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  • I just realized - I applied for an audition for a production of Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision, and I know pretty much fucking nothing about eurovision, except that Ireland hosted it for ages. And I have to pretend to be Bosnian.

  • What's the worst that could happen?
  • edited November 2012
    What's the worst that could happen?
    I beat out about 200 other applicants, get the gig and have a host's role resting on my shoulders before anyone realizes I have no fucking idea what I'm doing and that I'm just a charming hack.

    I'm not even joking this sort of thing has happened more than once before.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I just realized - I applied for an audition for a production of Eurobeat: Almost Eurovision, and I know pretty much fucking nothing about eurovision, except that Ireland hosted it for ages. And I have to pretend to be Bosnian.
    Oi, lemme catch you up:


  • ...I think you've got this in the bag, Churbs. *thumbs up*
  • edited November 2012
    The hilarious part is that the auditions don't concern me in the slightest. Most people fear the rejection, but it's not a rejection, they're not saying you're no good, they're saying "You're not right for THIS role in particular." No, I'm panicking because...I don't even know. This is just how it goes EVERY TIME. I mean, I literally went for this because someone asked directly for me saying essentially "I know you by your work and reputation, please do this, and you have fans who would like to see you do this" MY REPUTATION IS ABOMINABLE AND I DON'T HAVE FANS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well shit, looks like we need to start your fanclub now.

    For the sake of seeing you accidentally doing this, I would wear a shirt with your face on it.
  • edited November 2012
    The only appropriate depiction on that shirt that we can figure from this and FNPL is I'd have to be wearing an expression of wide-eyed giggling terror meeting everything, as Adam put it, schwantz first.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • All you need to know is that no one likes Britain and its all really creepy to watch. From there you should be fine.
  • I hope you would just stare at the camera slack-jawed the ENTIRE TIME.
  • How the fuck does being Bosnian factor in?

  • Bosian and stats like that often do quite well. There are a lot of old politic blocks that form as everyone pals up to each other. As no one like Britain we often do badly.
  • How the fuck does being Bosnian factor in?
    Here's a synopsis:

    "Eurobeat, the glorious stage musical that celebrates everything we love and cringe about every time we watch the Eurovision Song Contest, heralds the dawn of the interactive musical as the audience vote for their favorite song via text messaging.

    Set in Sarajevo, who have somehow won the rights to host this year's competition. Every audience member will be assigned to one of the ten competing countries as they enter the venue with a badge so it doesn’t matter if you are from Queensland tonight you are from the country you're given, so get used to it! Don't forget – you can’t vote for your own country although there is nothing to stop you bribing others.

    Competing countries are (in order of appearance):

    And of course, I'm going for the Hosting role as Sergei, one of your two hosts for for the wonderful host country Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    I'm also required to have a pop song for the audition, which is so far being a slight trouble, as unlike so many of the young men in pop nowdays, I don't sing like a castrato, and I know nothing about pop.

    I may also have to eat a raw turnip on stage. But THAT, I can manage.

  • Song suggestions:

  • I'm surprised San Gimignano hasn't seen any major conflicts. WWII rolled right through Tuscany and it occupies a pretty strong defensive position.
  • Churba, don't worry about not knowing anything about Eurovision if you are hosting. A common theme of the live shows is the hosts being a bit clueless.
  • Churba, don't worry about not knowing anything about Eurovision if you are hosting. A common theme of the live shows is the hosts being a bit clueless.
    Thanks Luke. And everyone else, too. I'm alright now, it's all just settled to a kind of low-level quibbling terror that I get for a while before every audition. It ebbs and flows, but it tends to go away right before the audition, when I'm right there and about to do the thing. And then comes back full force afterwards, usually - as I pointed out before - genuine terror that I'll get the part. But I'll keep my mouth shut when that bit comes by.

