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Random Comments



  • Woman!
    Fucking IN deed.
    It is rather WOMAN outside. The complaints are beginning. I can only laugh at the people who didn't live in Rochester beforehand.
  • It is rather WOMAN outside. The complaints are beginning. I can only laugh at the people who didn't live in Rochester beforehand.
    The windchill is WOMAN in Virginia today.
  • Right now it's not so much WOMAN as it is FUCKing all the time.
  • It was WOMAN this morning, but now my big jacket is worthless.
  • It's still WOMAN here.
  • It's alternating between cloyingly humid and warm, to raining like a bastard.
  • To all those in the tropics or Southern hemisphere, fuck you. Feel free to be jelly of us in 4 months or so when the tables turn. Beware the day when I succeed in my plan to make the table never turn back your way.
  • I can only laugh at the people who didn't live in Rochester beforehand.
    Yeah. New York City feels nice and breezy to me after Rochester.
  • 10 degrees around these parts. It's that breezy, leg-numbing chill that forces your balls up into your chest. Bracing, I'd say.
  • I fucking love Rochester's weather.
  • I'm a big fan of winter in general. It brings out the arrogant Viking in me.
  • I had enough winter in Rochester to last me 100 years. It's palm tree time.
  • I like winter because hugs are so much more amazing.
  • I'm a big fan of winter in general. It brings out the arrogant Viking in me.
    Winter makes the Celt in me want to stay in and make babby.
  • edited December 2010
    To all those in the tropics or Southern hemisphere, fuck you. Feel free to be jelly of us in 4 months or so when the tables turn. Beware the day when I succeed in my plan to make the table never turn back your way.
    Four months? Nah. The lowest we get around winter is around 12-15 Celsius during the day - still shirtsleeve weather - and maybe 6-8 at night, and our days don't change length by a huge amount. The climate here is pretty fucking awesome.

    However, I am full effect jelly right now, I miss snow so bad.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • It is not snowing and that's all I care about. I can handle the cold and the rain right now. There are times I think about the beach in Hawaii. It truly is nice and loverly, but I <3 Washington.
  • it would currently be more efficient to traverse my town by dog sled rather than by car at the moment. Two days of nonstop snow and all of it accumulating...
  • I have come to the conclusion that I need to lurk less and add more quality comments.
    That's more or less what I've been telling myself for the past two or three years. I've gotten way too comfortable lurking.
  • edited December 2010
    I'm a big fan of winter in general. It brings out the arrogant Viking in me.
    Winter makes the Celt in me want to stay in and make babby.
    My ancestral inner Goth/German Tribesman forms babby in cold.

    Angry winter babby forming! Mead in the halls! AXE BATTLE IN THE BLIZZARD.

    EDIT: Holy shit, I'm now writing a song called Axe Battle In The Blizzard.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
    That's goddamn metal.
  • My plans to give away this winter are the following:

    A. A cruise through the Mediterranean from Greece to Portugal, and then the part I'm really not looking forward to, up to England.
    B. Two days in England. I don't imagine this will be very warm, but properly warmer than it is here in Berlin.
    C. A cruise across the Atlantic from Madeira to Barbados.
    D. A cruise in the Caribbean.
    E. A cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Brazil, and then all the way up the Amazon to Manaus.
    F. Not sure what happened after that, but I hope to get a cruise to Antarctica. I'll see how it goes.
  • "You see this sword..."
    "I defecate on it!"
  • How to know you have the right job, CS edition: When fixing a bug, the harder it is to figure out what the problem is, the more proud you are of the steps you had to go through to get it done. It's not the fact that you fixed it, it's the amount of hackery you had to go through to fix it.
  • I have the biggest craving for a sardine sandwich. Goddammit, it is Zero degrees Womanheit outside and I am actually considering leaving the Keep to go get tinned sardines.

    Or gado gado curry.
  • Aw, y'all are just pansies anyway. I came back a little while ago from walking to/from B-Lot and NRH in a t-shirt. Anyone from RIT understands this.
  • Aw, y'all are just pansies anyway. I came back a little while ago from walking to/from B-Lot and NRH in a t-shirt. Anyone from RIT understands this.
    Fire drill in the night during the ice storm of 2009. I'm dressed in my Army PT uniform. No shoes. Final Destination.
  • Ramune bottles should contain more Ramune.
  • Ramune bottles should contain more Ramune.
    They need to make forties of Ramune, with the classic Codd-neck.
  • Whoops, found a nipple!
  • Ramune bottles should contain more Ramune.
    They need to make forties of Ramune, with the classic Codd-neck.
    Get on it, Japan.
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