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  • edited November 2012
    I figured the professor meant actually going to find mushrooms to get high off one's tits.
    Post edited by Jack Draigo on
  • I figured the professor meant actually going to find mushrooms to get high off one's tits.
    That's probably what he meant, and what he has actually done. I know enough about mushrooms to have laughed quietly under my breath, but I also imagined that song.
  • FRCF "mushroom hunting" Lets do this.
  • This will end badly.
  • FRCF "mushroom hunting" Lets do this.
    It's all you. Make sure to put this in the "Youtube videos you have made" thread.
  • edited November 2012
    FRCF "mushroom hunting" Lets do this.
    It's all you. Make sure to put this in the "Youtube videos you have made" thread.
    This. I'm not sure that I want to try psychedelic mushrooms, but I am 100% sure that I want to watch someone try psychedelic mushrooms.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • FRCF "mushroom hunting" Lets do this.
    It's all you. Make sure to put this in the "Youtube videos you have made" thread.
    This. I'm not sure that I want to try psychedelic mushrooms, but I am 100% sure that I want to watch someone try psychedelic mushrooms.
    This will just end up being a group of people with note pads watching someone flail around for a couple of hours.

  • I know someone who took a genetics exam while on mushrooms, so there probably won't be much flailing. That said, she dropped out of college to become a makeup artist and is now a full-time employee at one of Chicago's most famous sex shops, so YMMV.
  • You can be our guide, WUB.
  • edited November 2012
    Just found out one of the smartest guys in my graduating class now deals coke and weed. Hmm...
    Oddly enough, most of the drug dealers/former drug dealers I know are extremely intelligent people.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • edited November 2012
    Just found out one of the smartest guys in my graduating class now deals coke and weed. Hmm...
    Oddly enough, most of the drug dealers/former drug dealers I know are extremely intelligent people.
    Yes, the smart people deal. Their customers on the other hand...

    Have we told the story of the girl who walked into our apartment in college uninvited and said "wanna buy some 'shrooms?"

    There, I just told it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited November 2012
    I'd say that the mushroom (and more generally, hallucinogenic) users I've met tend more towards intelligence, with 20% of them are really incredibly brilliant people whose drug use doesn't interfere with their work or thought processes. Lots of them are now promising grad students.

    That said, I know a few people who got really interested in hallucinogens and are now totally worthless for just about anything.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • That said, I know a few people who got really interested in hallucinogens and are now totally worthless for just about anything.
  • edited November 2012
    You can be our mushroom spirit guide, WUB.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Just found out one of the smartest guys in my graduating class now deals coke and weed. Hmm...
    Oddly enough, most of the drug dealers/former drug dealers I know are extremely intelligent people.
    I've known two drug dealers. One of them is an amateur chemically, but that's because he uses very little of what he gets; he's mostly a finance guy. The other was the smartest and least successful person I've met in my life. He could have taught half the classes he failed. He came back to school to hang out with friends on Halloween ("what are they going to do, lower my conduct grade?") and took a quiz for an AP Modern European History class he sat in on. Got above average, having read none of the assigned material. Dude had an amazing combination of mental reaction time with processing power.

    He not only understood the effects of what he was dealing with, but also the gravity of it. During one of my depressive episodes, he wanted to help me out. After checking my vitals, he came to the conclusion that he shouldn't help me because I was too unstable. Dude was a fucking pro.
  • edited November 2012
    You can be our mushroom spirit guide, WUB.
    Hey, I am 100% down to trip sit for anyone who needs it. Safe, sane, sensible hallucinogen use, kids. You don't want to be this kid I went to school with, who took acid at Lollapalooza and then tried to fight CPD officers because he "thought they were demons."

    This is one of the aforementioned burnouts.
    He not only understood the effects of what he was dealing with, but also the gravity of it. During one of my depressive episodes, he wanted to help me out. After checking my vitals, he came to the conclusion that he shouldn't help me because I was too unstable. Dude was a fucking pro.
    I'm mildly interested in trying mushrooms because I hear they work wonders on depression[1], but I don't have the support network in place right now in terms of trip sitters and aftercare, so I'm going to wait a while.

    1. Carhart-Harris et al., 2011 Neural correlates of the psychedelic state as
    determined by fMRI studies with psilocybin.
    , PNAS, vol. 109, no. 6.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I'd read that opiates in small quantities could be used to treat it with less frequent use.

    Also, my brain translated psilocybin as "that drug Hunter gave Ralph at the Kentucky Derby."
  • edited November 2012
    I would like to try mushrooms or acid sometime, but only when I was with people that I know trust and know I wouldn't have a bad trip with.
    I'd read that opiates in small quantities could be used to treat it with less frequent use.
    I know when I tried some Kratom (which works with opiate receptors) it definitely seemed to help me. It wasn't really ever a "I'm so high sldkhfosidhfs" kind of thing. Mostly just happier and relaxed.

    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • I'd read that opiates in small quantities could be used to treat it with less frequent use.
    I know when I tried some Kratom (which works with opiate receptors) it definitely seemed to help me. It wasn't really ever a "I'm so high sldkhfosidhfs" kind of thing. Mostly just happier and relaxed.
    That was my understanding.
  • All of this Mega Millions crap is really turning me from someone ambivalent to the lottery to someone vehemently opposed to its current practice.
  • All of this Mega Millions crap is really turning me from someone ambivalent to the lottery to someone vehemently opposed to its current practice.
    Well, you should feel good. Mega Millions jackpot is small. The Powerball is the one that is going crazy right now.
  • I was looking for random .png image files of Dominion cards and found this website.

    The post was made a day before my birthday. Coincidence, but just really weird.
  • I bought one ticket and won $4!
  • If I win the powerball lottery, I would probably end up giving a lot of the money to various charities. I honestly don't know what I would do with that money, aside from make it so I don't have to work ever again.

    Although I probably would still work, because fuck boredom.
  • I'd invest the money so I'd really never have to work ever again. Move to NYC with the rest of my friends. Then just chill and play video games and hone my cooking skills.
  • I feel like if someone quits their job/career because they won the lottery, it means they didn't really like their job/career in the first place. I really like what I do. Its not my biggest passion in life, but I still enjoy what I do. So I wouldn't quit my job right away if I suddenly had all of teh moneys. But I'd probably leave eventually and look into finding a better position at an even better job at an even better company, since with the money to back me up, I'd have nothing to fear and could take the risk. If I ever got tired of my career, I have toyed with the idea of making costumes (for myself and commissions) full time. Or if I was doomed to be a stay at home mom for some absurd reason, I'd totally make costumes all day. >_>
  • I would quit any job, no matter how awesome, if I won the lottery.
  • I would quit any job, no matter how awesome, if I won the lottery.
    But would you remain as the idle rich? Or would you perhaps use your new found wealth and free time to start your own company instead?
  • I would quit any job, no matter how awesome, if I won the lottery.
    What if you job was paying you to do something that you would do even if you didn't have to work?
  • I would quit any job, no matter how awesome, if I won the lottery.
    Which makes me wonder why people who earn mega money continue to work after they make millions. After winning millions I wouldn't buy more lotto tickets.

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