like most sports fans who just enjoy getting drunk and screaming. If you aren't in one of those two groups, then sports will have little to no value for you.

    Imagine if someone made a sci-fi TV show that you enjoy called Spacebattlego! However, all that ever happened on the show was video footage of actual space battles with real-time commentary. It would be boring as fuck. You need to also watch the other meta shows so you can learn who is battling and why. You also need to pick sides. Suddenly that boring show that's nothing but space battles becomes high drama. That's sports.
  • Football is all about the personalities. Sports are fundamentally the same as any other TV drama. There are characters, conflicts, resolutions, storylines, and everything else. The difference is that there are no writers. Everything that plays out is actually real human drama. You can almost think of it as a role playing game where every time instead of rolling the dice you have an athletic contest.

    To actually enjoy a sport you have to follow it closely and invest yourself in it. You have to know what the stories are and know the rules of the game. Understanding the sport reveals the drama to you, and emotional investment makes you care about the result. Alternatively you can be like most sports fans who just enjoy getting drunk and screaming. If you aren't in one of those two groups, then sports will have little to no value for you.

    Imagine if someone made a sci-fi TV show that you enjoy called Spacebattlego! However, all that ever happened on the show was video footage of actual space battles with real-time commentary. It would be boring as fuck. You need to also watch the other meta shows so you can learn who is battling and why. You also need to pick sides. Suddenly that boring show that's nothing but space battles becomes high drama. That's sports.
    Unfortunately, I think that the space battles with running commentaries would be awesome. I enjoy watching the games but rarely am emotionally invested. That was different when I was in college, and even for a couple of years after college.

    When I was in college, there was the entire college pride thing that was fun to watch, and I even knew a couple of the guys on the sports teams personally so it was fun to watch and I was emotionally invested.

    For a few years after college, when my college's team would do particularly well it would add an additional connection with interviewers in the area I was interviewing, thus making my degree worth more money.

    I generally don't mind sports that much, or at least I've matured away from my knee-jerk dislike of it... but I wish my friends would talk about interesting things again. It's been football for the past several months straight.
  • You have to pick a team and make yourself care. It's easy for me because my father was a Mets/Giants/Rangers fan, and so was his father, and so is my whole family. Other people can also find their own reasons, such as the team is local to them, or they have a special connection to the team.

    For other people, you need to find a reason to care. For example, you brought up Tim Tebow. Whatever you think about him, he is definitely the kind of guy that is going to create strong opinions. Almost everybody will love him or hate him. Did I ever give a shit about the Denver Broncos? No. But since I happen to really dislike Tim Tebow, now I suddenly care about the outcome of their games and I can cheer when he loses. By following a sport you discover reasons to care.
  • I see. What you describe is interesting, actually, although what I read on my friends' walls is anything but. Little insightful commentary, lots of jersey-wearing "WOO"-ing.
  • In 1944 a children’s book club sent a volume about penguins to a 10-year-old girl, enclosing a card seeking her opinion.

    She wrote, “This book gives me more information about penguins than I care to have.”

    American diplomat Hugh Gibson called it the finest piece of literary criticism he had ever read.
  • I enjoy football. That being said, I also agree with George Will when he says this about the sport:
    It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings.
  • I'm generally dubious of remake movies, especially when you're making a full length feature out of a short story, but The Lorax actually seems like it'll be good.
  • I'm generally dubious of remake movies, especially when you're making a full length feature out of a short story, but The Lorax actually seems like it'll be good.
    What the fuck is wrong with you?
  • I could not find that old "Youtube Videos You've Made" thread which I know has existed, so I will post my first blog attempt here.

    Laugh, Comment, Whatever, I understand this is like laying out sandwiches to hungry lions, but I don't care. More will come in the future, I'm just gonna do something Scrym have said and just stick by something. (Yes, I was surprised too the converting/uploading lasted 2 hours)
  • Welcome to video. Encoding takes a long time. You should try encoding or transcoding some videos locally so you can learn about how it works, and about the different formats.
  • I'm pretty sure I encountered a wizard in Amsterdam last night. His hands were covered with fine bands of ivory, amber, and silver filigree, and he had a magnificent white beard. He was wearing a sky blue parka, navy blue nylon track pants, pastel pink socks with soccer balls on them to go with his black dress shoes, and a Dutch Fisherman's sweater with an argyle ascot. He had a tweed porkpie hat, and rolling suitcase (which I assume holds his grimoires). He would occasionally make startled or emotive gestures to nothing at all before knocking and relighting his corncob pipe.

    Quoth Babycakes, "He's a wizard. I can feel it."
    I hope to one day be someone else's wizard.
  • Every day I think about making a secret society with some arbitrary goal about the future entirely meant to confuse the hell out of everyone who finds out about it.
  • I'm generally dubious of remake movies, especially when you're making a full length feature out of a short story, but The Lorax actually seems like it'll be good.
    What the fuck is wrong with you?
    I really have no idea in most cases.
    Every day I think about making a secret society with some arbitrary goal about the future entirely meant to confuse the hell out of everyone who finds out about it.
    Society for Obfuscating Stupidity?
  • Some times I get these weird warm feeling in my legs. Part of my worries that I have wet myself, which I haven't, the other part worries that its the beginnings of combustion. The only thing that mollifies me is that thought that my hot crotch was responsable for my death.
  • I enjoy football. That being said, I also agree with George Will when he says this about the sport:
    It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings.
    I never thought I would agree with George Will.

  • I just used "Lords of the rink" as a headline on a hockey story. We'll see whether any readers out there are geeks.
  • I enjoy football. That being said, I also agree with George Will when he says this about the sport:
    It combines the two worst elements of American life. Violence and committee meetings.
    I never thought I would agree with George Will.


    "Ah ahm boh-loooo santo-zeeeeee Leee-dah of dah Ree-pahs!"
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