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  • Here's a better question. How far could Batman get through the Hokuto no Ken anime continuity? If he followed the same basic path as Kenshiro, in which episode would he die?

    I'm confident he could at least get past the God Army.
    The reverse question, while marginally less interesting, is also pretty good - How would Kenshiro fare against, say, Darkseid and the Anti-life equation, or the Lantern Corps?
  • Here's a better question. How far could Batman get through the Hokuto no Ken anime continuity? If he followed the same basic path as Kenshiro, in which episode would he die?

    I'm confident he could at least get past the God Army.
    The reverse question, while marginally less interesting, is also pretty good - How would Kenshiro fare against, say, Darkseid and the Anti-life equation, or the Lantern Corps?
    I think we have a good topic for a fun roundtable. I'll call up Daryl Surat.
  • Here's a better question. How far could Batman get through the Hokuto no Ken anime continuity? If he followed the same basic path as Kenshiro, in which episode would he die?

    I'm confident he could at least get past the God Army.
    He probably wouldn't get much further. Giving him every possible benefit of the doubt, he gets to Souther.

    Meanwhile, if Kenshiro had to battle every Batman villain...

    They would already be dead.
  • Taking the Fist chracters and setting and turning it into a battle of wits is a strange concept.
  • edited November 2010
    Why aren't you talking to her? Go do it. NOW.

    I do not expect to see another post from you unless it's in the Boo-Yah or Dating thread. =P
    Recon confirms that music was actually coming from a neckbeard hidden behind a nearby divider.

    O, cruel world!

    EDIT: 666th post. Ha!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010

    Meanwhile, if Kenshiro had to battle every Batman villain...

    They would already be dead.
    I don't know about that - There are Batman villains which are crazy powerful. He has, by now, beat down pretty much every character in the DC universe, including Darkseid, who is pretty much the most powerful being in the DC universe. He could defeat the human villians, but some of them would just ruin his shit. Clayface, for example, is literally nothing more than sentient clay. How can you use pressure points on what is a conscious, cohesive lump of variable density clay?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Clayface, for example, is literally nothing more than sentient clay. How can you use pressure points on what is a conscious, cohesive lump of variable density clay?
    Some sort of resonance? He did punch that tank to death after all.
  • Well, let's pit the villains against each other, and see how it would go.

    How would Raoh or Demon Kaioh handle Batman and the Batman Villains? If they can take them, then Kenshiro can also take them. Likewise, if the Joker and the Riddler can beat Raoh... lol sorry. That's just too stupid. Kenshiro wins again.
  • edited November 2010
    Well, let's pit the villains against each other, and see how it would go.

    How would Raoh or Demon Kaioh handle Batman and the Batman Villains? If they can take them, then Kenshiro can also take them. Likewise, if the Joker and the Riddler can beat Raoh... lol sorry. That's just too stupid. Kenshiro wins again.
    It amuses me how Scott just leans on the scale every time till Kenshiro beats everyone. Kenshiro - So Awesome, he can beat anyone(if you rig everything in his favour).

    Though of course, he wilfully forgets - Kenshiro's villains inevitably end up fighting Kenshiro directly. Batman is the "World's greatest detective" because that is what is required to beat many of his villains - intelligence as much as violence, with some being defeated through intelligence far more than violence. Kenshiro couldn't do shit about the Riddler, for example, because he wouldn't know where to start - The famous Mr Nigma would simply run circles around him intellectually, and never have to clap eyes on him if he didn't want to.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Golgo 13 would kill Kenshiro before Kenshiro was even aware of his presence.

    Also, Spectre. And Black Flash. Black Flash would just dodge all of Kenshiro's attacks and then annihilate his soul in the Speed Force. You've seen how fast those punches are; Kenshiro is a Martial Arts Speedster.
  • Golgo 13 would kill Kenshiro before Kenshiro was even aware of his presence.
    Yeap. No one has accurate long-range weapons in the FotNS universe by and large. A Barret might take Kenshiro out.
  • Musou Tensei, fools.
    Here's a better question. How far could Batman get through the Hokuto no Ken anime continuity? If he followed the same basic path as Kenshiro, in which episode would he die?

