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  • May I suggest which allow you to skin your device without a clumsy ass case.
  • You may, however they do not have the arts that I want from a device skin.
  • You may, however they do not have the arts that I want from a device skin.
    I believe you can custom.
  • Watched pot. Y U NO BOIL?
  • Pot: I swear this has never happened before.
  • Naked iPhone for four years, no breakages. Plan to have iPhone 5 naked as well.
    My 3G was always naked, and my 4 was for a while before I got this case. I never drop my electronics, but I've come to enjoy having something geeky on the back of my phone and it's often a conversation starter.
    Sail, have I ever mentioned that chiptunes are awesome and I have mad respect for the fact that you do them?
    Ten minutes after I got my 3GS I dropped it and damaged the metal corner. I immediately got a case for it. Since then I've dropped it many times and never had to worry.
  • Naked iPhone for four years, no breakages. Plan to have iPhone 5 naked as well.
    My 3G was always naked, and my 4 was for a while before I got this case. I never drop my electronics, but I've come to enjoy having something geeky on the back of my phone and it's often a conversation starter.
    Sail, have I ever mentioned that chiptunes are awesome and I have mad respect for the fact that you do them?
    Ten minutes after I got my 3GS I dropped it and damaged the metal corner. I immediately got a case for it. Since then I've dropped it many times and never had to worry.
    I keep getting into car accidents, so I bought myself an armored car.
  • Naked iPhone for four years, no breakages. Plan to have iPhone 5 naked as well.
    My 3G was always naked, and my 4 was for a while before I got this case. I never drop my electronics, but I've come to enjoy having something geeky on the back of my phone and it's often a conversation starter.
    Sail, have I ever mentioned that chiptunes are awesome and I have mad respect for the fact that you do them?
    Ten minutes after I got my 3GS I dropped it and damaged the metal corner. I immediately got a case for it. Since then I've dropped it many times and never had to worry.
    I keep getting into car accidents, so I bought myself an armored car.
    Your facetious is showing.
  • Why wear a seatbelt? Just don't get in an accident!
  • Democrat Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong and this is how I am going to fix it when I become President.

    Republicans Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong. How am I going to fix it? Ask me after I become the President.
  • Naked iPhone for four years, no breakages. Plan to have iPhone 5 naked as well.
    My 3G was always naked, and my 4 was for a while before I got this case. I never drop my electronics, but I've come to enjoy having something geeky on the back of my phone and it's often a conversation starter.
    Sail, have I ever mentioned that chiptunes are awesome and I have mad respect for the fact that you do them?
    Ten minutes after I got my 3GS I dropped it and damaged the metal corner. I immediately got a case for it. Since then I've dropped it many times and never had to worry.
    I keep getting into car accidents, so I bought myself an armored car.
    I approve of all reasons to buy an armored car. They're not as expensive as you'd think.
  • Democrat Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong and this is how I am going to fix it when I become President.

    Republicans Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong. How am I going to fix it? Ask me after I become the President.
    Let's be honest; given the state of Congress, those pitches might as well be the same. No plan survives its first encounter with the enemy.

  • Democrat Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong and this is how I am going to fix it when I become President.

    Republicans Campaign pitch: Here is what is wrong. How am I going to fix it? Ask me after I become the President.
    Let's be honest; given the state of Congress, those pitches might as well be the same. No plan survives its first encounter with the enemy.

    Actually, if Republicans can get a Senate majority and the Presidency they could do a lot of damage. The filibuster doesn't prevent changes in tax law when the reconciliation process is used.
  • edited September 2012
    i was at a party where i nearly hooked up with a girl who was really into raw milk and making her own raw butter

    and thats when i knew bros

    thats when i knew i had a problem

    EDIT: Seriously, she knew I'm a biologist, too. I don't know why she thought telling me she drinks straight culture broth was okay. I've got this kind of "dodged pathogen" adrenaline dump like when you get out of your car after an accident.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I liked a couple of atheist related pages on Facebook. Some of the stuff is funny but more and more I'm seeing this serious Muslim hate. I'm not saying Islam should be off limits because they give Christianity shit all the time, but they way the go about it is just as bad as the right-winger Islamophobes. Criticize any religion you want, but have some damn class about it.
  • edited September 2012
    Hatred is silly, but criticism of Islam and of Muslims is important and useful, and there needs to be more of it.

    Such criticism also needs to not be horribly stupid and uninformed, unlike the "film" behind this current uproar.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I find "liking" any religious/anti-religious thing on the internet is a pathway to stupid.
  • I find "liking" any religious/anti-religious thing on the internet is a pathway to stupid.
    /r/atheism is the archetypal example of this.

  • It's a gateway stupid. It seems innocent at first, but before you know it you're hooked on social Darwinism.
  • I find "liking" any religious/anti-religious thing on the internet is a pathway to stupid.
    /r/atheism is the archetypal example of this.

    If you want intelligent religious/anti-religious/both conversation, surround yourself with intelligent people.


    Better yet, keep your religious views to yourself outside of a situation where you are specifically meant to be discussing/partaking in them, and respect other people's opinions and keep yours to yourself.

  • I respect other people and their right to their own opinions, but I will not respect the opinions themselves when they have little to no basis in reality.
  • I just mean if you know someone has a certain belief, going out of your way to mock it around them is rude if you respect the person. Now, if they've used that belief to be rude to people, or say hateful things, that's different. I'm just talking about when you know someone has a belief, but they haven't done anything stupid/hurtful with it. At that point, why bring it up? Some people just aren't sensitive to those things, I suppose.
  • Respecting a person and respecting a belief are two different things. I don't bitch about Wars on Abstract Concepts outside very controlled spaces because it's generally unpleasant for everyone around me, even though I do have opinions on said things. I can't remember who said this, but:
    I hate the Klan. I hate the Nazi party. I hate the KGB, the WBC, and the IRA, but God damn it I can't hate another human being.
  • Well, yeah, that's what I mean. If a person has given you no reason other than their holding of a certain belief to disrespect them, you should respect them and leave that belief out of the conversation.
  • edited September 2012
    This bit by Patton Oswalt neatly sums up my feelings on the idea of "respecting" non-empirical beliefs.

    TL;DL: I have to acknowledge your beliefs, that's all. I don't have to respect someone's "belief" that the earth is flat, and I don't have to respect someone's belief in a deity.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited September 2012
    .50 Shades
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • Well, yeah, that's what I mean. If a person has given you no reason other than their holding of a certain belief to disrespect them, you should respect them and leave that belief out of the conversation.
    Yeah, I was backing you up.
  • I want a new iPhone case because, as much as I've enjoyed having my phone look like a Game Boy for the past year, it doesn't fit well enough which is annoying. Also I've started to feel cheesy having this case now that I perform in front of audiences with a Game Boy on a regular basis.
    Naked iPhone for four years, no breakages. Plan to have iPhone 5 naked as well.
    Literally the only reason I have a case on things is my Kindle (to protect it's screen from the rest of the shit in my backpack) and my phone (because this case has a kickstand that's useful whilst reading/watching Netflix and eating).

    Also, in before someone posts that picture of using your sunglasses as a stand for your phone.
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