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  • Just set my ringtone to the CTU one from 24. I fear I will now demand to know where Marwan is every time I get a call.
  • My comic book shop has WarHammer 40K stuff now. I'm tempted to get into it.
    Don't listen to all of these fools, 40k is incredible and if you have opponents you should get into it.
  • edited January 2012
    My comic book shop has WarHammer 40K stuff now. I'm tempted to get into it.
    Don't listen to all of these fools, 40k is incredible and if you have opponents you should get into it.
    I have an Ork Army, a Space Marine Army, and a Tau Army (which is on loan from a friend who got a Megaforce and then couldn't be bothered to paint and assemble everything). I have stared into the abyss, and the abyss has stared into me.

    Buy from TheWarStore if you must. At least they'll discount the near-criminal price GW extorts from people who crave its army men. But honestly, I'd recommend Infinity, Malifaux, Heavy Gear Blitz, or Warmachine instead. All cheaper, all more balanced, all from companies who love their players.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yo, don't buy from retailers. Buy from guys who have massive collections and aren't interested in it any more. They sell at crazy cheap prices. I don't play, but my dad does, and what you call an army he calls a platoon.
  • Yo, don't buy from retailers. Buy from guys who have massive collections and aren't interested in it any more. They sell at crazy cheap prices. I don't play, but my dad does, and what you call an army he calls a platoon.
    This is the best way to go. When some poor fool has a kid and can no longer afford his Space Marine kick, you offer him just enough money to keep his family fed for a week.

    Or, if you like the fluff of 40k just do what I do: Play all the computer games, read the fluff, and play different miniatures games. There's a metric crap tonne out there, all of which are great. Personally, I'm waiting for the Dust Tactics tabletop rules to come out, and I'm slowly painting a Firestorm: Armada fleet.
  • My comic book shop has WarHammer 40K stuff now. I'm tempted to get into it.
    Don't listen to all of these fools, 40k is incredible and if you have opponents you should get into it.
    It's a great goddamn game despite its flaws. I'm sure that there are "better" war games out there, but it's hard for anything to match 40k in terms of sheer enjoyability and personality. Really, that's the biggest attraction - the game feels like it has a soul.

    Granted, it's a soul full of wretched, horrible hatred for you and your wallet. But hey, it's something.

  • I just like rolling a thousand dice at a time.
  • Unfortunately after reading up on it, I feel like I'd want to play a Tau force mostly, but only because they make the most goddamn sense. Either that or play a space marine force like the Reasonable Marines.
  • Unfortunately after reading up on it, I feel like I'd want to play a Tau force mostly, but only because they make the most goddamn sense. Either that or play a space marine force like the Reasonable Marines.
    Unfortunately after reading up on it, I feel like I'd want to play a Tau force mostly, but only because they make the most goddamn sense.
    but only because they make the most goddamn sense.
    If you're making sense, you're playing the game wrong.

  • If you're making sense, you're playing the game wrong.
    Now I admit sometimes I like a good WAAAAAAAGH! every now and then.
  • If I had to play 40k I would try to insist on playing whatever is the biggest trollface faction/army I can. Up to and including mixing sets against the rules.
  • If I had to play 40k I would try to insist on playing whatever is the biggest trollface faction/army I can. Up to and including mixing sets against the rules.
  • If I had to play 40k I would try to insist on playing whatever is the biggest trollface faction/army I can. Up to and including mixing sets against the rules.

  • Tau is robots. That's all I know. That's all I need to know.
  • edited January 2012
    Tau is robots. That's all I know. That's all I need to know.
    They're actually aliens in highly advanced mech suits with equally advanced weapons.

    The Necron are robot zombies that are a bitch to kill.

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Tau is robots. That's all I know. That's all I need to know.
    They're actually aliens in highly advanced mech suits with equally advanced weapons.

    The Necron are robot zombies that are a bitch to kill.

    Tau is the faction for the kids that collected Gundam figurines.

    Necron are the faction of people who just want to troll other players.
  • edited January 2012
    I always used to play Imperial Guard, and would wage trench warfare against my opponents. It was a surprisingly effective strategy!

    EDIT: Except when they spend 2,000 points on a single teleporting Eldar unit. I don't remember what it was, but it destroyed me. That's when I decided to never play against the Eldar.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited January 2012
    I'd probably play a heavily mechanized IG force, or the Tau. Tanks rule, melee drools.

    Also worth noting, this is the 5000th random comment in this thread.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Necrons: Because we heard you like your anti-personnel weapons with extra anti-tank, and your cannon fodder infantry with extra resurrection.
  • edited January 2012
    The rumor mill is turning. Rumors of all a massive Moebius re-release before summer are popping up.

    Take all my money, Humanoids. Just take all of it.

    EDIT: Just checked. Madwoman of the Sacred Heart is being reprinted in paperback, along with limited-edition first runs of some other stuff, all before the end of February. My dream of a complete Moebius catalog moves toward fruition.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Tau are for general trolling. Necrons are for trolling hard while winning.
  • Holy crap, Redline was completely hand drawn! :O
  • Seven goddamn years (Intermittent with other shows.).
  • Seven goddamn years (Intermittent with other shows.).
    Worth every second.

  • Daaaaaaaaaamn. Because I needed another reason to love that movie.
  • One of the manga stores I walked into today was doing a cascading "Welcome to Moes!"-style "Irasshaimase!" whenever somewalked in.

    Watching people pose in front of Tetsujin-28 for photos is great btw.
  • Two bottles of rum in, and I am shockingly intoxicated. I think I shall drink more. See y' all later.
  • Two bottles of rum in, and I am shockingly intoxicated. I think I shall drink more. See y' all later.
    Churba: the only man who could possibly be shocked because he got drunk after drinking two bottles of rum.

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