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  • Self answering questions are fun.
  • Self answering questions are fun.
    Wegman's is the supermarket of ALL TIME, not just the future.
  • Wegman's is the supermarket of ALL TIME, not just the future.
    Yeah, I was gonna say.
  • *Super late to the conversation, as usual*

    To be a nerd/geek, you must *be* a nerd/geek. I don't think anyone needs to identify you as one for it to be true, because everyone has different ideas about it. I consider myself a gamer. But I don't think most of you guys would see me that way, because I don't play these "name dropping" games you mention. I don't play tons of games and buy every new one that comes out (that would be my wonderful boyfriend :-P).

    Instead, I get really into a few games. REALLY into, as in let it dominate all my free time and play it to death before I can continue with my life. Because I tend to do this, I keep myself from playing too many games (trying to be responsible here).

    Sure, if someone just repeats words they hear, its "faking." But I think many nerdy things are harder to classify than say, being a "cool" kid for example. In middle school, I desperately tried to be cool, I wore the clothes, spoke valley girl, showed interest in certain things when cued, even mimicked their physical movements. I was never cool. (Instead I guess I was a creeper? :-P)

    Oh and..
    If they can't answer "Kirk or Picard?" then they're not true nerdy girls.
    Picard, end of argument.
  • If they can't answer "Kirk or Picard?" then they're not true nerdy girls.
    Picard, end of argument.

  • It's seems like the girls always like Picard...
  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
    You need to watch the TOS episode called "The Balance of Terror". Kirk is the man in that episode.
  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
    You need to watch the TOS episode called "The Balance of Terror". Kirk is the man in that episode.
    I've seen all of TOS and all of TNG. Watch any random TNG episode - Picard is the man in any of them.
  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
    Good. We can continue dating.

    Also, The Undiscovered Country is the undisputed winner. Your whales are inconsequential.

  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
    You need to watch the TOS episode called "The Balance of Terror". Kirk is the man in that episode.
    I've seen all of TOS and all of TNG. Watch any random TNG episode - Picard is the man in any of them.
    My one problem with Picard is that often the coolest things he'd done, were things he did in the past. Like that story about how he destroyed a Ferengi battleship.
  • edited March 2012
    What about when the walls fell?
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • My one problem with Picard is that often the coolest things he'd done, were things he did in the past. Like that story about how he destroyed a Ferengi battleship.
    You don't think making incredibly difficult decisions regarding the fate of his ship and crew is cool? :-P Also there was that time he went on vacation and got lucky with the sexy mysterious lady..

  • Picard. End of argument.

    Sir Patrick is the fucking man.
    You need to watch the TOS episode called "The Balance of Terror". Kirk is the man in that episode.
    I've seen all of TOS and all of TNG. Watch any random TNG episode - Picard is the man in any of them.
    Bah, Kirk all the way. The Klingons respected Picard as an arbitrator. They respected Kirk as a warrior. 'Nuff said.
  • Only because Kirk is a shit arbitrator and racist. Their choices are pretty much respect him as a warrior or don't respect him at all.
  • The pen is mightier then the sword.
  • No love for Star Trek: Generations?
  • edited March 2012
    Only because Kirk is a shit arbitrator and racist. Their choices are pretty much respect him as a warrior or don't respect him at all.
    Kirk is no racist. If he was, he wouldn't be bedding down all the green space babes he does. :) Yeah, there was the bit about never trusting Klingons in ST:VI, but that was only after a group of Klingons killed his son in cold blood. I think he's entitled to have some distrust of them -- a distrust he seems to have shed by the end of ST:VI. In TOS, he respected the Klingons as worthy adversaries. In other examples, he has shown a fair bit of respect for Romulans, is best friends with a [half] Vulcan, talked about the foolishness of the racism of the Cheronites (the aliens that are black on one side and white on the other), and so on. As far as his arbitration skills, hmm, well, he could talk nearly any rogue AI to death. If you want to talk about actually negotiating peace, well, there was the arrangements he made to end the mob warfare among the Iotians (that's that 1920's mob planet). There was also his bluffing back and forth with the First Federation's Balok (The Corbomite Maneuver).

    Oh, and Kirk was named Admiral at the age of 37 (the youngest ever in Starfleet history). Picard never was promoted to Admiral.

    Picard is a great captain, but he's no Kirk.
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • No one can question our nerdiness today. :P
  • Why are we still discussing this?

    Picard > Kirk

    I thought I already established this, end of argument. :-P
  • Why are we still discussing this?

    Picard > Kirk

    I thought I already established this, end of argument. :-P
    Bah, only to you whipper-snappers. :P Picard is great, but he is not as great a captain as Kirk. Now, an ambassador -- sure, he'd be a better ambassador. However, when the chips are on the line, when a hostile alien race that refuses to negotiate is bearing down on your homeworld, Kirk is the man you want in the captain's chair. After Kirk's done, then you call in Picard to negotiate the cease fire (assuming there's anyone left of said alien race after they pissed Kirk off).
  • This argument happens so many times in the nerd community. Nobody ever gives the true answer.


    Here are some real captains. Kirk, Picard, or any other Star Trek character ever would be lucky to kiss their asses or even to be in their presence.

  • Grand Admiral Thrawn?
  • edited March 2012
    Here are some real captains.
    Captains? Looks like Grand Admiral Thrawn took a demotion.

    Edit- Ninja'd, but Scott is still forgetting the most superior captain -


    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited March 2012
    Being an Admiral doesn't make you not a captain. You are still captain of whatever ship you are on. Even if you disagree with that, any admiral was at one point a captain.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Being an Admiral doesn't make you not a captain. You are still captain of whatever ship you are on. Even if you disagree with that, any admiral was at one point a captain.
    No, being an Admiral DOES mean you're not a Captain. What you mean to say is that it doesn't exclude you from being a Sea(or space, I assume in Thrawn's case) Captain, but unless you're actively captaining a vessel, you're still not a captain.

    And yes, Admirals were at one point a Captain in rank. But they are not captains once they advance to admiral, and more than you are still an infant, because you were an infant at one point.

    But, if we want to nominate for best Captain and including people who have been Captains - either in rank or of a vessel - in the past, I nominate myself for best Captain.
  • Being an Admiral doesn't make you not a captain. You are still captain of whatever ship you are on. Even if you disagree with that, any admiral was at one point a captain.
    No, being an Admiral DOES mean you're not a Captain. What you mean to say is that it doesn't exclude you from being a Sea(or space, I assume in Thrawn's case) Captain, but unless you're actively captaining a vessel, you're still not a captain.
    Yeap. Admiral his flagship, and has a captain captaining said ship: he has more important matters to attend to.
  • I vote Churba for best Captain.
  • edited March 2012
    Yeap. Admiral his flagship, and has a captain captaining said ship: he has more important matters to attend to.
    Here's something interesting - the sea captain is always considered the highest ranking person on the vessel, no matter the actual rank of the captain, or anyone else on the vessel, for any matters on-board the vessel. The sea captain effectively ranks somewhere about three pay-grades above God himself.
    I vote Churba for best Captain.
    Thank you, I'll be sure to note a bonus half rum ration for you in the logs. That deal goes for anyone else.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Note to self. If I ever become king, never get on a boat.
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