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  • Masterful. Beautiful. Disturbing.
    Y'know, it's weird. I find DsO's literary allusions and their musical proficiency very compelling. I also find their overall message and motives really disturbing. Some of their lyrical content, though, can be quite silly to me.
  • Masterful. Beautiful. Disturbing.
    Y'know, it's weird. I find DsO's literary allusions and their musical proficiency very compelling. I also find their overall message and motives really disturbing. Some of their lyrical content, though, can be quite silly to me.
    Well, yes. I mean, it's amazingly over-the-top. And I'm sure they're serious about it.

    That's really the most disturbing aspect of it.
  • Yeah, I think I wrote (in the Metal Thread) about how their dedication to actualization of their ideal vision of a theistic Satanic apocalypse through both their music and actual obscene acts is what unsettled me so deeply when I first started listening to and reading about DsO.

    It's sort of like how Kvarforth actively encourages self-harm and mutilation to his music, and was reported to have been pleased upon hearing that someone committed suicide while listening to his music.

    Aside: Pete, did I ever tell you I saw Void ov Voices (Attilla Csihar) live at a Throbbing Gristle show a week or so back? He was really awesome.
  • Rylin is sitting by herself as of today.
    What kind of sorcery is this? A child sitting on it's own! Where is the world going?

  • Rylin is sitting by herself as of today.
    Wait till she starts crawling, it is cute for about the first 10 minutes. I am not going to even get into walking.
  • God I love Adventure Time.
  • Tonight I verified an argument I've been having with a friend. He believes that music will always be a more significant medium than "games". I think that games as a medium have an equal or similar level of potential, and therefore could have as great or a greater impact on the future. I see no way to justify his perspective. He sees no way to justify mine.
  • Interactive is probably going to beat passive in the long term.
  • Tonight I verified an argument I've been having with a friend. He believes that music will always be a more significant medium than "games". I think that games as a medium have an equal or similar level of potential, and therefore could have as great or a greater impact on the future. I see no way to justify his perspective. He sees no way to justify mine.
    Music tends to get burned into people's brain along with memories associated with the time period the music was heard. I think this and the fact that a song is something people will listen to repeatedly, as apposed to games which are usually played once, will keep music's more significant position in people's lives for the foreseeable future.

  • edited March 2012
    It's a pretty stupid argument to begin with, comparing "significance".

    It's inevitable that people will, in general spend significantly more time listening to music than playing games, for the simple reason that it's easier and can be done in parallel with other things.
    However, as far as the amount of impact is concerned, interactive experiences have an undeniable innate advantage. Similarly, group experiences like concerts and multiplayer games are, in general, going to have more impact.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • LoC is back!
  • edited March 2012
    LoC is back!
    Library of Congress?

    Legend of Crystania?

    League of... Crap?
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Ah, Dimitri, you said exactly what I erased earlier when I was trying to be polite :D
  • It's a pretty stupid argument to begin with, comparing "significance".
    Arguing which one is more significant seems silly to me. But the idea that either medium could be more significant going forward seems like a really easy thing to postulate. My argument basically boils down to comparing games to what has come before (television, film, radio, newspapers, books, the spoken word, artwork, and music). I see no reason that the modern developing medium of "games" and their ilk would not be on an equal footing with the rest.
  • edited March 2012
    Another random comment... if we approached written and spoken languages as tools in the way that we approach programming languages as tools... I think that would be totally awesome. But how does one argue that a language is better for a particular task or role?
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Another random comment... if we approached written and spoken languages as tools in the way that we approach programming languages as tools... I think that would be totally awesome. But how does one argue that a language is better for a particular task or role?
    There's some comparisons you could easily make, such as how quickly one can communicate a given message. More complex concepts like expressiveness are harder to evaluate, but you can still aggregate opinions to get a useful indicator.

    However, most of the above comparisons are moot, for one major reason - compared to a programming language, it takes a lot more effort to learn a written or spoken language. As such, even though different languages may be good for different purposes, this is not sufficient reason to learn another language.
  • I think Nine is a Timelord.
  • A Five Guys opened here recently and I had it for the first time tonight.

  • A Five Guys opened here recently and I had it for the first time tonight.

    Needs more malt vinegar.
  • edited April 2012
    HAHAHAHA, AdBlock now displays cat images instead of ads. Purrfect.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • A Five Guys opened here recently and I had it for the first time tonight.

    That was my exact opinion the first (and only) time I ate a Five Guys burger. Sure it was better than a McDonald's or Burger King burger, but it wasn't nearly as good as a Fuddrucker's, Red Robin, or In-N-Out burger.

  • A Five Guys opened here recently and I had it for the first time tonight.

    That was my exact opinion the first (and only) time I ate a Five Guys burger. Sure it was better than a McDonald's or Burger King burger, but it wasn't nearly as good as a Fuddrucker's, Red Robin, or In-N-Out burger.

    I've only had an In-N-Out once, and it's been a while, but I think Five Guys does compare nicely to In-N-Out -- at the very least it's the closest to it you can get on the east coast.

    Fuddrucker's and Red Robin are a little bit of a step higher as they are just starting to push out of the fast food burger range and more into the low-end sit down restaurant range (FYI, I've only been to a Fuddrucker's once and never to a Red Robin, so my knowledge on them is limited). They are somewhat limited by being big national chains though, so they don't quite compare to some of the good local places like Bartley's in Harvard Square.

    Best burgers I've ever had anywhere would have to be the Met Burger Bar in Dedham, MA, but that place is a super crazy gourmet fancy burger place.
  • In-N-Out:

  • edited April 2012
    I wonder who at Pixar had their soul sacrificed to let them animate Bonnie that well.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited April 2012
    Can I become a fixer (for journos and creative-types)? Is that a career path I can take?

    Because that sounds pretty ace right about now.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited April 2012
    Wedding is t-minus two months away. Shit is getting Real. Also the fiance's sister still hasn't responded to the invitation we sent out a month ago. This is going to be awkward, I'm considering asking my groomsmen to be armed.

    AND we ran out of beers today. Drat.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Can I become a fixer (for journos and creative-types)? Is that a career path I can take?

    Because that sounds pretty ace right about now.
    Yes, but it's hard, and rare as a primary career. You've gotta have some grade-A hustle.
  • In-N-Out:

    I agree, but I still greatly prefer it to my experience at Five Guys.
  • In-N-Out:

    I agree, but I still greatly prefer it to my experience at Five Guys.
    The question is what are you comparing them to? The closest comparisons to those places would probably be McDonalds/Burger King/Wendy's, and they are both vastly superior to those megachains. If it came down to Five Guys vs. McDonalds, it's no question -- Five Guys all the way. Now, if it came down to Five Guys vs. Met Burger Bar (assuming that time/money/etc. isn't a limiting factor), give me the Met Burger Bar.
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