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  • I will see if I can get some way-ahead-of-PAX reservations for dinner. Worth a shot.
    Book a good portion of The Whiskey Priest and I am happy. I really only went there and the test kitchen place that I can remember.

    Although pre-PAX, we did go to that yummy Greek place across town.
  • Book a good portion of The Whiskey Priest and I am happy. I really only went there and the test kitchen place that I can remember.

    Although pre-PAX, we did go to that yummy Greek place across town.
    The yummy Greek place by the Hynes? That place was indeed yummy.

    I ate at the Test Kitchen and some hotel restaurant/bar, plus some of the horrifying con food.

    If I were to, say, get a reservation at Whiskey Priest for a large party Sunday evening, who would be interested in committing ahead of time to show up?

  • edited January 2012
    I'd be down.

    And yes, that Greek place.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • You know I'm down for almost anything involving alcohol. ~_^
  • You know I'm down for almost anything involving alcohol. ~_^
    QFT. (and I'm also gonna be around at PAX. ^_^)

  • I could hang out at the Whiskey Priest on Sunday after the Omegathon Finale. I have a +1 along that is not a forumite (and most of you have no idea who I am to start with), but I could definitely be around.
  • I will commit.
  • How late are we talking Sunday night? Cause the latest flight seems to be wheels up at 8:55.
  • Not sure yet. I am pretty sure I'm taking Monday off and staying in Boston Sunday night; taking the early bus home on Monday.
  • I'll be doing what mainly what the Muse team wants me to do if we are there together, but following our planning, I can give you a definite schedule.
  • I'm flying back on Monday myself. If you had to schedule something earlier, I might still be interested, but I am always incredibly pumped for the Omegathon.
  • Book a good portion of The Whiskey Priest and I am happy. I really only went there and the test kitchen place that I can remember.

    Although pre-PAX, we did go to that yummy Greek place across town.
    The yummy Greek place by the Hynes? That place was indeed yummy.

    I ate at the Test Kitchen and some hotel restaurant/bar, plus some of the horrifying con food.

    If I were to, say, get a reservation at Whiskey Priest for a large party Sunday evening, who would be interested in committing ahead of time to show up?

    I'd go. Even if I can't get into PAX me and my friends might come up to Boston anyway.
  • Being a tea geek, using Facebook to document it:

  • I love a good tea. You reminded me I'm completely out. :(
  • Perhaps some device to maintain temperature or improved thermal isolation would be in order.
    For instance, the following apparatus:
  • edited January 2012
    Tea cozies are an example of things that I find useful, but refuse to own because of the name. Perhaps I'll get one that is black and call it my "tea centric thermal energy retention and isolation overlay".
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I utilize a Japanese cast-iron teapot and enameled iron cups when I serve really good tea. The secret is to boil some water beforehand and preheat the cups and the pot before you brew the tea. The cups are smaller, so you finish the tea before it cools, and the entire set retains heat far better than porcelain (but be advised: it conducts it better, too; don't get burned). Expensive but worth it; luckily for me, my parents own that tea service, so I didn't have to indulge my hobby too much beyond the cost of some excellent Gunpowder and Darjeeling looseleaf.

    A less-expensive option is a Bodum Assam tea press (remove the press body for blooming teas) and double-walled glass cups. The air between the walls keeps the outer wall nice and cool, and the tea piping hot much longer than a porcelain mug. Both items are marvels of modern tea service design, too.
  • edited January 2012
    Remember to turn off those cell phones during classical performances, or else the NY Times might write an article about your shame.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited January 2012
  • Turning to the Front Row Crew forum for entertainment in these SOPA-blackened times.
  • Finally adding some of the FRC peeps to my Face's book friends. I guess this officially makes us friends now, huh.
  • Finally adding some of the FRC peeps to my Face's book friends. I guess this officially makes us friends now, huh.
    I think I'm going to do the opposite. Going to remove all the people that I don't actually know.
  • edited January 2012
    Finally adding some of the FRC peeps to my Face's book friends. I guess this officially makes us friends now, huh.
    I think I'm going to do the opposite. Going to remove all the people that I don't actually know.
    You mean people you don't know outside of the internet? The way I use Facebook is to connect with people both from work/hanging out and cool people I meet online, usually the latter. The former I generally see regularly anyway, so I don't need an online tool for anything more than a message board (for RPG planning) and an event calendar (since I can't convince everyone to use Google's calendar). Although I don't friend random people who I don't have a dialog with (like celebrities or whatever), and I'll probably go through and cull my friends' list soon.

    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Facebook has become a necessary evil. I despise it but there are so few way so getting hold of my friends.
  • I'm starting to make it a deal breaker. If the only way I can reach you is by Facebook I just won't reach you. I only keep it because of group projects.
  • Apreche does not deem internet people worthy of being his facebook friends. I also take it that he doesn't really use facebook anyway. So he's doesn't think it's worth spending the time he doesn't spend on the thing he doesn't use.
  • Apreche does not deem internet people worthy of being his facebook friends. I also take it that he doesn't really use facebook anyway. So he's doesn't think it's worth spending the time he doesn't spend on the thing he doesn't use.
    Nah, he's just trying to keep the groupies away.

  • If I could find a better way to organise my friends I would use it, but alas they are stuck in their ways.
  • Alright Windows 7, you and me, let's go!

    Wait, what do you mean I can't do a direct upgrade from Windows XP? Welp, time to back up my C:\ drive.
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