    I'm confident he could at least get past the God Army.
    He probably wouldn't get much further. Giving him every possible benefit of the doubt, he gets to Souther.
    He might get past Souther; Souther has some real mental issues Batman could exploit.
  • Would hokuto hurt the Hulk, or just make him angrier?
  • Also, Spectre. And Black Flash. Black Flash would just dodge all of Kenshiro's attacks and then annihilate his soul in the Speed Force. You've seen how fast those punches are; Kenshiro is a Martial Arts Speedster.
    Y'know, something I've always wondered is how the Flash lives without killing himself out of boredom. I mean, the dude can move faster than pretty much anything. He's faster than Superman, and Supes is one fast motherfucker.

    So imagine you have that sort of speed at your disposal, well, you mind and body have to work fast enough to react to things at those speeds. So, wouldn't everything just be mind-bendingly slow to him? He could write novels in the time between syllables in your greeting him at the very start of a conversation. The automatic doors at the Mall would take a lifetime. Even the fastest vehicle would hold no thrill. So how does he do it?
  • edited November 2010
    So how does he do it?
    He's probably working on P = NP.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • So how does he do it?
    Constant furious masturbation.

    We just can't see it.
  • Constant furious masturbation.

    We just can't see it.
    Jesus Christ - Ejaculation at relativistic speed.
  • If you try to shoot a gun at Kenshiro from far away, yes even if you are Duke Togo, he will dodge that shit. If you are up close you'll end up shooting yourself with that gun.
  • He is definitely capable of dodging it, but is it possible he wouldn't see it coming?
  • edited November 2010
    He is definitely capable of dodging it, but is it possible he wouldn't see it coming?
    No. Hokuto no Ken gives him a power very similar to Spider-Sense. He would feel it coming even if it was a laser from outer space.

    For the record, Kenshiro is not unbeatable. There are plenty of things he can't beat. Voltron is a good example.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited November 2010
    He is definitely capable of dodging it, but is it possible he wouldn't see it coming?
    Kenshiro < Spanish Inquisition.
    No. Hokuto no Ken gives him a power very similar to Spider-Sense. He would feel it coming even if it was a laser from outer space.
    It amuses me how Scott just leans on the scale every time till Kenshiro beats everyone. Kenshiro - So Awesome, he can beat anyone(if you rig everything in his favour).
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2010
    If you try to shoot a gun at Kenshiro from far away, yes even if you are Duke Togo, he will dodge that shit. If you are up close you'll end up shooting yourself with that gun.
    Scott, Duke Togo always gets his man. Always. This is a law of nature, and is the fundamental rule upon which all physics depends on. For Duke Togo to not kill a his target means that reality will cease to exist. And when that happens, he is still alive in the void, waiting to fire the shot that births the new universe.
    Constant furious masturbation.

    We just can't see it.
    Jesus Christ - Ejaculation at relativistic speed.
    Wally West's penis is a railgun.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    Wally West's penis is a railgun.
    Jesus, and people though Hank Pym simply beating on his wife was bad. Backhander < blowing new and interesting holes in your wife with your dick.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • blowing new and interesting holes in your wife with your dick.
    She'd turn into vapor. There'd be nuclear fusion and fission. Every time Wally wants some, he needs to pull out and blow it into a block of alloyed lead and depleted uranium or risk leaving an H-bomb style crater behind.
  • The book The Physics of Superheroes talks about how Flash would have to do nothing but eat all day in order to get the kind of caloric intake required to keep up with his metabolism.
  • edited November 2010
    The bookThe Physics of Superheroestalks about how Flash would have to do nothing but eat all day in order to get the kind of caloric intake required to keep up with his metabolism.
    I own that book. It's awesome.

    Also, phlebotinum. The Speed Force probably gives him some sort of superenergy source to fuel all his speedster hijinks and witty comment-making.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    The bookThe Physics of Superheroestalks about how Flash would have to do nothing but eat all day in order to get the kind of caloric intake required to keep up with his metabolism.
    Now that would depend on which Flash - The ones which are powered by the "Speed force" wouldn't, but Wally West? Dude would die of starvation in seconds.

    Edit - Goddamnit, ninja'ed by WindupBird.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The bookThe Physics of Superheroestalks about how Flash would have to do nothing but eat all day in order to get the kind of caloric intake required to keep up with his metabolism.
    Now that would depend on which Flash - The ones which are powered by the "Speed force" wouldn't, but Wally West? Dude would die of starvation in seconds.
    Maybe Wally has an endless supply of Baconators?
  • edited November 2010
    Wait, maybe the Flashes just get vasectomies.
    Maybe Wally has an endless supply of Baconators?
    The suit just injects rendered duck fat into his veins.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited November 2010
    Post edited by gomidog on
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