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  • All I'm saying is, ass-to-mouth is already dirty with a wiped ass. So, if you really want to go ass-to-mouth - if the burning desire in your heart is just too strong to ignore - then just do it, wiping be damned!
  • As a biologist, I cannot recommend that anyone go Ass to Mouth. Unless you have a paraphilia for shigellosis. In which case you're on your own.
  • edited December 2010
    Daddy two pee-pee.
    As a biologist, I cannot recommend that anyone go Ass to Mouth. Unless you have a paraphilia for shigellosis. In which case you're on your own.
    As a Biology student, I concur with this statement.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • As a Biology student
    See, at U of I, they tell us that being a biology student makes you a biologist, as you are a person in the devoted to the systematic pursuit of knowledge (a scientist) within the field of biology. I like that line of thought.
  • edited December 2010
    See, at U of I, they tell us that being a biology student makes you a biologist, as you are a person in the devoted to the systematic pursuit of knowledge (a scientist) within the field of biology. I like that line of thought.
    No doubt, but here in Kentucky (and I can't really speak for any of the 49 lesser states) if you say "I'm a Biologist" someone will ask "Oh you've got your degree?" and then it goes downhill from there.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I just came to the realization that I will never in my everyday life be able to honestly preface a sentence with the phrase "As a scientist..." :(
  • I just came to the realization that I will never in my everyday life be able to honestly preface a sentence with the phrase "As a scientist..." :(
    As a scientist, I have to say it's pretty freakin' sweet.
    In which case you're on your own.
    Also crazy. Shigellosis is bad news. I'm actually always a little terrified whenever I work with Shigella, what with that ultra-low infectious dose.
  • I just came to the realization that I will never in my everyday life be able to honestly preface a sentence with the phrase "As a scientist..." :(
    But you can say "As a musician." That's pretty effin' sweet.
    In which case you're on your own.
    Also crazy. Shigellosis is bad news. I'm actually always a little terrified whenever I work withShigella, what with that ultra-low infectious dose.
    100 cells. That shit is terrifying.
  • I just came to the realization that I will never in my everyday life be able to honestly preface a sentence with the phrase "As a scientist..." :(
    But you can say "As a musician." That's pretty effin' sweet.
    That's pretty impossible to pull off without anything you say following it sounding incredibly pretentious.
  • I just came to the realization that I will never in my everyday life be able to honestly preface a sentence with the phrase "As a scientist..." :(
    But you can say "As a musician." That's pretty effin' sweet.
    That's pretty impossible to pull off without anything you say following it sounding incredibly pretentious.
    And "As a scientist" makes people feel stupid. Awe-inspired stupid, but stupid nonetheless.
  • And "As a scientist" makes people feel stupid. Awe-inspired stupid, but stupid nonetheless.
    Making people feel stupid > making people think you're trying to make them feel stupid
  • And "As a scientist" makes people feel stupid. Awe-inspired stupid, but stupid nonetheless.
    Making people feel stupid > making people think you're trying to make them feel stupid
    We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
  • edited December 2010
    100 cells. That shit is terrifying.
    More like a dozen. I've even seen reports of less than 10. Shigatoxin is srs bsns.
    We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited December 2010
    We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    This is the gameplan for the first con we're at together.
    Shigatoxin is srs bsns.
    Legionella is my phobia-inducing bacteria of choice. Genetic modification yielding a mortality rate of almost 100%? Scary fucking shit.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • More like a dozen. I've even seen reports of less than 10. Shigatoxin is srs bsns.
    Conotoxin is the best. Bungarotoxin is a close second.
  • We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    Just you wait until I'll be able to say "As a doctor..."
  • edited December 2010
    We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    Just you wait until I'll be able to say "As a doctor..."
    That's my endgame too. We will be so goddamn fucking smart. We will drink so much awesome beer and be so awesome that everyone will go "Look at all those awesome men with their awesome beer. Look how awesome they are. I wish we could be that awesome, but that's impossible."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    Just you wait until I'll be able to say "As a doctor..."
    That's my endgame too. We will be so goddamn fucking smart.
    Well, as someone who has been published, I can honestly say we will be the walk of the town.
  • edited December 2010
    We could form a tag-team. You could say pretentious music things and then I could justify them from a scientific standpoint.
    I'll provide the pretentious beer to drink while we look down on those who are less than us.
    Just you wait until I'll be able to say "As a doctor..."
    That's my endgame too. We will be so goddamn fucking smart.
    Well, as someone who has been published, I can honestly say we will be the walk of the town.
    They will say, "Look at their papers. Look at the letters on their diplomas with fancy seals. Look at their nonchalant disdain for us and our opinions. Truly, we are small, and they are giants."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    As the reincarnated witch god of an ancient minoan cult, I can inform you that such acts can quickly loose effectiveness.

    Though I make light of this, think of how many titles you could give yourself that would seem impressive but aren't actually valid "Qualified homoeopathist, faith healer, experienced astrologist, etc..".

    I would hope people would stop you if you started with "As an honest politician.."
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • As an underinformed person screaming at you on the internet....
  • As an asshole with nothing better to do...
  • As a cartoonist...

    Ahahaha. Ha.
  • As a world renowned geese juggler..
  • As a world renowned geese juggler..
    Luke Burrage, there is your challenge.
  • As a future creator of the video games that will eat away at your children's free time...
  • As a haughty European...
  • edited December 2010
    That's my endgame too. We will be so goddamn fucking smart. We will drink so much awesome beer and be so awesome that everyone will go "Look at all those awesome men with their awesome beer. Look how awesome they are. I wish we could be that awesome, but that's impossible."
    There needs to be a commercial of some sort with that as a voiceover. I can imagine it quite vividly.
    Well, as someone who has been published, I can honestly say we will be the walk of the town.
    You know what's funny about publishing? A few weeks ago, I found out that I was credited as the third author on like 4 different papers. I had no idea.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited December 2010
    I could actually preface something with "as a martial artist" without being too douchey. I'm pretty sure I've done that at least once, actually...
    Post edited by Walker on
  • There needs to be a commercial of some sort with that as a voiceover. I can imagine it quite vividly.
    You and I will make an extreme beer someday, and that will be the tagline.
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