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Random Comments



  • Hey Ryan (Li),

    I think you "might" like this.

  • I have listened the the song "King of the Beach" over 40 times over the past two days. Not sure how I feel about that.
  • edited December 2010
    As a *
    Someday I'll be able to say "As a journalist...".
    Unfortunately, that means next to nothing to most people these days .
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited December 2010
    If I can ever get a talk into full swing and slip in "As a long standing member of the breast appreciation promotion society.." without anyone noticing, I will have won at charisma.


    Could also be the British Animal Protection Society.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • As a *
    Someday I'll be able to say "As an economist...".
    Unfortunately, that means next to nothing to most people these days .
  • edited December 2010
    My friend started speaking French to me on Facebook and I picked it up scary fast. Time to grab a Rosetta Stone.

    Then, she nostalgia-bombed me:
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • Someday I'll be able to say "As a journalist...".
    Unfortunately, that means next to nothing to most people these days .
    Even less than nothing. I hold professional journalists in the same regard as a poopmeister nowadays.
  • Some dude is watching super moe anime really loudly. He is right by the toilet. Kinda ruins the mornings.....

    Also as a Historian I can be the most pretentious of us all.

  • Also as a Historian I can be the most pretentious of us all.
    But that pretentiousness is well founded since a lot of people don't know that much history. As a prime example, look at Scott, who thought the knights came before the Romans.
  • As a scientist, I have to say it's pretty freakin' sweet.
    As a Bachelor or Science, do I get this privilege?
  • I have listened the the song "King of the Beach" over 40 times over the past two days. Not sure how I feel about that.
    There are certainly worse songs to listen to. And manlier ones too; I've listened to various versions of Okkusenman for hours over the past few days while I worked on homework.
  • knights came before the Romans.
    I disparage sometimes. For example just came from a discussion with someone who was adamant that the Celts were an all powerful tribe.
    Also a standard requirement for my field is to have a beard and a tweed jacket with leather patches.
  • I have listened the the song "King of the Beach" over 40 times over the past two days. Not sure how I feel about that.
    There are certainly worse songs to listen to. And manlier ones too; I've listened to various versions of Okkusenman for hours over the past few days while I worked on homework.
    Fuck you, Wavves is fantastic.
  • edited December 2010
    As a New York State certified teacher with two degrees who has taught in almost exclusively high-needs environments, I can say...
    I'm way under fucking paid.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • knights came before the Romans.
    I disparage sometimes. For example just came from a discussion with someone who was adamant that the Celts were an all powerful tribe.
    Also a standard requirement for my field is to have a beard and a tweed jacket with leather patches.
    Also, Kate finds the tweed/elbow patch thing super sexy and keeps trying to get me one.
  • Also, Kate finds the tweed/elbow patch thing super sexy and keeps trying to get me one.
    She's right, and you should.

    Get a tweed jacket at Goodwill. ;^)
  • I have one, it's cool.
  • Also, Kate finds the tweed/elbow patch thing super sexy and keeps trying to get me one.
    I'm pretty sure you need to get the shotgun before the leather patches.
  • When I had longer hair, some days I'd come to school in a jacket like that with my hair in a ponytail and a pair of reading glasses. Girls dug it.
  • I just made my first payment with Visa PayWave. It felt awesome.
  • I just made my first payment with Visa PayWave. It felt awesome.
    Reminds me of Japan circa 2005.
  • I just made my first payment with Visa PayWave. It felt awesome.
    We don't even have that here. And neat as this tech is, it's just a more advanced version of the magnetic strip.
  • I have listened the the song "King of the Beach" over 40 times over the past two days. Not sure how I feel about that.
    There are certainly worse songs to listen to. And manlier ones too; I've listened to various versions of Okkusenman for hours over the past few days while I worked on homework.
    Fuck you, Wavves is fantastic.
    I'm not disparaging Wavves, I likes them. King of the Beach is not something I'd want to listen to in that density though.
  • Hey Ryan (Li),

    I think you "might" likethis.
    As a Disney fan, I already have a Wall-E plushie.
  • As a Bachelor or Science, do I get this privilege?
    Depends on the science in question. As a real scientist, I can tell you that CS, IT, Pyschology, Anthropology, and Sociology don't count. Also, because Physics and Chemistry are disciplines that arose as a result of the machinery of Biology, Biology is the supreme science and biologists should be regarded with a combination of fear and awe.

    As a self-aggrandizing asshole, I decree it so.
  • edited December 2010
    A computer scientist is a scientist, but a relatively small percentage of programmers, develoepers, etc. are actually computer scientists.

    For example, Alan Turing and Edsgar Dijkstra were scientists. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not. People like Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and John Carmack are on the borderline.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Anybody who doesn't cry at the end of the first volume of Cross Game does not have a soul.
  • Depends on the science in question. As arealscientist, I can tell you that CS, IT, Pyschology, Anthropology, and Sociology don't count. Also, because Physics and Chemistry are disciplines that arose as a result of the machinery of Biology, Biology is the supreme science and biologists should be regarded with a combination of fear and awe.

    As a self-aggrandizing asshole, I decree it so.
    As an Information Scientist, fuck you!
  • This man is a real scientist.
  • image
    Back off man, I'm a scientist.
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