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Random Comments



  • I'm going to cockpunch the next motherfucker who tells me Macs are more stable than PCs. I'm ready to throw this piece of shit out a window.
    My lil' 5 y/o nephew refers to that as the "Million Dollar Punch". He was taught it at a very young age and has given many to my older brother. I love my nephew.
    The only way that story would be better is if your little nephew's name was Kenshiro.
  • I'm going to cockpunch the next motherfucker who tells me Macs are more stable than PCs. I'm ready to throw this piece of shit out a window.
    My lil' 5 y/o nephew refers to that as the "Million Dollar Punch". He was taught it at a very young age and has given many to my older brother. I love my nephew.
    The only way that story would be better is if your little nephew's name was Kenshiro.
    Who would win in a fight: Batman or Kenshiro?
  • I'm going to cockpunch the next motherfucker who tells me Macs are more stable than PCs. I'm ready to throw this piece of shit out a window.
    My lil' 5 y/o nephew refers to that as the "Million Dollar Punch". He was taught it at a very young age and has given many to my older brother. I love my nephew.
    The only way that story would be better is if your little nephew's name was Kenshiro.
    Who would win in a fight: Batman or Kenshiro?
  • I'm going to cockpunch the next motherfucker who tells me Macs are more stable than PCs. I'm ready to throw this piece of shit out a window.
    My lil' 5 y/o nephew refers to that as the "Million Dollar Punch". He was taught it at a very young age and has given many to my older brother. I love my nephew.
    The only way that story would be better is if your little nephew's name was Kenshiro.
    Who would win in a fight: Batman or Kenshiro?
    Yep. No discussion to be had here.
  • I'm going to cockpunch the next motherfucker who tells me Macs are more stable than PCs. I'm ready to throw this piece of shit out a window.
    My lil' 5 y/o nephew refers to that as the "Million Dollar Punch". He was taught it at a very young age and has given many to my older brother. I love my nephew.
    The only way that story would be better is if your little nephew's name was Kenshiro.
    Who would win in a fight: Batman or Kenshiro?
    Yep. No discussion to be had here.
    Wrong. Batman.

    Let's face it, he's a popular DC character. No matter how many times you kill him, he'll be back before long to try again until he eventually succeeds.
  • edited November 2010
    Batman could just throw money at Kenshiro until he dies of coin-induced blunt force trauma. Kenshiro can't even afford sleeves.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • Batman might return from the dead in comic-book fashion, but he'll never be able to kill Kenshiro. He'll just keep getting hokuto in the face. Even if Batman learns Hokuto from fighting Kenshiro so many times, he can never learn the ultimate secret technique.

    I will grant him this. Batman can win if Superman helps.
  • My pc is plenty stable. I set it on a desk.

    And as for dickpunching, Monkey Steals The Peach. Look it up.
  • I will grant him this. Batman can win if Superman helps.
    Good point - Batman is certainly no stranger to crossovers with various people who have the "Super" prefix added to their description.
  • It's not like Batman would actually participate in the fight, though.
  • It's not like Batman would actually participate in the fight, though.
    Maybe, maybe. He's killed the most powerful character in the DC universe before, who had the power to take down Superman and most other characters he encountered, so it's hard to say. I don't have the knowledge enough of both characters to tell.
  • Maybe, maybe. He's killed the most powerful character in the DC universe before, who had the power to take down Superman and most other characters he encountered, so it's hard to say. I don't have the knowledge enough of both characters to tell.
    That's exactly it. In the DC Universe, ludicrous shit like that can happen because Batman is special for some reason. But take Kenshiro and Batman and make them fight in a neutral universe with a reason to fight. Batman will have no chance.
  • But in such a universe, hokuto no ken wouldn't work but the god damn batman would still be highly effective.
  • I think Batman could win. I have no reasoning to back this up, but I like Batman.
  • But in such a universe, hokuto no ken wouldn't work but the god damn batman would still be highly effective.
    Who says?
  • In a universe where ludicrous shit can't happen, hokuto no ken isn't going to work.
  • That's exactly it. In the DC Universe, ludicrous shit like that can happen because Batman is special for some reason. But take Kenshiro and Batman and make them fight in a neutral universe with a reason to fight. Batman will have no chance.
    But in such a universe, hokuto no ken wouldn't work but the god damn batman would still be highly effective.
    True that - Take away the superpower stuff from both, and batman wins - he's got no superpower, except for being richer than god, and having spent a massive amount of that on training and gadgets. Take away the Magical superpowery stuff, and Kenshiro is a fantastic martial artist. Batman is a fantastic Martial artist. It's a tricky one.
  • Batman always has a way to turn power into weakness, so the overwhelming power of kenshiro probably would turn out to screw him.
  • If it's a martial arts battle that only includes martial arts that exist in the real world, then I think that Kenshiro would still win. First of all, he is way bigger and stronger. But let's even take into account that you bring both of them down to have realistic physiques. Kenshiro would still win because he studied and practiced martial arts his entire life. Bruce Wayne only started at a much older age.
  • There's also the intelligence factor. Batman is the detective. Kenshiro just walks the earth. I'll bet stacked side-by-side, Batman's IQ is far higher.
  • edited November 2010
    Bruce Wayne only started at a much older age.
    Hard to say - Depends on the origin story. Some of them, he's barely finished shoveling dirt onto his parents before he's started seeking out his local ninja master to teach him how to kick ass. However, you're also discounting that as good as a martial artist Kenshiro is - ie, essentially the best that you can be - on a "Level physical Playing field" kinda universe, with capabilities brought down into human ranges(even if they are both at the maximum human capacity), Batman still has great skill at improvisation, adapting to the situation, a massive bank of knowledge to draw from, and one of his defining characteristics is that he carries a large number of gadgets and wears some pretty good armour. On top of that, he's very experienced at fighting against people who vastly out-skill and out-power him in various methods of fighting, or levels of power.

    I'm not saying that's an automatic win, but I'm simply maintaining the position of that it's a tricky one, if you don't favour one over the other.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010
    I think taking Kenshiro out of a universe where ludicrous shit happens (Regularly.) is kinda defeating the point of Kenshiro. What I'd really like to see is the McNinja Axecop style team-up.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I think taking Kenshiro out of a universe where ludicrous shit happens (Regularly.) is kinda defeating the point of Kenshiro. What I'd really like to see is the McNinja Axecop style team-up.
    That would be incredible.
  • FotNS/Gurren Lagaan crossover.

  • I think taking Kenshiro out of a universe where ludicrous shit happens (Regularly.) is kinda defeating the point of Kenshiro.
    And taking Batman out of his usual situation, and putting him into a naked cage match kinda defeats the purpose of Batman, too -- Batman always wins the big fights in the comics because he prepares and has a crazy plan for everything. If you take that away, we're not really talking about the character of Batman anymore, and I'm not that interested. I don't know enough about Kenshiro to to have an opinion on the naked cage match angle.
  • Kenshiro beats anyone with human physiology in a cage match.
  • There is a girl in the library across from me. Brunette in a loose gray shirt, fishnets, and knee-high combat boots.

    She is listening to "Through the Fire and Flames" audibly. Am I dreaming?
  • Why aren't you talking to her? Go do it. NOW.

    I do not expect to see another post from you unless it's in the Boo-Yah or Dating thread. =P
  • Here's a better question. How far could Batman get through the Hokuto no Ken anime continuity? If he followed the same basic path as Kenshiro, in which episode would he die?

    I'm confident he could at least get past the God Army.
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