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  • Someday I'll be able to say "As a journalist...".
    Unfortunately, that means next to nothing to most people these days .
    Even less than nothing. I hold professional journalists in the same regard as a poopmeister nowadays.
  • Also, because Physics and Chemistry are disciplines that arose as a result of the machinery of Biology, Biology is the supreme science and biologists should be regarded with a combination of fear and awe.
    The biological machine arose as a result of chemistry in the primordial soup, silly boots! And it all happened because of physics. Which is all math.
  • And it all happened because of physics. Which is all math.
    And Computer Science is just applied math (via physics). Biological Science and Computer Science are equally displaced from the root, as they are both the application of physics. ;^)
  • Even less than nothing. I hold professional journalists in the same regard as a poopmeister nowadays.
    Well, that's your failing. There are some extremely good Journalists out there. The problem is that quite a few seem to head towards the "Whatever sells more copies will get me higher up the ladder and make me more money" path, rather than the "I'm a journalist, so I'm going to do some fucking journalism."
  • Even less than nothing. I hold professional journalists in the same regard as a poopmeister nowadays.
    Well, that's your failing. There are some extremely good Journalists out there. The problem is that quite a few seem to head towards the "Whatever sells more copies will get me higher up the ladder and make me more money" path, rather than the "I'm a journalist, so I'm going to do some fucking journalism."
    We have to change the system so that both of those are the same path.
  • The biological machine arose as a result of chemistry in the primordial soup, silly boots! And it all happened because of physics. Which is all math.
    And biology is the thing that let us understand that. A perfect circle!
  • We have to change the system so that both of those are the same path.
    Scott, From 2006, when we first encountered each other, till right now, we have never fucking agreed more about anything.
  • As a real scientist, I can tell you that CS, IT, Pyschology, Anthropology, and Sociology don't count.
    In that case, these social scientists would say "As an Anthopologist..." or "As an IT professional..." or "As a Psychologist..."
  • Today, I had to learn once again something that is easy to forget, even as a programmer.

    You can't trust other programs to do what they are supposed to do, ever. Not even for things that have well-defined, well-established standards.
  • I find myself being oddly talkative and social today.. I must be taking leave of my senses.
  • I ate too many cookies. Wah.
  • As a convicted criminal, I...
  • As a cop on the edge with nothing to loose..
  • I have listened the the song "King of the Beach" over 40 times over the past two days. Not sure how I feel about that.
    There are certainly worse songs to listen to. And manlier ones too; I've listened to various versions of Okkusenman for hours over the past few days while I worked on homework.
    Fuck you, Wavves is fantastic.
    Taking the Amtrak to Chicago on February 8th to see Wavves and Best Coast. Awesome.
  • Taking the Amtrak to Chicago on February 8th to see Wavves and Best Coast. Awesome.
    There's an awful lot of Aus bands touring stateside now. I saw The Beautiful Girls in October.
  • edited December 2010
    There's an awful lot of Aus bands touring stateside now. I saw The Beautiful Girls in October.
    Oh? Anyone you can list off?
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited December 2010
    Isn't Yolanda Be Cool touring the US? I like their beats, but the only stuff that filters down to the masses here is Guetta remixes, and David Guetta is like the the Anti-Daft Punk. He is everything bad about French House in one sneeringly arrogant individual.

    EDIT: I'm wrong. They just added European dates or something.
    EDIT: Still wrong. Fuck it. Whatever.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    Oh? Anyone you can list off?
    Wavves, Best Coast, The Beautiful Girls, Chiddy Bang, Tame Impala. I would have gone to see Chiddy Bang if I wasn't out of money when they came to town.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited December 2010
    >Best Coast

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • >Australian
    >Best Coast
    Yeah, I was about to say. Both those bands are from southern California, fool.
  • Memo to self: Pick darker greens.
  • Ooh. I keep thinking all the music on Triple J is Australian unless they say otherwise.
  • >Best Coast
  • That's a pretty good coast, but not the best coast.
  • Was pretty sure it was a place there too. I know the names of all kinds of Australian places now without any concept of where they are at all.
  • edited December 2010
    @Churbs: Give me one year, two months.
    That's a pretty good coast, but not the best coast.
    Thanks to my plans, I get to experience all of the coasts that are very good or better!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2010
    Was pretty sure it was a place there too. I know the names of all kinds of Australian places now without any concept of where they are at all.
    It could be worse. I lived in Leeds for two years, but Can I find Yorkshire on a map? The Fuck I can.

    Also, more places in Australia - Rooty hill, Iron Knob, Bald Knob, Binnaway(And now you're back), Boing Boing, Bong bong, Boyland(I can think of a few lads who'd like that place), Burrumbuttock, Chinaman's knob, Cock wash(the name of both a town and a creek), Cockburn, Come By Chance(Not if I'm there, Sugar), Dismal Swamp(In Tasmania, of course), Eggs and Bacon Bay, Humpty Doo, Kerang, Humpybong, Innaloo, Mount Buggery, Nowhere Else, Pimpinbudgie, The End of the World, Tittybong, Tom Ugly, Useless Loop, Wee Waa, Wineglass Bay, Wonglepong, Woolloomooloo, Yackandandah, And of course, A town named after a Yorkshire Born fisherman, Yorkie's Knob.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • They're all like: here's this cool stuff happening in Brissy/Gold Coast/Pearth/Adelaide/Other places it would be generally irresponsible for me try to go to things at. They're also all in the future and I don't want to fuck around with time travel.
  • >Australian
    >Best Coast
    >doesn't know the right color
    >I do
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