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  • That would require pan/tilt servo modules and electric airsoft guns, which would increase the weight so much that it would have to be A LOT bigger than without. Building that would be the MkII and would probably have to be a commission from MUSE games themselves. As it is, it would take a 10'x3' type c blimp to lift almost 3lbs, including the blimp itself.
    Airsoft guns? Pointlessly fancy. You could do it with an air-line with an in-line magazine, and a remote actuated butterfly valve. And if you were keeping them at a reasonable velocity like I wouldn't, you'd need a tiny, tiny gas tank for it.
  • I can't tell if my antisocial tendencies are aiding or damaging my stress level anymore.
  • When I see any new movie trailer of late, I analyze it for the various social messages it is conveying/imposing on the public and in most cases I find it highly offensive. Further, I find the near constant reliance on violent imagery as a source of entertainment not only dull, but genuinely horrific-particularly in light of the lack of images of real violence wrought by the various wars and armed conflicts in mass media.
  • edited November 2012
    Here's a movie trailer where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts and you might pop a boner:

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Oh yeah, my friend and I entered a contest put out for that movie to remix the trailer. I did an AMV style job with the first bit of it.
  • You seem to have gotten some Man With No Name into that Django. Not that I'm complaining.
  • My brother is in South America for a year, and he has one of those giant Sumo beanbags for two people. He never uses it even when he's on this continent, so I brought it back to my apartment to use in my bedroom.

    Love this thing, cannot wait to have sex on it.
  • The moment you said there existed a beanbag for two people I thought of that. I'm glad there was consensus on this issue.
  • Hey Walking Dead, way to have a double barrel make a pump shotgun cocking noise.
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by Axel on
  • edited November 2012
    img src, not href.
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited November 2012
    Thank you for fixing my sloppy HTML.
    I remember now that Href is for links.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • You seem to have gotten some Man With No Name into that Django. Not that I'm complaining.
    It was all part of the assets pack they gave us.
  • I just about died at that Game Grumps this morning.
  • It is just so fantastic.
  • image

    This seems like it will be useful at some point, but I have no idea when.
  • edited November 2012
    Wierd, I think I have that exact same image in my imgur.

    Also, I have a picture of The Mighty Van.


    And the interior, from the rear. Big bag looking thing is the waterproof bag that I keep my swag in - the bedroll on the right. That's right, my van has tangible swag. Small toolbox that I've had for years up the front, it's still got Air Liquide stickers on it, from when Air Liquide was Air Liquide and not just The Liquid Air corporation.Further on is the fold-down rear seat, and then the business end.

    Also, ignore the fact that my driver's side mirror is taped in with packing tape.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • That is a pretty sweet looking van.
  • That is a pretty sweet looking van.
    The stance on the suspension is fucking ludicrously aggressive. That driveway is pretty much flat - it does tilt, but towards the camera, not in such a way that would give The Mighty Van such a nose-down stance.
  • Walmart's response to the Black Friday protests in 46 states:
  • That is a pretty sweet looking van.
    The stance on the suspension is fucking ludicrously aggressive. That driveway is pretty much flat - it does tilt, but towards the camera, not in such a way that would give The Mighty Van such a nose-down stance.
    It looks like it's getting ready to pounce on a lesser car.

  • It looks like it's getting ready to pounce on a lesser car.
    So, pretty much every car. Except Omar's sweet old machine, which gets respect knucks.

  • It looks like it's getting ready to pounce on a lesser car.
    So, pretty much every car. Except Omar's sweet old machine, which gets respect knucks.

    I can imagen them hanging out front periodically roughing up the odd sports car and flirting with a people carrier.

  • edited November 2012
    The odd thing about the van, is that nobody who has ridden in it dislikes it. It looks like a ratty old van, it's dodgy, it's loud, it rattles and shakes and carries on like an old washerwoman - But it has this weird sort of charm to it that just makes people love it. Even I don't know why, it just is.

    Cruising in the summer sun, windows down, music turned up, just rocking down the road, and for some reason, you forget everything bad, all is right in the world, and it feels like an adventure. That bit that fell off isn't a worry, it's something to laugh about - if it wasn't properly secured, it wasn't important anyway. The stereo is ratty and so old that the buttons have no markings on them, they're all worn off, but with the music going, the wind and the engine, it sounds like a carnival concert.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Its both looks and sounds awesome. The whole vibe that it just trundles along at its own pace not really rushing but just getting there and enjoying the ride. That and its a van, you can have so much fun with a van!
  • edited November 2012
    Its both looks and sounds awesome. The whole vibe that it just trundles along at its own pace not really rushing but just getting there and enjoying the ride. That and its a van, you can have so much fun with a van!

    It sure as hell is nice, as a tall guy, to have a vehicle that I can stretch out and sleep in. More than once have I driven up the mountain, raised the back door, and just stretched out in the back with a book and my pipe, just smoking and reading.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Its both looks and sounds awesome. The whole vibe that it just trundles along at its own pace not really rushing but just getting there and enjoying the ride. That and its a van, you can have so much fun with a van!
    It sure as hell is nice, as a tall guy, to have a vehicle that I can stretch out and sleep in. More than once have I driven up the mountain, raised the back door, and just stretched out in the back with a book and my pipe, just smoking and reading.
    That sounds like the best thing ever, of all time. I look to be having to get a van or similar vehicle in the near feature and that is a big selling point.

  • Comments thread on this article miffed me a bit:

    Apparently a lot of people arguing over whether Jesus was a historical person or a fictional character. I always assumed the former, but never put any work into it as I wasn't particularly concerned. I assume this fight doesn't exist for Muhammad.
  • Actually, most of the scholarship I've seen comes down in favor of Jesus being fictional, with his followers coming from a kind of merger between a few other Messianic cults including that of John the Baptist and a Joseph, who are much more likely to have existed.
  • There were lots of people named Jesus. There doesn't seem to be any evidence for a single historical figure named Jesus who built up a large following, was crucified, etc.
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