    It's weird, I think. The whole time before and after - both auditions and the performance - I'm thinking I'll fuck it up, I've got no chance, I'm just a hack but nobody else has quite cottoned on yet. The seconds beforehand, right as I step out or right before the spots come on, it all just...goes away. Don't think about it, don't worry, I just do what I'm there to do and what I'm meant to do, and it works out how it works out. Too late to worry and too late to stop, just press the throttle flat and go like fuck. And after that, it's a lot less of a problem - I know what I can do better, and I give myself a little stick, but nothing too harsh, it's mostly constructive. And then we repeat the cycle again.

    I don't know, I guess it's why I never take it too seriously. If I tried to take it seriously as some people I've known do, I suspect I'd eat myself alive, eventually. Hell, let alone doing it for money, I could never do what you do, Luke, not without burning out in a year, max.

    But all of this is just a random side-bounce from what you said, which is a good tip. I've been checking out some eurovisions from years past, and it's just like you say - the hosts are often a bit clueless, and more than a little awkward to boot. Funny as hell, though, I think I'm starting to really like it.
  • I'm at my parents house which means TV. Watching James Bond movie marathon on Syfy. Just saw commercial for original TV movie - D&D: Book of Vile Darkness. WTF. Who makes this shit, and who watches it?
  • Poor, poor Syfy. That just sounds upsetting.
  • I usually hate Thanksgiving, but yesterday turned out rather nice. I liked the food, my family wasn't overly obsessive, I found out my little cousins(aged 8 and 10) are super into Harry Potter now, and I reconnected with an old friend. Quite a lovely day overall.
  • edited November 2012
    Both sides of my family are at war with themselves more or less.

    Also I probably didn't help anything by picking fights with them when one said they wouldn't vote for Romney because he was a mormon and wouldn't vote for Obama because he's black.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I'm at my parents house which means TV. Watching James Bond movie marathon on Syfy. Just saw commercial for original TV movie - D&D: Book of Vile Darkness. WTF. Who makes this shit, and who watches it?
    At least they didn't make it The Book of Erotic Fantasy.

  • I'm at my parents house which means TV. Watching James Bond movie marathon on Syfy. Just saw commercial for original TV movie - D&D: Book of Vile Darkness. WTF. Who makes this shit, and who watches it?
    At least they didn't make it The Book of Erotic Fantasy.
    I cant help but imagine the book of erotic fantasy movie would be some sort of nature documentary on courtship and mating habits of various fantasy races narrated by Morgan freeman.
  • I'm at my parents house which means TV. Watching James Bond movie marathon on Syfy. Just saw commercial for original TV movie - D&D: Book of Vile Darkness. WTF. Who makes this shit, and who watches it?
    At least they didn't make it The Book of Erotic Fantasy.

    Or Nymphology.
  • I'm at my parents house which means TV. Watching James Bond movie marathon on Syfy. Just saw commercial for original TV movie - D&D: Book of Vile Darkness. WTF. Who makes this shit, and who watches it?
    At least they didn't make it The Book of Erotic Fantasy.
    I cant help but imagine the book of erotic fantasy movie would be some sort of nature documentary on courtship and mating habits of various fantasy races narrated by Morgan freeman.
    I'd watch the ever loving shit out of that.

  • edited November 2012
    I just realized, at 18 I might be above median anime character age.

    EDIT: I'd like to see a chart of average age of main characters by season for the past couple decades.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • edited November 2012
    Playing Guns of Icarus again makes me want to build a remote control airship. I'm thinking RC zeppelin + model boat + three props and speed controllers.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I just realized, at 18 I might be above median anime character age.

    EDIT: I'd like to see a chart of average age of main characters by season for the past couple decades.
    Considering shows I've seen where if you're older than 17 you can't keep your magical powers anymore... yeah. Welcome to the age between being an anime protaganist and being a hollywood action hero.

  • Playing Guns of Icarus again makes me want to build a remote control airship. I'm thinking RC zeppelin + model boat + three props and speed controllers.
    with nerf/airsoft cannons?

  • edited November 2012
    That would require pan/tilt servo modules and electric airsoft guns, which would increase the weight so much that it would have to be A LOT bigger than without. Building that would be the MkII and would probably have to be a commission from MUSE games themselves. As it is, it would take a 10'x3' type c blimp to lift almost 3lbs, including the blimp itself.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
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